☆Chapter 14

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PaperJam's POV

I quickly ran home to tell dad what happen. this is the first time I saw a thing like that. and I will find who save me, and thanked it. but seriously...who was that?

I'm so curious about that girl. as if I saw her and feel her presence before, do I know her? I want to know more.
Third Person View

once you open the door to the living room, you saw your both brothers talking.

Andrei Looked at you, "it was your friend. good thing I made it in time." you said which made him feel relief, "PJ Or BP?" he asked "PaperJam." you simply said. "did he saw your face?" he asked, you shook your head to 'no' as he nodd.

"I'm going to bed." you said as you walk upstairs "aren't you gonna eat?" Avix Asked, "I'm already full..." you said as you took a bare left, to your room.

"Im Sure PaperJam's gonna tell the whole school about it." Andrei said "wait. is he popular?" Avix asked as Andrei nodd in response. "ohkay."

"Wait...So your saying that PJ got attacked last night by Koro?" fresh asked Alphys "Yeah, the news really got out fast. especially, PJ is really popular. from what I heard, someone saved him, it said it was a girl. weird is it not?" Alphys explained.

"Watchu guys talking about?" you said, with a goofy grin of course. thus made them feel new to them, "What? is there something wrong? can't I act non cold expression today?" you said, which made them nodd as they greet you with good mornings.

"There's PJ!"

"Wow...it seems like nothing really happen to him."

"Yeah that because he just got saved by someone.lol"

you heard them whispering. good thing PJ  didn't see your face. you gotta keep your secret...or something bad will happen.

you secretly smirk. PJ's expression last night was priceless.

you turn your face on your nerd friends, they were looking at PJ as if they want to ask what he saw.

but really now, once you saw a Koro, it will hunt you. good luck to PJ tho. hope he will survive...

you thought as you smirk...


kill meh


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