♡Chapter 18

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"Hey Chara!" I greeted him, he looks at me while munching a chocolate, "what?" He asked as he slightly glared at me, I smile "you want to see (Name) again right?" I said, he stop eating his chocolate and look at me seriously, I think he ment yes on this one "eheh, knew it. Well you see..." I was about to speak when his friend appear, he was drinking a water, he looks at Chara then me, once his eyes landed on me he blush?

"Hey horror..." Chara greeted him, and sign a hi so is me, Chara turn his head to me, "so you were say--" he was cut off when my phone rang "nah, maybe later. Gotta answer this.

Third person view

You call Andy, just cause. No particular reason at all! Well, you need to ask her something tho your friends with her since childhood. And she might know about your friend. I mean, it was your friend. And maybe you've seen them before! So why not try questioning Andy? She might know something.

After a couple of minutes she answered,

"Hey! Wazzup?"

"Hey need to ask you about something..."

"Well? What is it?"

"Well...I have a friend when we were kids, and I'm really curious of who they are. And I'm asking you if you know them since I'm friends with you since childhood..."

"Oh...yeah I know him! He's actually with me right now."

"Really?! I mean, where are you now?"

"Where...hmm...Hey dude! Where are we now?"

Andy asked his friend on the line.

"Where at Hatch-Potch café."

Respond of a male voice, which you can clearly remember but shrug it.

"Where at Hatch-Potch café, do you know where it is?"

"Yeah, I actually remember that place. Be right there~!"

You sang as you cut the call, you head out. Wearing a black cap, white T-shirt and leggings, with a black converse.

"Hey sis! Where yah going?" Avix asked, "Somewhere." You said as you really head out of the house. You try to remember the way to that café, and you made it! But fresh actually saw you.

Third person on Andy

"Who was that?" Chara asked, I look at him. I don't want to ruin the big surprise so I'm just gonna use my thing, "it's my boyfriend." I said, I can clearly see Horror frown for awhile but then gone for a less than a second. Weird.

"I didn't know someone could love you." Chara said teasingly, an irk mark appear on my forehead, "oooh! Look who's talking! Only dogs could fall for someone like you!" I spat back at him, an irk mark appear on his forehead as we glare at each other.

They look like this to be exact:

"You shut up." -Chara

"I will shut up when you shut up." -Andy

"What was that?"-Chara

"Only a dog could fall for you?" -Andy

"Grr..." Chara growled when suddenly someone hit the table making the both look at horror, horror seems Pissed since he want a quiet place, "Will you two shut the f!ck up..?" He said, making the both look like this:

"Okay we will~" you two said in unison. Making horror sigh in relief.

{You're POV before entering the café}

"Fresh? What are you doing here?" You asked, he looked at me, I didn't know hut I blush a bit when he flash a smile on me, "This is where I mostly hang out when it's weekend..." he said, "what are you doing here?" He asked back, "well, I'm here to meet a friend!" I said in a very cheery tone, "then? What are we waiting here for? Let get in!" He said as its just nodd with him me following behind. I'm so excited to meet my childhood friend.

Once we enter fresh stop, and look at a group "what are they doing here?" He said, he seems to be talking to him self. I wave my hand in front of him as he snap out, "oh...sorry..." he said as he look down, I spotted my cousin with two boys with her, my eyes landed on a boy I had bump in earlier at school, I sweat.

"Those are the delinquents...well except for Andy." Fresh said, I look confuse at him "what do you mean?" I asked, he lead me to a table at the corner where those delinquents including my cousin won't see me. We sat down.

"Well, Andy use to just hang out with them, since Chara and her are good friends, including horror." Fresh explain, what weirded you out is, how did fresh know when Andy had her first day today?

"How did you know that?" I asked, "Alphys of course! Told you she's a geek, and a but of a stalker if she's curious about that person." Fresh said which made you nodd in process, "stay here, in just gonna chat a bit with them. I said to my cousin that I would come." I said as I stand up from my seat as fresh nodd.

Third person view

You approaches they're table, Andy notices you and beam a smile. Which you return, "hey (Nickname)!" She greeted, horror looked at you and sign hi, while Chara. Chara wasn't looking at you he was ignoring you, Andy notices and gave you her seat, which was in front of Chara, Andy sat beside horror.

"So, Chara and (Name). You two want to meet your childhood friends right?" She Said which made you both look at her, as horror, was eating.

The both gave her a confuse look "well, you and Chara are childhood friends..."






Turn around kid, it'd be a crime,
If I would to go back on a promise that I made for you,
So don't step over that line,
Or else friend you're gonna have a bad time~

But guys like you are always just fools!
Come with me try to kill me with you fancy tools!
So let's go now the room get chiller...
Lets go just another killer~

Go ahead just hit me since your able,
We know my determination is unstable,
I'm not really mad because I keep on dying,
But I don't even know why I'm trying~

You're not gonna win we'll be here together!
Fighting in this judgment hall forever!
I know you'll just reset,
Each time I meet yah, but ill always be right back here to beat yah~

I am made o-o-o-o-o-of lo-o-o-o-ove


Cause I am stronger than you!

Lo-o-o-o-ove! X2

I know who you are~
You remember who I am?
We know that once in a time line,
We have grown to be good friends,
But then I killed you brother without giving him a chance~
Everytime you throw me down,
I hope you kill me once again~

Go ahead and try to hit if your able,
Guess you figure out the mercy's off the table

I'm not really mad because I keep on dying,
But I don't even know why I'm trying!
This isn't what I want,
Yet it's what I asked for!
Curiosity over all my morals!
I took away your perfect happy ending,
Reseting the world, despite the warnings,

I am made o-o-o-o-o-of lo-o-o-o-ove
I am stronger than you!
But I'll give up for you...

Keep scrolling not trolling promise

Ehehehe the lyrics took me long to remember.

If you know Chara frisk sans stronger than you parody, you know what are the lyrics ;)

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