|¤|Chapter 24|¤|

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I can't talk, I just can't. I want to be lonely for once. Away from all the people. To re-think why did that happen to my cousin. My favorite cousins.

"(Name)...will you talk to us? It's weird without you talking around." Avix said, "we know what happen, but we're here for you. Talk to us..." he said as he place his hand on my shoulder, "remember what Andy said? Smile when anything around you is breaking down." Avix said, I looked at him. He Chuckle, "I guess all of us had the same dream huh?" He said, as he look up the sky with a smile. Me and Andrei did the same, "I just want sometime alone..." I manage to Said, they both look at me with a smile, "we'll give you time, then come back inside if you want someone to talk to." Andrei said, I nodd.

They went down to the roof, leaving me all alone sitting there.

Tears fall down into my eyes down to my cheeks, Andy, Karma, and they're parents. Died in one day, and tomorrow is they're funeral...

I don't want to let them go, I just--...I'm just too...too...

"Hey...(Name)..." some voice said, I look where it came from and saw Chara, with black T-Shirt and black jeans. So is his converse.

I wipe my tears as he sat down beside me, "I know you want some time alone, but I really want to check if you're okay..." he said, as he also look at the view, "I'm sure gonna miss her goofing around..." he said, I nodd "yeah...me...me too..." I Said as tears started to drop into my eye. Chara scoot his way beside me, and starts to comfort me.

"It'll be fine, I know that you know that Andy's watching us right now..." he said as he hug you.


You both head downstairs to meet you're nerd friends.

Once fresh saw you all sad, and crying. He quickly run towards you and Chara.

You were surprise that you have been hug by fresh. Chara on the other hand, was glaring at fresh, the gang of nerd notice this and just sweat nervously.

"I'm sorry about Andy..." fresh said as he look at you consern, you sigh and sat down with them.

"Condolence..." -alphys

"Me too.." blooky and papyrus.

"We're sure gonna miss her..." papyrus said as he sigh, "yeah....I feel super sad right now..." blooky said in a depressing way, all of them including Chara, wore black t-shirt.

"Well, tomorrow is our last goodbye to her, so let's get ready." Chara said, the nerds agree on him, while me still looking at my phone, with her and me on the picture.

I'm sure going to miss her...


Four coffins. Four coffins ready to be buried down into the ground, not ready to say goodbye to them.

You only have meet her and be with her for 1 month and now she's been taken from you, again.

You're never going to hear her shout about things, even her goofing around all the time.

This is it. It's time to say goodbye to you're sister-figure cousin.


Everyone was crying, covering they're mouth from preventing to shout. Some of them wear black glasses, you're meet other cried for her sister as you're father comfort her.

This isn't what you want, you want to see her alive and breathing. Smiling at you, talking to you, laughing with you. But i guess all of those things are gone. Gone by the end of time.

It started to rain as people took out they're umbrella to cover the sleeves from the heavy rain

The atmosphere feels heavy, more than heavy. It feels like all the problems all over the world drop to that spot where you are right now.

You didn't bother to cover you're self, you decline every offer they give you,

You wanted to cry in the rain, so that nobody could see you're pain...

You just let it fall from you're cheeks.

You wanted to give up, go home cry under yours pillow and won't go outside until you move on.

I guess in not going to school tomorrow...heh...


<go on, hate me. (If you are) I don't even know. I fell so down when I'm writing my story. And you know what? In so evil! Cause not to mention I'm killing my own creation! Like killing my oc's! Evil as satanya eh? (If you don't know her, she's an anime character from Gabriel drop out) oh and bye! Hope you like this (tho this is not too much :3) >

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