❗💢Chapter 26💢❗

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You're that one of a heck person who changes personality quickly.

It's already august. It's the month were school is going to be busy, and if I mean busy. Really busy.

"Morning sis--" Avix was cut off when you slam his on the table.

"Uhh...you okay?" Andrei asked with his eye brow raised.

"Yup...I'm okay..." Avix grunt in pain, while giving a thumbs up.

"Not talking to you dumbass." Andrei said sternly with a glare, he turn his head towards and saw you eating you're food.

"You okay (Name)?" He asked once again.

"Does it look like?!" You shouted, slamming you hand onto the table, Avix Shot his head up as Andrei quickly shut his mouth.

You got up from the chair and storm out of the room. What the hell is up to you?


"What happen to (Name)?" Avix asked as he rub his head, as he put a band aid on it.

"Don't know, but get you're first aid ready cause you're the one who's gonna get all of her sadistic personality." Andrei explained as he help Avix putting his band aid on his head.

"Yeah bruh" he said with his eyes roll.

"I'm serious."

"Yeah okay." He said as he starts eating chocolate.

¤~Time Skip~¤

Entering the corridors, every student was looking at you.

You look like and angry mob looking for a fight. Are you on you're period?

Everyone stop out of the way incase you're in beastmode.

No one has seen you this angry before, who knows what you could do?

But here's the thing. No one should dare to talk to you.


Goth's POV

I saw (Name) walking, and it's on its way to me.

I was about to greet her good morning when someone stop me.

I turn around to see her brother, Andrei.

I frown for awhile but then he spoke.

"If you wanna keep you're HP clear. Don't talk to her." He said as he take his leave not even saying goodbye.

I got confuse for a moment.

Is he saying that I should stay away from (Name)? But that's impossible! It's hard to stay to someone you love--(almost got a 'hugot' there) wait, what did I just thought about?

(N-Name) is my friend! Nothing more! Besides she younger than me by two years.

But age doesn't matter when it comes to love right?

I was brought back on my reality when I saw (Name) just walk pass by me without looking nor saying hello.

What was that? Did I just felt a sudden cold down to my spine.

I turn forward to see all the students looking forward at (Name), and they seemed scared about it.

What is happening today?

Nightmares POV

I check on Avix grade on history. And it didn't even change a single bit.

I need to have a talk with (Name) about this, and i need to apologize on what happen yesterday.

Ink understands my illness that I couldn't control my power and that I could hurt someone.

I went to the audio room, on where they announced something.

I told cray to call for (Name), and go to the history class/room.

Cray nodd as he did what I was told.

Paging for Miss (Name). Mister nightmare said to meet him at his history class.

He repeat it two times.

Then after that, I decided to check muffet. But when I got there, I saw no one except her cookies.

I really love those...cookies of her.

Going out of her office, I went to mine to check if (Name) was there. And gladly she's there! But she's sitting on the chair impatiently.

Inhaling, as I turn my face into a sternly one.

Third persons view

NM cleared hus throat taking you're attention there.

You slightly glare at him with a growl.

"Make it faster. I got a lot to do." You said very rudely, not caring if it's a teacher you're talking to.

NM sigh, "that's very rude (Name)--"

"Make it faster will you?" You interrupt his words while glaring at him, he sweat nervously.

He sat down at hus table, with a sigh, "what did i talk about your brother?" He asked with a slight of stern in his voice.

"Yeah, I remember." You said while you cross your arms.

"Well, his grades--"

"Yeah, didn't changed. I know that shit! So if you'll excuse me. I'm leaving." You said, as you stand up from the chair, rudely.

NM had enough of it.

He slam the door closed, as lights were turned off.

"Where's you're manners (Name)?" He asked with a glare, his one eye glowing.

He heard clanging sounds, and When the lights were back on. He saw you holding a scythe.

You swiftly run in front of him, and close the blade on his neck. His eyes turn back to normal to black one.

His pupils were gone, and it's staring at you lifelessly.

"Never shut a door in front of me. Ever again." You said while you're eyes were glowing purple.

You let the scythe to turn into dust, as you walk out of the room. Leaving NM furious.

"What has happen to you?" He grumble under his breath as you take you're leave.

Just how savage are you?


To be continue....

I got nothing to say

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