\|♡Chapter 27♡|/

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third person view

after going from school cause of that 'incident' that had happen. you lay down to your bed, re-thinking what had happen.

and  guilty came up, and stung you like a bee.

thinking of apologizing to your teacher, you ignore playing games on your computer.

after a couple of minutes your phone rang making you answer it quickly, why we're you so excited about someone calling you?

you clear your throat,"h-hello?"

[Hey there...]

"Uh, who is this?"

[Is that something important? look, why are you like this?]

you process the persons voice, and for some reason it's Chara! how did he know you number.

you chuckle,"What do you mean Chara?"

[So you figure it out that it's me. well, answer the question.]

"What do you mean by that anyway?"

[what do you mean? What do you mean?!]

you got Startle for his sudden shout that one feeling that wanted to make you cry.

[so you didn't know what you've done to your teachers huh?]


[How can you be so rude to your teacher?! are you like this?! you did it to my dad too! I thought you were the person who I thought you were! I thought your that one person who Weren't rude and respectful to people. bur, I guess I was wrong.]


[Glad that you answer back.]


after what he said, that feeling inside of you is crying.

your eyes started to tear up on its own. you just found your self sitting there leaving your game, to game over as your eyes can't stop tearing up on its own.

you wipe it down, eyes looking lifeless as ever.

walking to your bed and laying down was the best you could do. apologizing to everyone didn't even cross (huehuehuehue) your mind.

that kind self of yours has been long gone, that lovely and cheery attitude of yours is dead now. nobody needs to see how your attitude goes by months, years, or even days.

your mom even suffer about this kinds of things. she doesn't know how to seal with it unless she saw you doing it.

your not normal like others, and others don't know that.


"Hey Chara,  why are you shouting at your phone?" Horror asked as said, Chara slam his phone on the table breaking it.

"Uh...What the hell dude?" MadDummy Said with his eye brow raised.

"...I just need some air, be right back." he said waving goodbye at them as he went to the rooftop.

once he opened the door, he saw PJ. he didn't know why, but he hated his guts. especially when he's around (Name).

PJ turn around with a smirk(Think it that way!!)

"hey there delinquent." he said with a smirk (*got a low blood cause of nosebleed*)

"hey...Jock." Chara said with a glare,

"what are you doing here?" he asked, more likely a threat.

PJ chuckle, "isn't that obvious? taking a fresh(*Wiggles Eyebrow*)air. isn't that bad?" he said with a smirk(will you stop smirking???!!??!!?!?!)

"well for you its a yes. taking a fresh air can make your head go big." Chara spatter back, which PJ turn with a smirk,

"does this delinquent got any problems with the jock?" He said, while putting his left arm on his pocket taking a deep breath and sigh.

"I'm afraid so...PJ." Chara said with a glare,

"is it about a girl named (Name)?" He ask with a slight glare.

Chara growled, "I thought so...hehe"

"so, will it be a fight for her?"

《《Time Skip》》

After an intense Aura between the two PJ decided to go downstairs.

"look pal, if it's a fight you want. go to the field right after school." he said as he closed the rooftop door leaving Chara Furious, and for some reason confuse.

why would he do such thing? he knows that he only fight for those who leveled him, not like those Downward weakling like PJ.

but, if it's a worth to fight. he will do it, he will fight for you.


"wow...it feels like forever without (Name) around...." Fresh sigh in dissapointance, The other including Palette was there.

"ah! do you guys seen Andy?" Palette asked, remember the time when Andy gave a note to him? he just remember her just now.

"quite to think of it. I haven't seen her around lately..." Fresh said, the others agree except for Alphys And Papyrus.

"you guys don't know?" -Alphys

"And now you just noticed?" -Papyrus

"what?" both fresh and Palette said. blooky jump into their conversation.

"she's into the afterlife now..." He said making the both go shock.

"Y- yes!  and now you just noticed it?" Alphys asked, sadly both nodded.

"W-what happen?" fresh asked worried.

"you don't want to know fresh, palette. it's tragic." Papyrus Explained,

"but all we know is that she's in rest now!"

"Yeah." both of them said,

"By the way. where's (Name)?" Palette asked,

"some said she got trouble with the history teacher and go home immediately." Alphys Explained, which making Fresh Frown for a moment but turn it with a smile.

"let's just study shall we?"

it feels like I'm all alone without you (Name)...


just so you know~ I hate my dad and mom from now on!

author-Chanica: Cross Why you so adorable?

(Jakie killed me XD!!)

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