Chapter 30

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i dont know? im just excited to see your reaction of who that girl really is. I guess you'll just have to know in this chapter. I don't know why am I so excited about this. is it because this Chapter and chapter 29 is inspired by the song of ed sheeran "Perfect"? Let's just see how this will end. actually....

i have no idea what I'm doing with my entire life....

kill meh '-'

¤¤¤¤¤¤Thirds view¤¤¤¤

Second to the last subject is going to an end. and the girl need a companion for the homework Nightmare has given.
and, just as thought. Nightmare is very loyal about his love for you.

Muffet and him already made up they're minds, that they're not really for each other. and besides, Muffet had already timered Nightmare. so she confess it about it. it was tragic for Nightmare to hear it. but then, he freed her. no mistakes. he did it for love.(you mean? Level Of ViolencE? lel? no? okay.)

so, back with the girl. she's been looking for a companion. but with her luck, all she see is perverted guys. nothing more.

until he saw Avix(so in the last chapter, his name is Aviv. dank auto-correct. I'll fucking kill you!).

I guess she's the one who's gonna do the first move. but, when she came closer. she saw Alphys already asked him to, and he agreed. aw, she'll never be lucky--

"Hey, I see you don't have a companion. huh?"

Pfft--! what?! oh...

a person asked, she turn around to meet Gaster face to face.

her eyes were instantly widened as she gives her smile. which Gaster on the other hand. blushed.

The most bad boy in all school, All the student saw how Gaster Blushed in front of her. and they thought that she's the one who's first to make a bad boy to be soft.

but, they're all wrong. he already fell for someone. someone who's more beautiful than her. you.
"Hey Avix?" Alphys said, getting Avix's attention.


"You have heard the new girl right?" She asked, a bit nervous. since this is the first time Alphys talking to your brother.

Avix nodded simply

"What do you think of her? she's pretty isn't? and I what I have heard, she's kind!" She said, a bit squeling in her voice.

Avix chuckle. which made Alphys stop by her fan-girling and take her attention to Avix with a confuse look.

"You already forget who's better than her huh?" He said, with a lot smirk as he returns to his doings.

"Oh, don't worry Alphys. the soon as she gets here. that girl will be in the dump." He said.

Avix was right. Alphys almost forget the important person she know. you.

a sharp guilt hit Alphys SOUL as she do her things too. she couldn't understand, on how can she forget the one and only (Name)?

And that, why is Avix so confident about it? her own mind is confusing her too. what is happening?(oh, just some shit)
Time Skip
The bell had rung, signalling that everyone should go home. everyone pack their bag and went out of their classroom. students were scatter around chatting and talking a bit the new girl.

once the ground was clear, that when Avix and Andrei went out.

Andrei instantly excuse himself to buy a drink at the vending machine near behind the schools track field.

he also said that Avix should go home without him cause he got some playing to do with the team. he already got in the basketball team this last week.

Avix's POV

walking out near the schools gate, I heard footsteps behind me. I stop on my tracks, I didn't bother to take a look around since I'm just gonna ask who it was without taking a look.

"What do you want?" I asked, I can feel that she hesitates to answer. but, what I heard is just a soft sigh and a soft giggle.

"Im sorry, but. can you turn around, just to make sure your the right person..." It was a feminine voice, oh, it's the new girl.

I turn my head slightly and that I turn my hole body in front of her to see her like this;

(ignore the pink blob)

my eyes instantly twitch, it's like pissing me off. I just don't feel like this girl is friendly.

"What is it?" I said, still with the eye twitching.

"I'm just here to ask that...Can it be your partner for our project in history class?" She asked, seeing in her eyes that hoping that I will answer 'yes'. but, she's too damn wrong.

"No. besides, I already had a partner. go ask someone." I said, turning around to continue my walk.

but I was stopped when soft hand touched my mine.

my eye twitch as an irk💢appear on my forehead. I look down at her as I forcefully forward my hand to take hers.

"Please...I don't know if I can trust anyone--"

"in thus world. you can't trust everyone. even I, I don't even know yet I talked to you. damn right, I don't even trust you! so if you'll excuse me. I'll be going home. you find your own partner, your too old for it." I said as I walk away. minding my own business. until I heard a soft sob.

this caught my attention and turn to see her wiping her tears with her sweater.

I groan and rolled my eyes as I went to her and give her my hanky.

"here." I said handing it over to her.

she took it and wipe her remaining tears, "I'm sorry. I guess your right--"

"Ask my brother Andrei. he doesn't have any partners yet." I said, her eyes seems to sparkle as she give me a hug. and once again, my twitch as I forcefully get out of the hug.

"yeah, just look got him at the gym. he had, messy (Hair color) Hair. just look for him." I said, as I really continue walking home.

third person.

the girl smiles. she realized that the hanky that Avix give was still on her hand. she plant on giving it tomorrow. but, she needs to find Andrei.

she quickly run to the gym to find the boy.


I guess I don't still know her role her. but, I'll surprise you *wink face*


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