🎧Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: (Gimme a title pls!)


Third persons view

Once miss muffet send you home, Andrei on the other hand went to the gym to meet some people to be exact.

He arrived and saw PJ and burgerpants waiting for him, "so pal...ready to play a game?" PJ smirk as he pass the ball to Andrei, "..." He stayed quiet, "I'll take that as a 'yes'." PJ said as Andrei walk towards them "is it one-on-one?" He asked as he roll the ball in his finger "heh, sure why not? Who do you want to play with? Me? Or BP?" he asked, "you." He said as he pass the ball to PJ, PJ chuckle, "heh, what a confidence." He said.
After 5 rounds, Andrei won 3 times, PJ smirk, "hey, since your good at basketball, why not join our team?" He said as he look at Andrei with his damn hot eyes! * nose bleed* okay okay...sh!t *wipes the blood* ...okay enough.

Andrei think for awhile after saying yes to PJ, PJ smile at him, HIS SMILE!!!

"Heh, thanks! So...should we be friends then?" He ask as he stick out his hand for a hand shake, Andrei gladly take it "sure why not." He plainly said as he walk out of the gym.

🌸🌸Mean while🌸🌸

"What's mom gonna say to us? We left Andrei to school! And were home early! Moms gonna kill us!" Avix panick, he look at you, and you just shrug "really?! That's all you got to say?!" He shouted, you look at him with cold eyes, which send shiver down to his spine, he stayed quiet. "Shut up. Just tell mom the truth and done." You said he sigh, "am I really the one who's gonna say it?" He asked, you shrug, he groan, "fine then! You owe me one!" He said as you look down and sigh close eyes, you tilt your head as a sign of a 'yes', Avix celebrate for nothing.
"What have I told you?! I told you to stay out of trouble!" A mother scolded, Avix grin for some reason, "I told you to use your ability for self defense!" She scolded...again "we are!" Avix defended his self as you stayed quiet, your mother sigh "I know, but what I heard is you knock out a student!" You sweat, your mother looked at you, "(Name), are you the one who knocked out three students?" Your mother asked as she slightly glare at you, you sigh, closing your eyes "yes, mother." You confess as you once open your eyes, "honestly, next time. No more trouble. I won't go easy on the both of you, Avix. Where's your brother?" She asked once again, Avix smile nervously, "we, left him...there?" He said more like a question, "where Avix?" Your mother said with a stern voice, Avix was about to speak when, "in school." You cut him off, which making your mom eyes widened a bit, she sigh once again. "Go to your rooms, both of you. Your great grounded." She said.

Both of you went upstairs, "good job @$$h0£€." You said "what?! Me?!" He said, you didn't let him explain as you just enter your room "hey I'm not done!" He shouted, he sigh and just enter his room.

🌸🌸On the other hand🌸🌸

Andrei was looking everywhere for the both of you, "seriously. Where are those both idiots?" He asked himself, he sudden fee a arm rested in his shoulder, he look and he saw PJ, "hey bro!" He smile, "what do you want?" Andrei asked trying not to be rude but epically failed, he chuckle "heh, I know your looking for your siblings, especially your sister." PJ smirk, once Andrei heard the 'sister' from PJ, he glared at him, "hehe just kidding. Ms. Muffet send them home for some reason." PJ said to Andrei, as Andrei sigh, "guess I'll be hanging with you now." He said which made PJ smile, "heh, come on then, I'll introduce you to my other friends." He said as he walk away, Andrei following behind.


Oh no! I made your brother a jock here!😵 heh just kidding. Its all in the plan my fellow beautiful readers! Ayiee kilig na sya! *clear throat* enough. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and its almost one week since I updated it. Sorry, and thank you!😘🙋💑


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