Confusing Royal Romance

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Eyooooooooo! Wussup bruh! EpicTale! Sans talking! Our author/Andy was out--

*kicks Epic sends him flying*


YOW! It's me! Talking you're author! Don't mind epic his out of his marbles this time cause /Smoke Weeds Everyday/ no! Not like that! Just! Augh! Never mind. On with the story....


There once a princess, that is so lonely. She wants someone to care for her, love her, and think of her. But I guess its impossible for a special princess to have that.

one day, the king decided to have the princess a knight. The king hired the strongest, bravest knight of all, Andy. Or Sargent. Andy,

"Princess, I hired you the bravest, strongest, ferocious knight in/all the kingdom." Her father said, as the princess just nodd. She had no choice but to follow his father.


Her knight has arrived.

The Knight bowed in manner as the princess nodd, "at you're service my princess." The knight said, the princess nodd once again,

They enter the castle as the princess showed her room, the Knight was suppose to watch, protect her from any harm.


The princess has turned 18, the king decided to throw a ball, inviting all the people and all the other kingdom. Little did the king know, is that his inviting the 6 prince from the other kingdom.

As the head of the knight, Andy double guarded the way in, and way out of the castle for the sake of the lovely princess.

The princess changes into her ball gown
all the guest has arrived. Knights stand by each other, watched all the guest enter the castle.

The princess sat on her throne beside her father, while her knight was watching the guests enter the ball room.

The party was about to began when the king made a toast, and everyone was paying attention.

"People of (You're Kingdom), I throw this party for my lovely daughter to have more companion. But I guess its hard to pick who will it be, I guess I'll pick six people to do it! But first. You need to enter a quest for it." The king said, making the people whisper to each other. "My dear please do the honor, by picking a name into this box." The king sad as he offer the box to Hus daughter. The princess node in agreement.

She took a paper, she called out "Prince of the east...?" She said not very sure who is this person. She took another one and called "Prince of the south." She called, once again she took another one "Prince of the north...West...North East...and Southwest." She said.

Six prince walk and position themselves in front of the princess.

Andy, the knight of Princess (Name) announced the name of the six prince.

"Prince of the south, PaperJam! Prince of the North, Cil! Prince of the west, Fresh! Prince of the East, Chara! Prince of the Northeast, Frisk! And for the prince of the southwest, gaster!"

She announced as all of the people applause. They bow in front of the princess and the king. The knight look at them, examining them if they were a harm to the princess, so she would keep an eye on them.

"Now that's settle! I have a challenge!" The kind announced, "my challenge, is for you to fight for the love of my daughter!" As he said that, the princess blush and her knight is speechless.

"And you'll have to fight the knight! Our strongest! Fearsome knight! Sargent. Andy!" The king said making Sargent. Andy looked shock "but my king! What if I--" "that's what about this challenge is. It's worth a fight." He said, the six prince didn't react, because they will fight for the love of the lovely princess (Name).

"Let the challenge begin...!"


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