On second thought

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play the song while reading this.

so...I asked my self multiple times if I should end this book. and i, read the whole entire book. and I've noticed that, it's not worth ending for...yet.

so, I re-think again. ask my self if I should end this. then again, I said that I shouldn't be. I didn't even notice how fun this book when I was writing it. so, it would be such a waste if I should end it. don't you think?

sooooooooooooo. it's gonna continue, I don't care how much suckered this book can get. but as long as I'm making people happy. I'm happy.

as if, I can get money from writing this. so, why would I be so selfish of ending it? instead, I will keep writing on it.

I'm gonna delete the endings that I made and continue writing this.

I've waste my entire time writing it. and when I realized that this book needs more chapter, I made up my mind. asking myself if I should end it.

I guess pacifist me was right all a long. people were having fun reading this.


(i think?)

So, i change the cover. you can clearly see 4 females right? well, that's basically the readers personalities.

1. Is the cold one.

2. is the nerd one.

3. is the sadistic one

and for the 4th is her lovely one.

so, don't get confuse. I just love messing people around. so sorry if you really want the endings.

P.S paasa mi XD

Thank you for supporting me! this book! and my account! until the next chapter! see yah!

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