Chapter 4

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"So what did you think?" Gideon asked, when Pacifica came back from the show.

"It was actually quite interesting." Pacifica said, closing the Mystery Shack door, "although, I can't help feeling like there's something up with them."

"How so?" Gideon asked, only seeming to be a little interested in what his cousin had to say.

"I feel like they play a bigger role in this," Pacifica murmured, stealing a glance at where she put the third Journal.

"This....?" Gideon asked, raising an eyebrow curiously at his cousin because she was not making any sense.

"Uh Gideon? Did I ever mention a Journal that I found in the woods to you?" Pacifica hesitantly asked.

".....nope." he shrugged his shoulders like it wasn't a big deal but Pacifica knew that it was indeed a big deal.

"Well I found a Journal in the woods that has all sorts magical creatures in it when I first got here." Pacifica explained, quickly.

"Whoa! Shut up!" He punched Pacifica's shoulder playfully, and gazed at her with intense eyes. "Where is it? Can I see? Is it here? Does my dad know? Why didn't you tell me before? Can I have tacos? Are the creatures real? Have you actually seen one yet? How long were you gonna hide this from me?"

"It's upstairs. Maybe. Yes it's here. No he doesn't. Because I didn't know how you would react. Only if you make them. The creatures are real. Yes I've seen one. I don't know." Pacifica said, answering all of Gideon's questions at once, including the one about tacos which Pacifica didn't see how it had anything to do with their conversation.

"Cool!" Gideon said, getting up and running as fast as his little legs would go, up the stairs.

"Gideon!" Pacifica called, "wait for me!"


"Tonight's show was a success." Mabel said, grinning ear to ear.

Dipper, of course, did not hear what his twin had said. He was too busy thinking about what had happened during the show. What had happened to him.


"Oh, yes Mabel?" He asked, finally listening to his sister, and he hoped that she wasn't mad.

"I said, tonight's show was a success." She repeated. "Why aren't you listening?"

"I'm trying to." Dipper lied, "sorry Mabel, I've just been thinking."

"Ah, that's dangerous." She joked, walking over to sit by her brother. "Thinking about what? Getting a girlfriend?"

"No one in this town is worth my attention." Dipper Gleeful rolled his eyes. "Now, I need you to be quiet, I have a splitting headache."

Mabel cocked her head to the side and stared at her brother with curiosity. "You have a headache?"

Dipper nodded slowly.

"You haven't gotten a headache this bad since when we first got these," she pointed to the amulet on her headband. "Is it really bad?"

The only response Mabel got was another nod from her brother. It must have been bad. She heaved a sigh before walking out of their stage room and into the actual Manor itself.

Dipper got up slowly and felt woozy all over again.

This....this again?

He gripped the side of the chair for support. "Mabel?" He called, hoping that his sister would hear him quickly.

But his shout was met with silence. And that worried him, (since Dipper Gleeful doesn't worry much, this was strange for him). His vision began to blur and he blinked to try to regain focus. "Mabel!" He shouted again, hoping she could hear him. But she did not.

His eyes blurred one last time before he fully lost conscious completely.

"Dipper? You bellowed, your majesty?" Mabel laughed to herself as she came back into the room. She stopped short when she saw her brother lying on the floor, not moving. "Oh my Lord, Dipper!" Mabel shouted, racing over to where he lay. "Oh my god, he's not-WILL CALL AN AMBULANCE!!"




⑷ “Time is Running Out”

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