Chapter 1 - Episode 6: Trigger Happy Havoc

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(The episode begins at night looking onto a deserted street. We hear punching happening from above as suddenly, as it gets louder, a hulking figure drops from the rooftops above and slams his fists on the ground. The figure stands up straight, revealing himself to be Rick Taylor. He's wearing the Terror Mask.)

Terror Mask: Finally, back to murdering. Been too long. I'm out of practice.

Rick: I hope we lost those guys. (We hear the sound of guns as bullets suddenly start firing at Rick. He shields his face with his arm as multiple bullets fly into him. Rick starts running away and jumps behind a parked car.)

Terror Mask: You're hiding? When did you become such a p*ssy? (The camera pans up to the rooftop to see two Reapers (inFAMOUS) shooting at Rick with AK's. We cut back to Rick as he hoists the parked car above his head and throws it at the Reapers. The Reapers try to run away, but the car hits them both and crushes them.) Nice shot, Rick-o. Don't stop now.

Rick: I'm getting out of here! (We see Rick jump halfway up a different building and grab on. He then jumps again from where he's grabbing and gets onto the roof. He runs off. We cut back to where the Reapers are, as Sasha (inFAMOUS), as well as seven other Reapers approach the car.)

Reaper #1: He got away again.

Sasha: Another conduit, wearing the symbol of our gang. I want him dead and at my feet.

Reaper #2: We've tried. We can't find him during the day. (Sasha grabs his neck.)

Sasha: Then find out who he is and shoot his f*cking head off. (She lets go and the camera zooms out as they begin walking away. We see the silhouette of a bear-shaped head watching the Reapers.)

???: Interesting.

(We cut to the daytime as the camera focuses on a school. We cut inside to a classroom as we see a group of students taking a test, among them is Jimmy Hopkins, who is facedown on his desk, sleeping. We hear a voice speak to the students.)

???: Alright, class, that's it. Turn in your tests. (The camera pans to the front of the classroom to see Wonder Red in his normal attire and persona, Will Wedgewood. We go back to the students getting up from their seats as Jimmy wakes up.)

Jimmy: Huh? (He looks around. He then gets up with his test and goes to the front of the class with everyone else and puts it on Wonder Red's desk. He begins to leave behind the other students.)

Wonder Red: Mr. Hopkins, can I speak with you for a second? (Jimmy turns around.)

Jimmy: Sure, whatever. (Jimmy turns back to talk to Wonder Red.)

Wonder Kid: Listen, Jimmy, I know that transitioning to a new school, let alone a summer school, is tough.

Jimmy: No sh*t, Mr. Wedgewood.

Wonder Red: (Stern.) Language, young man. As I was saying, I noticed your grades haven't been doing too great since you've arrived, and I want you to know that I'm here if you need to talk to someone about this.

Jimmy: You think this has been a tough transition? You think? I was teleported away from all of my family and friends. My only clothes are my uniform from that prison Bullworth Academy. You of all people should know this, I know you're like me. You joined this school the same way I did.

Wonder Red: Now, Jimmy...

Jimmy: I don't wanna hear your bullsh*t answers. The looks I get on the street are enough to realize I'm not welcome here. So don't try to lecture me. (A male scream is suddenly heard from outside the classroom.)

Wonder Red: Not again. (Wonder Red rushes out of the classroom with Jimmy behind him. They rush up to a group of students, containing Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw) and Stan Jones (ObsCure) in the crowd. Stan is in tears as our heroes rush up.) What's the problem?

Stan: She's... she's... (The camera pans to see the bloodied, dead body of Shannon Matthews (ObsCure) on the ground. Dr. Lobe (Big Brain Academy) is also in the crowd trying to shoo students away.)

Dr. Lobe: (Waving his hands.) Students, please. The police are on their way. Please don't crowd the area. (We cut back to Wonder Red and Jimmy.)

Wonder Red: Not another one. This is the third murder since I got here. (Jimmy walks away from the scene. We cut to Jimmy walking outside. Suddenly, a voice is heard.)

???: Well, welly, well, if it isn't the troubled teen. (Jimmy looks around to find the source of the voice, but can't.)

Jimmy: Who the hell said that?

???: Over here, numb nuts! (The camera pans to see Monokuma hiding behind a lamppost. He walks out from behind it and greets Jimmy.)

Jimmy: What the hell are you?

Monokuma: You know how many times I've gotten that question lately? Like nobody's seen a polar bear before.

Jimmy: What do you want with me, you freak?

Monokuma: I've been observing you for awhile, Jimbo, and I must say, I like your style. You're a grade A bully, kid.

Jimmy: Yeah? So what?

Monokuma: Listen, those murders that have been happening around the school? All my idea! This boring school needed some excitement. And I just so happen to have a spot open for a partner after the last kid flew the coop. So whaddya say? How would you like to apprentice good ol' Monokuma to torture this school and take this world for ourselves?

Jimmy: You want me to help you in your sick game?

Monokuma: Yup yup yup! Hit the nail square on the noggin! (He laughs.)

Jimmy: (Walks away.) Not interested.

Monokuma: Wait! Just what do you think you're doing walking away from me?!

Jimmy: I'm not teaming up with some wimpy teddy bear to murder people. That's f*cked up. Besides, you're probably one of those robotics nerds trying to prank me with some new invention. (Jimmy leaves.)

Monokuma: That kid just made a big mistake. (A loud noise is heard.) What the...? (Monokuma sees a figure dart behind a corner to the back of the school.) Uhuhuhuhu, something new. (We see Monokuma lurk to the back of the school as he spies Rick opening the doors to the school's basement.) You again... I think I have an idea. (Monokuma laughs and runs off. We cut to Rick sitting down in the basement and putting his hand on his head.)

Rick: (To Terror Mask.) Why won't you get off my face? I want to be free.

Terror Mask: Our deal isn't over yet, Rick. I still have... uses... for you.

Rick: I can't keep doing this. I'm making entirely new enemies now.

Terror Mask: We made a deal, and you're gonna stick to that deal until it's done. Now stop whining, we have work to do.

Rick: Jenny... I wish you were here. (We cut to night as Sasha and the Reapers meet in an abandoned building. Sasha sits at a table as the Reapers stand around her.)

Sasha: Where is he?! (She slams her fist.) I want that man dead!

???: Excuse me, perhaps I can help.

Sasha: Who said that? (The Reapers part, confused, and reveal Monokuma. He walks up to Sasha while speaking.)

Monokuma: I've become quite a fan of your gang. From that concert disaster, to robbing that bank, even now in your fight against that masked man.

Sasha: What do you know about him, bear?

Monokuma: I know his exact whereabouts. You'd be able to walk in as he's getting his beauty sleep and slit his throat. That easy.

Sasha: (Getting up.) Tell me where he is.

Monokuma: I like your excitement, but I'm gonna need a little favor first. (We zoom in on Monokuma.) You see, there's this kid...

(We cut to the daytime as we focus on the school again. We see students sitting at their desks as Wonder Red calls out names.)

Wonder Red: Albert Flook.

Student #1: Here.

Wonder Red: Montgomery Foster.

Student #2: Here.

Wonder Red: Jimmy Hopkins. (No answer. Wonder Red looks up.) Mr. Hopkins? (Jimmy isn't there. Wonder Red shakes his head.) Running late. (We cut to the indoor entrance to the school as the school security guard paces through. The doors suddenly burst open as the Reapers kick it down. The security guard draws a gun but Sasha teleports behind him.)

Sasha: Hello there. (We cut back to the classroom as a scream is heard. Wonder Red looks towards the door.)

Wonder Red: Class, stay here. I'll be right back. (Wonder Red exits the classroom. He walks down the hall as Sasha and the Reapers turn the corner.)

Sasha: (Pointing.) Another one! (The Reapers begin firing as Wonder Red jumps out of the way into a nearby storage closet. Once he's safe, he throws a few punches before striking a pose with his fists in the air.)

Wonder Red: Wonder-eyes, Red! (The camera zooms in on his eyes as a mask appears on him. We zoom back out to see Wonder Red fully in costume. We cut to two Reapers approaching the closet door as it suddenly flies off its hinges and knocks them into a wall. Wonder Red steps out.)

Sasha: Another conduit?

Wonder Red: (Pointing at Sasha.) Lay your arms down or lay your life down for the Wonderful 101!

Sasha: Funny, I only see one. Get him! (More Reapers begin running up to Wonder Red. He summons his Unite Fist which punches the group of Reapers down. Other Reapers begin shooting as Wonder Red dives behind a locker. He uses the Unite Hand to grab it and throw it at two Reapers.)

Wonder Red: Yes! (Sasha teleports behind him.)

Sasha: All you superheroes are the same. (She grabs him by his cape and slams him against the wall. She drops him as he staggers up, ready to fight again.)

(We cut outside to see Jimmy skateboarding to school.)

Jimmy: Another boring day with Mr. Wedgewood. (The camera zooms in on Jimmy's backpack.) At least these fireworks should make class more interesting. (We see Jimmy arrive at school. He starts walking up to the building before he hears Monokuma's laughter.) That laugh again. (Jimmy walks to the side of the school to see two Reapers and Monokuma turning the opposite corner.)

Monokuma: Come on, boys! We have revenge to take!

Jimmy: What's he up to? (We cut to Rick still in the school basement as the door suddenly opens. Rick shields his eyes from the sunlight as we hear Monokuma's voice.)

Monokuma: Here he is, fellas! The white whale. (The two Reapers reach Rick and point their guns at him.)

Rick: How did you find me?

Monokuma: You're not exactly Where's Waldo here. Wasn't hard to spot the roided-up masked man. (We see Jimmy reach the basement stairs down.) You're really just collateral until I find that punky bully, but who's keeping track? Oh right. Me! (Jimmy's face hardens.) Now, just close your eyes and it'll all be over soon.

Jimmy: Yah! (Jimmy jumps down and slams his skateboard onto a Reaper's head, knocking him out. The other Reaper turns to Jimmy, who then rams his full body into the Reaper, knocking them both over.) That hurt more than I thought. (The Reaper gets up, but is immediately punched into the wall by Rick. The wall cracks. Rick then helps Jimmy up.)

Rick: Thanks for the help, kid.

Jimmy: Yeah, didn't know they were hiding a monster under here.

Terror Mask: I like this punk. (We hear Monokuma laugh again, this time from the basement entrance.)

Monokuma: Whatever. The real danger is in the school. Wanna play hero, boys? (He laughs again and leaves.)

Rick: There must be more of them in the school. I gotta help them. (Jimmy cracks his knuckles.)

Jimmy: Leave the bear to me.

Rick: Uh... sure. (They run up the stairs.)

(We cut back to Sasha as she summons two tar tentacles from the ground. They both shoot red energy balls which hit Wonder Red and knock him down.)

Wonder Red: Urgh!

Sasha: You're much weaker than the other one. This will be easy. (Rick's scream is suddenly heard as he smashes his fists into the remaining Reapers around Sasha. He turns to Sasha.)

Rick: I'm the one you want, so bring it on!

Sasha: Finally. Looks like that bear was right. Your skull mask is an insult to the Reapers.

Terror Mask: This b*tch sure loves to talk. (Sasha sends out a large, red energy pulse at Rick. He's hit back by it and is pushed hard into a wall, cracking it.) Get up, Rick.

Rick: Ugh... I'm on it. (Rick jumps up and starts grabbing the lockers and throwing them at Sasha. She teleports out of the way and ends up behind Rick.)

Wonder Red: Behind you! (Rick turns around and slams a locker onto Sasha.)

Sasha: Ah! (We cut to Jimmy running through the school.)

Monokuma: Well, Jimmy, you should've taken me up on my offer. Would've saved you a lot of trouble. (Jimmy looks around, unable to find Monokuma.) Looks like I'll have to teach you some manners. (We cut to a door opening as three Monokumas walk out. We cut again to see two exit a locker. Another four fall from the ceiling.)

Jimmy: This is messed up. (A large crowd of Monokumas now surrounds Jimmy.)

Monokuma: Allow me to introduce you to a good friend of mine: me! (The Monokumas begin to swarm Jimmy. They all start scratching at his legs as he quickly backs up. Jimmy takes out a slingshot and starts shooting pebbles at the Monokumas.)

Jimmy: I'm warnin' ya! Get away from me!

Monokuma: Thrills! Chills! Kills! (The other Monokumas laugh. Jimmy turns and sees a fire extinguisher on the wall. He grabs it and starts spraying the Monokumas.) Really? That's your attack?

Jimmy: You're right. I should be more hands-on. (Jimmy starts slamming the fire extinguisher into the heads of the Monokumas. This starts knocking them over, breaking their heads and killing them. Jimmy goes in for another attack, but a Monokuma grabs it.)

Monokuma: Ooh! A new toy! (The Monokuma sprays at Jimmy, causing him to run away. The Monokumas run after him, laughing.)

(We cut to Wonder Red using his Unite Fist on Sasha, who teleports out of the way. She ends up behind him, but Rick jumps in and punches her away.)

Wonder Red: Thanks for the assist!

Rick: No problem. (Sasha gets up.)

Sasha: Try this one, boys. (She summons six tar tentacles which all shoot red energy balls at our heroes. Rick uses his body to guard Wonder Red, taking every hit. He keels over.)

Rick: God, that hurt! (Sasha teleports onto Rick's back and grabs him by the throat.)

Sasha: All bark and no bite. Guess I'll just wring what bite you have out of your neck!

Wonder Red: Not so fast! (Wonder Red uses Unite Fist to grab Sasha. It tries to pull her off, but her grip is tight.)

Sasha: Try all you might, your poor friend is going to die. (Wonder Red looks on in terror before he suddenly hears stampeding feet.)

Wonder Red: Huh? (He looks back to see Jimmy running down the hall, being chased by the Monokumas.)

Jimmy: Out of the way! (Sasha looks back and is grabbed by Rick. Rick pulls Sasha off of him as the Unite Hand disappears. Rick throws Sasha to the ground. She struggles to get up. We then see Jimmy take out a lighter and take off his backpack. He lights the lighter and drops it in his backpack once he unzips it.) Try this out. (We hear a sizzling sound as he passes Sasha, dropping his backpack. Jimmy passes Rick and Wonder Red.) It's gonna blow! (Rick and Wonder Red follow.)

Wonder Red: What's in that bag? (Sasha looks up as the Monokumas reach her. The backpack then violently explodes with firework sounds and bright colors. Our heroes block their eyes.)

Terror Mask: I love a good firework show. (Once the smoke settles, we see the corpse of Sasha and bits and pieces of the Monokumas. We cut to outside the school as the police go inside. Jimmy is talking to Rick and Wonder Red.)

Rick: That's it for the Reapers.

Jimmy: Didn't know this lame school had superheroes.

Rick: That's one way to put it.

Jimmy: You two have to help me get back home. If anyone can, it's you.

Wonder Red: You can't just bail on your school. Studies come first.

Jimmy: No, getting back to my own world comes first. If we can take out all those people, we can figure out a way out of here.

Rick: Not the worst idea.

Jimmy: Either I'm going with you, or I'm going alone.

Wonder Red: (Shrugs.) Guess I'm going with you. Someone has to find a way home.

Rick: For Jenny...

Terror Mask: Finally, you made some friends. Now, don't f*ck this up. (The camera pans up as our heroes begin leaving the school. Monokuma's laugh is heard.)

End of Episode

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