new headway 2

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Daily Routine

 Well, during the week I usually get up at 7.30am and have breakfast at 8.00am. I concentrate to study English and in the morning I study English at home. I usually practice English with other on the internet. Then, at lunchtime, I normally eat something and come to my English class. I study 5 days per week from Monday to Friday in the afternoon and the class ended at 5.00pm. Basically every day, but on the weekend, I often going out with my friend or go swimming or go fishing with my father. I finally get back home at about 5.30pm. In the evening, I usually have a shower and after that I talk to my mother while she makes dinner. We have dinner together and then I go to my room where I use the Internet to talk to my friends or do exercise to enhance my English skill. I have a habit that’s always listening to music before go to bed because it makes me easy to sleep and maybe have a nice dream.

Traffic jam in ha noi 2

 Hanoi is the capital and the largest city of Vietnam. Recently it has also been voted as one of the safest cities in the world. However, not everything is nice in Hanoi. When referring to this city, both visitors and native residents complain about a problem, traffic.

Traffic in Hanoi is extremely chaotic nowadays. Driving on the road in Hanoi is describes as going out to battle. Food blogger Noodlepie mentioned that “he gave up driving a motorbike in Vietnam about three or four years ago” because it gave him “zero pleasure and mucho stresso”. You are always at the risk of facing traffic jam despite whether it is in rush hour or not. This fact can be explained by 2 main reasons, transports and compliance with traffic rules.

The first reason leading to the problem is the increasing number of private transports. Hanoi’s estimated population is 6.232.940 (2008), it is the most crowded city in Vietnam. Moreover, Hanoi is also the most important political, cultural and economic centre of Vietnam, so it attracts a large number of employees from other provinces. Consequently, the number of private transports has grown dramatically likewise. People think that the Vietnamese are poor, but there is an incredible number of cars in Hanoi. Each family can own 3-4 bikes and maybe one more car, that is very common in Hanoi now. This large volume of private transports, added with other public transports like cyclos, taxi cabs and buses, have caused congestion frequently on Hanoi’s roads.

Besides, although Vietnamese traffic rules are quite strict, many people still don’t comply with them seriously. Crossing red lights or driving the wrong way down streets against traffic is very common. Lane markings, including pedestrian crosswalks, exist but are completely disregarded. These violation are very dangerous and can cause accidents easily. The congestion is even worst in the rush hour, when everybody in a hurry attempting to go to work or get home quickly. People are impatient, constantly using their horns when there’s obviously nowhere to go, even shouting at others to get out of the way. As a result, the roads are often congested for 1-2 hours. This picture descibes exactly what happens in Hanoi’s roads.

The Causes of Traffic Jam in Hanoi 3

To answer the question: “What does Hanoi make impressed on you?”, most tourists’ answers are “Traffic”. The traffic in Hanoi can be a nightmare for any visitor for the first time because it is very chaotic. It is especially terrible during the rush hour when everyone is attempting to get to work or to get home quickly. There have been severe traffic congestions on many streets that sometimes lasts for hours. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the main causes of traffic jams in Hanoi which are the fast increase of vehicles, poor infrastructure, and poor awareness of people.

The first cause of traffic jam in Hanoi is the fast increase of vehicles. Recently many people have bought cars and used it as a transport. In addition, the number of motorcycles also has been increasing in recently years. Every family has 2-4 motorcycles. This causes the big number of transport in the streets. As a consequence, traffic congestions always happen on the rush hour.

The second and important of traffic jam is the poor infrastructure. Although many high buildings have built in Hanoi, but the infrastructure is not good enough. When a high building is built, it means every day many people come and leave that building especially on the rush hour. Five years ago, with the same road, there were not many cars and motorcycles, so it was fine. But nowadays the number of vehicle has been increasing day by day so of course the same road can not support enough.

The third and final cause of traffic jam in Hanoi is the poor awareness of people. It is very common to see many people do not follow the traffic law. Sometimes a driver can stop his car in the middle of the road in 10 minutes to do buy cigarettes, to say “hi” with his friend in the street or to put luggages into the car. Many people who drive motorcycles do not care about the traffic law, they turn right or left freely, even where it is not allowed to turn right or left. In addition, some people walk across the roads freely. They even do not care for their own safety.

As you can see, the causes of traffic jam in Hanoi which are the fast increase of vehicles, poor infrastructure, and poor awareness of people. In order to solve this problem, the government should have a good plan to reduce the traffic jams, like to build a good scheme of city, and traffic law should be taught well to every one.

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