Chapter 1

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( Naruto and Fairytail crossover)

Lucy P.O.V.

I'm feeling kind of sad. Everyone in the guild is ignoring me except for Master and Wendy.They have been ignoring me for a long time now. Whenever I try to talk to someone they just glare at me and walk away. I sigh and sit down on my usual seat. I see team nastu and Lisanna coming over to me. I put on a fake smile. Preparing myself for the worst.Natsu says " Hey Lucy, want to go on a mission?" My fake smile is replaced by a real smile. I say " Sure I would love to." He gave me a goofy smile. Then Erza said " Meet us at the train station at 9:00 am sharp, got it." I give her a thumbs up and then they start to walk off.Natsu waves goodbye and says " Bye Lucy."
Something's fishy. Natsu called me Lucy not 'Luce'. Oh well, better go pack before I die by Erza's hands.

------- TIME SKIP ( ON MISSION ) -------

Nobody P.O.V.

Lucy and team natsu are in a forest searching for the dark guild Bloody Moon. They walk up the mountain when suddenly a fist collides with Lucy. She is thrown into the tree. She looks up to see her attacker is none other than her fist crush, Natsu. Erza, and Gray are smirking in the background and Lisanna is laughing like a maniac. Lucy manages to whisper out " Why are you doing this to me."Natsu looks at her with disgust and says " Why you ask? Isn't it obvious you stupid *****. You are so weak that people as weak as you don't deserve to live on this earth. Why don't I put you out of your misery. Your are so pathetic that you don't even deserve to be called a mage. You are a complete and utter disgrace to Fairytail. In other words you are a weak, waist of space, blonde bimbo ( Rainbow of colorful words). Now I understand why your mom died and your dad ignored you. They just didn't want to be around worthless trash like you. Anyway you were just a bad replacement for Lisanna. Your also ugly. I mean wow. Even mirrors would be disgusted."
As he continues to ramble on, Lucy's face became pale and she had tears streaming down her face. The words that her crush said kept repeating in her head. Weak, pathetic, useless, trash, disgrace, disgusting, worthless, ugly, fat, ect. Her heart was shattering, like if it was being bashed by a hammer.

Natsu pulled Lisanna over and they kissed. Whatever was left of Lucy's heart broke. Then Natsu looked at Lucy with an evil smirk then nodded to the others. They all looked at Lucy and began to attack her. Natsu burnt off her Fairytail mark and whisper in her ear. " You don't deserve that mark. ( colorful words)." He picked her up by the neck and brought her to a nearby cliff. Before he droped her they said " Bye pathetic b****" and then he dropped her. She didn't scream she just fell with a blank face with tears running nonstop.

Lucy P.O.V.

I'm falling. I'm gong to die but I don't mind. I've lost all hope. I'm done. Do I have a reason to live. No. Exactly. No friends, no family, no one that cares for me, no one that loves me. I'm unwanted. Like a lost puppy no one wants. At least I get to see mom and dad. I just close my eyes and wait till I hit the ground. I hear a voice say " It is not your time yet, child. You are the one mage. The most powerful being in the universe. You have to options. Live and start a new live in a different dimension, you will still have your memories and your seal will be broken, or you can die." I weigh my options in my headand then scream with all my might "I CHOSE TO LIVE." A bright blue light engulfs me and I black out.


Bye bye and pls tell me what you think and if I should update or delete this new story.

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