Chapter 11

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Lucy's P.O.V.

I open my eyes, I feel like I have slept for days! Everything looks blurry so I give my eyes time to adjust. I feel warmth on my right and look over to see a brown's chest? I look up to see Gaara's face. "Gaara?" I question. He looks down at me with cold eyes. My eyes widen as I remember something. "Gaara...where's Shigure?" I carefully question him as if he was a ticking time bomb. His face twisted at the mention of Shigures name, so I decided just to drop it. I see Temari and Kankurō from the corner of my eye. Yay Temari. I jump out of Gaaras arms and land on Temari.

"Geronimo" I say in Fiorisesh. They look at me, wondering what I said because it was a language no ones ever heard of. Duh, it's from a different dimension. I take the rubber bands out of Temari's hair. "Hey, what the hell do you think your doing you little brat!?" she yells. Gaara looks back at her and she flinches and quiets down. "Gaara it's ok, she was just surprised. In fact, it's my fault for not asking her." I tell Gaara and give him a big smile. His facial features seem to soften and he turns his head forward. "Temari, may I please play with your hair?" she glared at me and tried to say sure in the nicest way possible. I got the message and fixed er hair before walking over to Kankurō. He glared at me too. He walks up to Temari and whispers " We need to get rid of this runt. She looks weak and is useless.She is going to drag us down." What.Did.He.Just.Call.ME? I giggle and grin. They look back at me.

"What did you just call me? Ne ne, I swore I hear you call me weak and useless. Hi No Akuma Jutsu. (Fire demon Jutsu)" I say in a menacing voice. My candy outfit bursts into flames and instead is replaced with a red dress that is black on the top. The shoes that I'm wearing disappear. Red fans a in my hands and on my arms the fire burns symbols into my skin. My eyes turn blood red and my hair turns into a fire like orange with small black crystals adorning it. Around my neck, a black choker formed with yellowish jems making vertical lines along the accessory.

Oh no! One of my ten seals has broken. I keep calm and breath in and out, calming my mind and body. I have to do this to keep another seal from breaking. Then my body would explode because of too much power being released at once. Especially this kid body. With all my initial anger gone, I breathed out a sigh of relief. I look up to see them staring at me like I was the elephant in the room.Ugg, my head is killing me, and I want a nap, and some ramen. I walk up to Temari and ask her "C-Can you please carry me?" She looks frightened and nods. She extends her shaky arms and picks me up, holding me to her chest. I rest my head on her shoulder and fall asleep to the sound of silence.

Normal P.O.V.
"This is our chance! Drop her near a tree and run. I'm sure the freak will survive." Kankurō says frantically and quietly, so not to wake the girl up. Gaara glares at Kankurō, keeping his anger at bay. " Well whose fault is it that she got angry? You first call her useless and weak, then when she is strong, you call her a freak? How is that fair towards her?" Kankurō shuts up completely, fearing for his life. Temari thinks back on when Lucy asked her if she could do her hair.

'Why did I say no? Why was I mean to her? Maybe because Gaara showed her feelings that he would never show us? Maybe I was jealous? I'm pathetic, beating up on a little kid for such trivial reasons.  Kankurō and I are scared of Gaara, but she shows no fear whatsoever towards him.' Millions of thoughts swarmed Temari's mind. She was feeling mostly regret. She treated the little girl as an enemy because Lucy could do what she couldn't. She looks at Lucy and gives the sleeping girl a smile. They walked for an hour and Temari's arms were getting tired. She is too scared to ask Gaara for assistance, so she makes Kankurō hold Lucy.

Kankurō sneers at the 'thing' in his arms. He doesn't know why, but he just doesn't like her. It's night time, they are hungry and tired so they decide to rest. Gaara volunteers to watch Lucy but when he sees her and Kankurō fast asleep, he decides to leave them alone. " Temari, you go get some water and I'll get us some food to eat" Gaara commands. Temari nods meekly and quickly glances at Lucy before taking off to find the nearest river.

Kankurō opens one eye and glances from left to right to see that no one is there. He quickly gets up and heads in the direction they came from. Earlier he had found a tree, it had a hole in its trunk just big enough to fit the 'thing' in. He glares at Lucy with eyes full of hatred. After a few minutes he finds the same tree, and roughly stuffs the sleeping girl inside. "Sayonara" he says and chuckles swiftly returning to their camp.

Lee's P.O.V.

I play around with Bunny-chan, teaching it different moves. We are currently in resting. We fought one team, but they only had an earth scroll. Neiji tried to throw it away but Tenten argued that it might be good for a trade. I'm eating some of the fish I caught in the river, it doesn't taste so good, but I will overcome this! Anyway, we are having Neiji check the surrounding for enemies with his byakugan. "Shhh!" he harshly shushes us then motions us to get up. Me and Tenten share a look then get ready for a battle.

He approaches a tree and cautiously sticks his hand in the hole in the trunk. He feels around for something. "It feels like skin, it's quite warm and has fabric wrapped around it...could it be...someone's in there?" He puts both hands in the hole and grabs whatever is inside. He pulls it out...Huh? "Lucy?" I question. She looks like she is in pain, and she is covered with bite marks. There are still some ants crawling on her skin. She looks horrible! Tenten grabs Lucy and a bucket of water, before going behind the nearest bush. Neiji starts cooking some of the leftover fish and I look for an extra jumpsuit in my bag. Tenten comes back and grabs the tracksuit from me. She rushes back behind the the bush and rustling is heard.

A minute later, she comes out with Lucy in one of my jumpsuits. My eyes sparkle and I take out a pair of leg warmers. I get an even better idea! I get yet another jumpsuit and a pair of leg warmers and put them on Bunny-chan. I give the plush toy to Lucy and it seems to calm her down. She opens her eyes and weakly mutters "Where's Gaara?" Who's Gaara? Neiji takes the chance to ask her about her scroll. " I only have two heavens scrolls...and by the look on our face I'm guessing you have an earth scroll?" Great deduction skills! She puts her right hand over her left one. Her left hand starts glowing and in a flash of light, a scroll appears. She hands Neiji the scroll. Neiji's brows furrow and he asks her " Don't you want something in return what's the catch?" She responds with a simple no. "Thank you so much for helping me...sorry...if I'm a burden." She looks at us with a sad face and my heart just can't help but tighten in response to her words. It seems like Tenten feels the same way, but Neiji still has a stone cold face on.

"How did you end up like this?" I ask. She tells the story about how this team attacked her team and because she had the scroll, kidnaped her. She tricked them and stole their scroll. She wandered around for three hours before fainting and then Team Shigure found her. They attacked someone, who she now thinks was Gaara, and died. Gaara helped her and brought her with him. His teammates called her weak and a burden so she got mad and accidentally hit her head on a tree branch. Next thing she knows she is stuck in a tree, being bitten by bugs. She says she was in there for five hours till we found her. " My body hurts. It hurts a lot." Lucy winces as she is placed on the ground. Tenten suggests we get some sleep. I agree with her, I mean we are all exhausted, especially Lucy. Lucy cuddles up to Tenten and falls asleep in no time. Neiji and I share a glare before falling asleep.

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