Chapter 12

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Neiji P.O.V.

What's her game? She just randomly shows up and starts talking crap, she even gave us a scroll.

Why should I, a genius, accept a scroll from her. She has no chance of beating me. I check my surroundings to see that no one is looking and take off my forehead protector.

I gently trace the mark on my forehead. Everyone has fates that are determined from birth, and they are inescapable.

I'm a genius, how could anyone here stand a chance against me?

The only problem is the main house! I'll show that girl, Hinata Hyūga.

My father died because he was forced to take the main houses 'fake leader' position and was killed. That proves to show how we can not escape our destinies.

"That's a cursed seal, it binds you to the main house. Those marked with the seal are obligated to protect the members of the main house...even if it means death...isn't that right Neiji? "

I whip my head around to see Lucy just standing there, not smiling, not moving.

After a good minute of silence, she walks over to me. I prepare for the worst and hold a kuni out in front of me.

"Back off." I growl at her, but she keeps her slow, steady pace.

When she reaches me, she looks into my eyes. Her eyes are full of sadness and anger.

Tears start pouring down her cheeks and she pounces on me. I manage to keep my balance as she wraps her arms around me.

"What are you doing?" I ask her harshly.

" You don't want to cry, but your sad, so I'll cry for you." She said while looking up at me which puffy red eyes.

For a few minutes the only thing that I could hear were hiccups and sniffles.

At one point they stopped, so I look down to check if she is ok, and find her sound asleep in my arms. There is no way I'm sad...right?

I hear Tenten and Lee calling me, but I don't want to get up...I'm comfortable.

I suddenly get up, we have two earth scrolls and one heavens scroll. We could 'dump' one of the earth scrolls near Lucy, and find her team so we can 'defeat' them.

Perfect plan. I walk towards Lee and ask " Where is the other earths scroll?"

"Why are you looking for it?"

" Just give it to me!"

"First you give me Lucy."

"No! I don't have time for this, just hand over the scroll."

"Why aren't you giving me Lucy? Do you liiiike her?" (A/N: How'd happy get here?)

"That's preposterous! Just hand over the scroll!" I feel weight being lifted out of my arms and glare to the side.

Tenten is holding Lucy and the scroll. She gives Lucy the scroll and as soon as it touches her body, it disappears.

Her body jolts and her face twists up. Tenten starts freaking out.

A mark that looks just like the earth scroll appears on her hand and she relaxes back into Tenten's arms.
"Tha...nk...yo...u." she says while sleeping. Tenten similes down at Lucy.

"Now we need to get her to her team-I mean defeat her team...yeah...that's what I mean. Let's just head in the direction of the center tower (I forgot its name)" I said quickly. I hope they didn't notice the slip-up.

We start walking towards the general area of the center tower. Along the way, Lucy wakes up.

I face palm as Lee and Lucy start dancing.

" Ok Lucy, first we go to the right, then to the left. Let's start!" He starts singing in a cracked voice and Lucy just dances.

Ugg, my heads about to explode. Out of nowhere, I hear a scream. Lucy's face contorts into a look of anger and realization.

"It's Sakura!" I look at her confused. Who's Sakura? Tenten and Lee look just as confused, at least I'm not the only one.

She sighs and says " Does Stinky-Pinky ring a bell?" Ohhh, that pink haired girl. Lucy turns to us and bows.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me. I am afraid I have to depart. Though fear not! I shall save the day! Ciao for now my friends!"

She smiles at us and takes off running. We watch her take of, not saying a word but I'm pretty sure we are thinking the same thing 'Lucy, please be safe'.  Though my instincts were telling me another story.

Lucy P.O.V.
Sakura is prone to screaming...but this's different. I could sense the terror and misery in her annoying voice.

The revolting smell of Sakura's perfume fills my nostrils. I jump from tree to tree, following her scent.

As the scent gets stronger, my movements get quieter. I hide in the tree and peek down.

Both Naruro-nii-san and Sasuke have passed out and Sakura is screaming "Don't cut my hair! Don't cut my beautiful hair!"

I see the ninjas from the village hidden by the sound. Stop, wait a minute.

Are they Zabuza's friends or is cow print a go to item on the evil ninjas list? Anyway, it seems like they are trying to kill them.

They haven't sensed me yet so that's good. I throw a kuni knife at the girl's hand, the one who is gripping Sakura's hair. As soon as the girl lets go, Sakura starts running, leaving the unconscious boys defenseless.

At least I have one less person to protect. She threw around twenty needles in my general direction.

"I know your there, come out." She smirks and looks up. Plan A, commence!

I jump from tree to tree, to try to get a bit of distance. I grab some Hebiyuwaku leafs and put a few in my hair, then tangle it all up.

  I changed the clothes that Lee gave me into a pair of old rags. I put some dirt on my face and some on my clothes too. Ok, now for the final step. I kneel and place my hand on the ground. I start chanting

" Oh great snakes

Please make haste

Come from the Great Lakes

Because there is no time to waste

Act with false intention

As to trick thy foes

Not without mention

Does thy oppose


A bunch of snakes come slithering towards me. I 'scream' and run in the direction of the sound ninjas. I 'tumble' down the hill and land at the Hunchback of Norte Dame's feet. He looks startled to see me. Now this is where the real action starts.

Shout out to


Thank you for taking the time to read my book, and posting encouraging and helpful comments. Thank you to the people who liked my story, and I didn't mention. I won't do a shout out in every chapter, but I'll try to include everyone who comments (that's how I got this list, I want through the comments) on the story. Ciao for now!

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