Chapter 13

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( I changed the time to before the Tenro Arc.)
*Currently at Fairy Tail*
*After Lucy's Death*

'I finally did it! I finally got rid of that pest! Now she can never touch my Natsu ever again!' Lissana thinks as a devious smirk makes its way onto her face. She grabs Natsu arm and presses it tightly to her chest. (I just triggered your gag reflex, didn't I?) Natsu looks over at her and smiles sweetly. "Let's go back to Fairy Tail, we have a lot to get done." "Mmhm~ We sure do~."  As they walk, hand in hand through the forest, they fail to notice the sound. The sound of Lucy's voice, screaming her supposed last words. Gray and Erza hear it though. Erza takes a step towards the edge of the cliff and her eyes widen in surprise.

"Where's Lucy's body? It's gone. Gray, come here for a second." Erza motions Gray to come to her. As he walks over, he notices some, weird foreign object glinting in the sun. He picks it up and inspects it. It looks like it's made of gold, with intricate swirl patterns adorning the circumference of the object. Gray puts it in his pocket, and walks calmly over to Erza.

Lisanna P.O.V.

"We have an announcement! Everybody listen up!" Natsu yells out. He helps me onto the table from where he stands. I giggle and blush to emphasize the point. Natsu is mine, is what I want my actions to scream out. I bet they already did a long time ago though.  "Well, I kind of have two announcements to make. The first and Natsu (I did that on purpose) have started dating!" Loud cheers erupted from the crowd. I look over to Mira and notice she is already making a list for baby names. I giggle and say "Onto the second announcement then, well you know about that bitch Lucy, right? Well...she's dead!" Once again, cheers erupted from the crowd, and a sense of overwhelming satisfaction washes over me.

Not only did I kill Lucy and get my Natsu, but I get to see the look of pain on the face of that brown eyed bitch! She looks up at me with those pathetic eyes of hers, and then look down as the tears start falling from her eyes. Little ol' lover boy comes and asks her what's wrong, but she just shakes it off. Man I wish Mira could get me some popcorn. ( Because she doesn't have the brains to work a simple microwave) I've hated her ever since I first saw her. Anyway moving on from that pest. I jump off the table into Natsu's arms.

"When he finally kisses my mouth, everything goes oddly quiet, like the moment of silence between lightning and thunder. One Mississippi. Two Mississippi. Three Mississippi. Four Mississippi. Five Mississippi.


We kiss again. The next kiss is the kind that breaks open the sky. It steals my breath and gives it back. It shows me that every other kiss I've had in my life has been wrong." Just One Day by Gayle Forman.

(MUST READ: That was to give you an idea of what happened in Lisanna's mind. I am an avid hater of NaLi, or anything to do with Lisanna for that matter, so I could not bring myself to write the events that were happening. So, I quoted a book. Just One Day by Gayle Forman.)

He puts me back on the ground and I hear someone holler "Get a room!" I roll my eyes and walk hand in hand with Natsu to his house.  

??? P.O.V.

It's her fault Lucy's gone. She did...something. Maybe she hypnotized everyone in the guild to hate Lucy, but then why wasn't I affected. What about selective mind control? That sounds reasonable...she hates me, and the feelings mutual. I finish writing the letter. I'm going to get her to meet up with me, in the Fairy Tail guild, at 12:00 A.M. I slip the envelope into Natsu's mailbox, she always hangs out at Natsu's house, so it would be useless to send it to her house. Mira might have seen it first anyway, if I had sent it to Lisanna's house. I walk calmly back to the guild, if I ran it would look suspicious.

I open the guild doors to the revolting sight of Lisanna kissing Natsu. Way to go, you've ruined my day once again! Ugg, I'm just so sick of this. As I'm walking I see Gajeel, I'm about to speak when he says "Hi Wendy, how are you today?" I don't even try to confirm my suspicions, as I walk away to reach the table at the end of the guild. I sigh as I sit down. Sometimes, I actually wonder why she hates me. From the moment she saw me, she was all but nice to me.

God! It's finally 12! I hid in the infirmary till everyone was gone, but I'm pretty sure they wouldn't notice anyway. I hear the guild doors creak open. "Come out, Come out wherever you are~." I hear Lisanna say in a singsong tone. I walk out of the infirmary with a grim look on my face, and I glare at her with all the hatred I can muster. "What do you want you pest." "You promised me! You promised me you would stay away from Lucy and now she's dead! Why?!" "It was wearing off, and I thought it would just be easier on me to kill her now." "Did you brainwash them? Did you brainwash everyone in the guild." "No~." "Then what's your explanation?"

"Well my dear Levy, I learned a new spell. It heightens the selected emotions of the victim towards something or...someone. I just amplified their 'bad thoughts' into 'hate-filled thoughts'. Nothing much." "So they weren't being controlled? Those were their thoughts on Lucy?" "Exactly." Out of nowhere, I hear a voice say "These guys are all horrible. We would never do that to our fellow guild members." "Who are you?" I ask. "I'm the-" "His name is Sting... and I'm Rogue." One boy said, I still can't see them, but the first voice gives off a more arrogant vibe than the other, which is more passive.

"What are you doing here." I ask, they are obviously not in the guild, so what are they doing here? And on the S class floor! "We thought we'd explore this also infamous Fairy Tale guild. We were thinking about joining, we thought this guild was all about 'family' and 'all for one, one for all', that was really just all all an act. Humph, pathetic." The more arrogant one, I'm guessing Sting, says. The other one hums in approval. Silence envelopes the guild, the only ones left in it being Lisanna and I. I turn towards Lisanna, hoping to get a full explanation, but she's gone. I sigh, and open the guild doors, making my way towards my apartment in Fairy Hills.

Stings P.O.V.

"Hahahah! We tricked them!" I say while coming out from behind the curtain. Rogue turns back from his shadow form and nods his head in agreement. I walk forward to high five him but I trip on something and fall flat on my face. Rogue extends his arm and puts his hand in front of me, but I swat it away and get up by myself. " What the hell did I trip on?!" I say while rubbing my forehead. Rogue bends down and grabs something. When he stands up straight again, he shows me what he found. "Whoa!" In his hand, there is a gold amulet like thing, with swirls everywhere! "I wonder why this is here?" Rogue says in his usual calm manner. I pipe up and ask "Can we take it, it looks like it would get us a lot of money!" "No, we can't. They could accuse us of theft. Let's just hide it, so if they make false claims, we will probably earn more money than this thing could get us." Rogue reasons as he places the item under a loose floorboard.

He turns back to me and says "Let's go." He holds out his hand and I grab it. He pulls me closer, and we keep walking till I hear a creak. He opens the door and holds it in order to let me out first. After I walk out he follows in pursuit. I smirk and say "Let me guess, we went out the back door, so no one could catch us! Right!?" "No, we went through the front door." "Why?!" "Because...It was closer." Everything goes quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop, till I ask. "Rogue, that thing looked expensive, right? Why would it be on the ground if it was 'so important'?" "..." The silence befell us once again, and the answer I was searching for was nowhere to be found.

Gray P.O.V.

I wonder how much this thing sells for? I walk in the guild with Erza and walk up the stairs to go to report to master what has happened. Of course I won't tell him about that amulet, he doesn't need to know. Or is it knocks on the door as I way beside her. We hear the master master yell "Come in!" Erza opens the door and I held the door as she walked in. "Master,Lucy is dead. She fell off the cliff, we are terribly sorry." Erza says in her usual, respectful tone. I glance over at him, looking for any hints of sadness or regret but I found none. He spoke in a calm clear manner. "Oh, that's so sad, poor child. Though for some reason I don't feel sad for this very unfortunate... occurrence. One less weak mage in the guild. Oh well." I look at him kind of shocked, I didn't expect that from our always happy master. He waves his hand to signal that we are dismissed. I calmly walk out of the room, with my hands in my... WHERE THE HECK DID MY PANTS GO! Shoot, I kept the amulet in there! I run down the stairs to find Julia, she always has my clothes. I tap her shoulder and hearts form in her eyes. Eww.

"Gray-sama! Gray-sama surprised Juvia! What is it that Gray-sama needs? Juvia will do anything!" She says in her usual, high pitched voice. I ask her "Have you seen my pants?" She shakes her head. Wait, why does she look like I just killed her dog? Yeesh. I wanderer around the guild, clueless to the location of my pants. I look under the bar counter, under the tables, Hell, I even start searching the train station and the cliff. I walk back to the guild at 7 PM, still no luck in finding them. Damn, where the hell did I leave my pants! I go up to the S class floor, where masters office is, and search every nook and cranny of the place. As I am searching for my pants, something catches my eye. It's the S class board with all the cool missions.

I place my hand on the board and sigh, the S class exams are coming up. I swear, I will pass! I sigh and look down...oh wow... I found my pants. I pick them up an search my pockets for the gold amulet, and as luck would have it... it's gone. I sigh again before tossing my pants over my shoulder, and deciding to call it a night. Wait, wouldn't it be better if I just put them on now?

*Two Years Later*
Nobody's P.O.V.

It's been about two years since Lucy's death. The guild is in a dire state, not even a fraction of what it used to be. There are be people sitting around, emitting a depressing aura that spreads throughout the guild like wildfire. Saying that this reaction was caused by Lucy's death would be like saying the earth is flat, so untrue that it becomes funny when mentioned. They are sulking because there is still no trace of the mages that had left for the S class exam on Tenrou Island. Romeo sighs and places his head on the table, when suddenly a bright light lights up the guild. Everyone looks to the source of the disturbance, but has to look away immediately for the brightness of the light was blinding.

When the initial shock left, everyone in the guild unanimously sighed, Reedus decided to open the blinds, again. The sunlight was something that wasn't seen often in the guild anymore. Small specks of dust danced in the air, emphasizing that the guild hasn't been cleaned in along time. "Hahah, Pathetic. Don't ya think?" A boy says. The guild members have yet to notice the presence of the trespassers on the second floor. The other boy with him nods in agreement. He, the boy who agreed, gets up and walks over to an object on the floor, and picks it up. "It's still here, I thought it would have been gone by this point." The one with the brown, spiky hair declares. He takes the other boys hand and says "Let's go, Haku."

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