Chapter 14

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Lucy P.O.V.

"Who are you?" Dosu asks me, with a scratchy voice. The other two glared at me suspiciously, but their guard was down. Or at least that's what it seemed like. I look at them with puppy dog eyes say "Please don't hurt me." I add the teary eyes for more effect. If all goes well, I will launch a surprise attack when they least expect it, or I could try to get away without any violence, but that is improbable. The girl picks me up and I smile at her. She smiles back and before I know it I feel an impact on my right cheek. I go flying and land a few meters back.

I taste a familiar, sour metallic taste in my mouth and spit it out, along with my two front teeth. Don't worry, they were wobbly anyway. I lie with my stomach facing the floor, pretending to be dead, or at least knocked out. "Hahahaha, Please don't hurt me! Pathetic." Kin says. Bitch. " Come on we have to bring the Uchiha to Orochimaru. You know impatient he is." So that was their plan. They're going to give Sasuke to some random pedophile? I sigh and get off the floor. I notice the state of my new clothes and sigh again. I'll have to apologize to Lee. Such a pain. I dust off as much of the dirt as I can and start stretching.

"Kin, sweetie, what you did just now is called assault. On top of that, child trafficking. It's illegal, so try your best not to do it, kay?" I explain in a teasing manner. Hopping from one leg to the next, I smirk at the three ninjas. "Well, who's coming to play with me first...or is it going to be 3 vs 1? I'm fine with either option." I grin at them mockingly. "Don't flatter yourself, I could beat you with my eyes closed. Brat." "Are you sure about that, old hag?" "Hey, who you calling an old hag! Stop acting so cocky!" She runs at me in the most cliche 'ninja run' possible. It took all my strength not to start laughing at her. "This'll be a piece of cake." she scoffs at me as she tries to catch me with a right hook to the jaw.

I step backward, easily avoiding the strong fist coming my way. She recovers and leaps back a bit to gain some distance. Hmm, interesting. Her attacks are fast but it takes her some time to recover. Phrasing that in my expectations, it takes her more than one second to recover. She comes charging at me again and this time I take advantage of it. I grab her wrist and flip her in mid-air, harshly slamming her on the ground. I let go of her wrist and step back. Too easy. Something's wrong. I look back just to see 'her' aiming sebon at me. She throws them and they come darting towards me. I narrowly avoid them as I go back into attack. I throw a kunai at her clone and watch it become a vanishing cloud of smoke. I'm going to use this as my physical training, no magic allowed.

I deliver a kick to her side and send her flying into Dosu.  When they collide, Dosu roughly throws Kins' body forward, as if he didn't care what happened to her. On second thought, he probably didn't. " Get up Kin. Stop playing around. We don't have time for this!" Kin gets up and replies with a dry 'yes sir'. She comes speeding towards me and I sigh for the tenth time today, I'll have to worry about stress wrinkles soon...urg. I prepare for Kins' attack but instead of a light adrenaline feel to my body I feel a strong force causing my body to collapse to the floor. I look back to see the smirking face of Zaku. I snarl at him and ask " No warning? Remember your teaming up on a poor little girl. I might just cry...Wha! Wha!" I fake cry, and make it as real as their kindness. Oh right, I forgot, they're heartless bastards. But every heartless bastard has a backstory. Some have a reason... and others are just sadistic psychopaths that take joy out of harming others. I forgot about the pinch I was in till Kin slammed her knee into my stomach. It hurts like hell.

'Princess! Please let us aid you!' I hear my celestial spirits voices ring through my head. 'Use True Celeste!' Loki screams. True Celeste is a powerful buzzer beater that wipes out your target. Depending on the percentage of power you use on your opponent, they can die.  No matter how many you target. The best thing about True Celeste is that it lets you target your opponents, so that any bystanders won't be affected. For True Celeste you need all the golden gat keys, including the 13th key of  Ophiuchus. "But I can't! I don't have all the golden gate keys!" I say out loud. The sound ninjas look at me in a weird way but I ignore them. "Doesn't that little girl Yukino have the three remaining keys." Hesitation. It's always a bad sign. "Did something happen to her? Loki sighs and says "I don't think now is the best time to tell you. You have to focus on the battle" He pauses for a second and then says in a rushed voice "Watch out."

I block the kick that was headed towards me and start mocking my opponent "Excuse me, I was in the middle of a conversation. Don't you know it's rude to interrupt? Well that's just what weak people do. They attack when someone is not looking. At your level that wouldn't even be considered a sneak attack. Kin dear, just sit somewhere and let the stronger people deal with me. I don't want to waste my time on a weak person. Well, hurry and give me a worthy opponent."

I see her face twist from a confident smirk to a hateful grimace. She glares at me with as much hate as physically possible and sloppily runs towards me. This is a prime example of blinded by rage. I normally don't say these mean things, and Kin is not really weak, I'm just using this a provocation material. She aims at me with an iron fist and all I do is leap back with a taunting smirk. "Well, is that all you've got? I haven't even used maj- jutsus and I'm still beating you." I jump on a tree and look down on her to accentuate my position. In her fit of rage she starts trying to preform Shinra Tensei. Her two parters break out in cold sweat and run off in different directions. The attack, depending on how much chakra is put into it, can destroy everything within a one mile radius. I can't get Naruto and Sasuke out of here in time! And what about the surrounding bystanders? I have no choice! I'm gonna have to kill her. (Women Lose Weight anyone?) That's the only way to deactivate the jutsu, that is if she figures out all the hand signs in time. Just stoping her is not enough for at this point. I thank her incompetence at preforming this jutsu, as it gives me time to stop her before it all goes downhill. I take a deep breath in and the words for True Celeste come flowing out of my mouth.

"88 stars of the heavens
  Grant me the power
  For I am the ruler
  Of the constellations
  Lock the target
  And throw the key
  To protect all allies
   True Celeste!"

I feel the power draining from my body as my tense muscles struggle to keep me standing. I see a target marker and start staring at Kin. As if I was playing a game, lock target appears before my eyes. I stare on for one second longer an the target locks. There's no going back now. I clench both hands in the middle of my chest and as if pushing something away, I blast my hands forward. A golden beam shoots from my hands and hits Kim in the temples. It consumes so much energy. At least I didn't have to kill her, but she may be in a coma for years. Sorry. I'm sorry. The remaining strength slips from my body and I go tumbling off the tree.

Black. I see black.

Shikamaru's POV

I catch the falling Lucy. I watched the whole thing, or at least since she was casting the spell. Who is she? Who is she really? When she was chanting a faint image of a girl with shoulder length blonde hair, looking around 16 years old, appeared over her small figure. The girl was translucent, on the verge of transparent. She was beautiful. As long as she lasted. Now the only form left is of 4 year old Lucy.

If I remember correctly, Lucy showed up out of nowhere. One day she just appeared, as Naruto's proclaimed sister, and we all accepted that, without really questioning who she is or where she came from. I hold her tighter to me as I hear footsteps behind me. "Hey, Shikamaru, why'd you suddenly take off running?" I hear Chōjis strained voice as he jogs up behind me, out of breath. "I found someone." I say as I turn around, and nodding towards the unconscious body of Lucy. "Lucy? What's she doing here?" Ino states, now peering over Chōjis shoulder. Her eyes shift and she promptly gasps. "Sasuke!" she wails as she runs past me. I watch her run and kneel down, checking Sasukes pulse. She sighs in relief and her muscles relax. Lying right next to Sasuke, is Naruto, in a similar, maybe even more critical state, and yet when she finally notices she just continues tending to Sasuke. She slings his arm around her shoulder and starts walking toward us. Thank goodness Lucy is sleeping, as she would have been so vexed.

I walk over and check for Naruto's pulse. He's alive. How troublesome. "Chōji, you grab Naruto, I'll bring Lucy and help Ino with Sasuke. "There's no need, I'll take care of Sasuke." I hear a feminine voice say. I turn around and find Sakura standing there, with one hand on her hip, leaning on her right leg. "Sakura." Ino growls. Forgetting about the unconscious boy, they but heads. "Stupid Ino pig! Why are you here?" "I found Sasuke here and was helping him out. What of  it billboard-brow?" Ino retorted with a snort. They bash their heads together again, completely forgetting about the unconscious boy at this point. "Let's just hurry up and get this over with." Chōji suggests with a weary chuckle, stabilizing Naruto's position on his shoulder. The girls hoist Sasuke up and scoff as they turn their heads to their respective sides. I just sigh and start walking, leading the group in the correct direction.

Along the way Naruto wakes up and is tasked with carrying Sasuke. He protests and insists on carrying Lucy. All the bickering wakes the young girl up. "I have to talk with you, Lucy." I have to uncover, who she really is. For all I know, she could be a spy. She looks up an5 me with her beautiful blue orbs and says "What do you need to talk about?" Slightly tilting her head to the side inquisitively. I grab her hand and lead her to the back of the group. We stroll in silence for a few minutes, her small hang grasping mine, till finally I manifest to voice my question. "Who are you, Lucy?" "I'm-" "Before you say, 'I'm Naruto's sister, isn't it obvious' I'm asking who you are." "Shi-ka-ma-ru~" she sings in a loud tone. "I'm tired, can you pick me up~?" Her tone of voice is more sweet than usual, as she grabs my arm. I pick her up and she rests her head on my shoulder. She stays quiet a few seconds before whispering "Could you have been any louder?" She lets out an aggravated sigh. "Who are you Lucy?" She moves her mouth closer to my ear. Her warm breath tickles my ear as she exhales. I wait in anticipation for her response.

"I am a mage from a different dimension."


Hope you liked it. Sorry I haven't updated in a while but please continue supporting my story!

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