Chapter 15

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Lucy P.O.V.
"I'm a mage from a different dimension."
He stares me down incredulously as I continue. The look of utter confusion and shock he is giving me is hilarious, but I continue telling my story with a straight face, no matter how much I feel like laughing. I take a deep breath before continuing.

" My real name is Lucy Heartfilia, I was born in year X767, at the age of 10 my mother died, I ran away from home at the age of 16, at 17 I joined the guild Fairy Tail. They betrayed me then pushed me off a cliff. A voice called out to me and I teleported here with all my memories still intact. And there you have it, but if this information is 'accidentally' publicized, you can expect much death to come."

I ended my sentence with a threat that I probably won't follow through with; I'm a pretty good actor. I know some of you may be like "Lucy WTF are you doing? Why are you telling him your backstory at this point? Just lie!" but I feel it is useless to lie, it will just get confusing later on. He clenches his fists and I can feel his glare bore into my back. I just ignore it and rest my head on his shoulder.
I look at the seals on my arm. The now nine seals that keep my power from overflowing. The seals are almost invisible, because they blend with my skin color.

"Are you planning on attacking the village?"

"Nah, it's not on my bucket list for now."

I bet he wants to strangle me right now. Whatever. I push myself off of him and start walking. Do you know that feeling, when you're just plain tired that even something as simple as breathing exhausts you? That's how I'm feeling right now, I don't even have the energy to ask to be carried. I hear a faint voice calling my name.
And again.
This voice is familiar and one that I hear often. One of my beloved celestial spirits, Loke. I hear something along the lines of "come to the celestial realm". Oh, so that's what this is about. I think and try to devise a plan on how to get out of here. My main problem is Shikamaru who is keeping a close eye on my every move. What if I ask to go check something out, because "I saw someone". Nah, that wouldn't work, Shikamaru would just try to tag along. What are activities that you do on your own here dammit! Is there no privacy?

Suddenly a foolproof plan comes to mind. Something that no one can reject, and they can't call me out for lying. Furthermore it would be just plain awkward for someone to tag along with me. This... might actually work! I go up to Naruto and pull on his sleeve. I glance around and act all nervous. I blush and look to the side. Just as predicted, he asks me what's wrong. I look him in the eye, then look away bashfully. He stares at me with a serious look, demanding of an answer.
"Lucy. What's wrong?"
"I-I um I-I n-ne."
"I need to go to the bathroom!"
"So go then, we'll wait."
"I-It's fine, I'll meet you there."

I look down for added affect. Naruto opens his mouth to argue but I shut him up with my look of desperation. He just hooded and waved bye to me, making up a less embarrassing story. I really love him, he is the best brother anyone could ask for. He didn't embarrass me, he protected me from that by coming up with an excuse. I thank Naruto silently as I walk away.

I stand in a cleared area, with minimal obstacles such as trees and bushes. I look around to check for anyone who may be watching. I put my hands on a nearby tree, and carve out the time it is right now: 6:42. I go back the clearing in the center, I let out a sigh and let my eyelids drop. I feel a light for two seconds. I feel the ground give out from under me and I drop. I open my eyes as I'm plummeting to take in the awning view of the celestial spirit realm. It's been so long since I've seen this place. Even though I am plummeting I feel no fear, I just let the calm air of this realm fill my lungs. I really love it here. I let out a content sigh as I drop straight into Loke's arms. He stares at me strangely; sort of quizzically. He looks me straight in the eye and asks me an question I'd never thought I would hear, especially from him.
"Who are you?"
" I am.... evil. I have come to take over this realm!"
He looks at me skeptically.
"Lu-cy? Lucy? Lucy!"
"Finally, I was thinking you would never guess!"
"But...why do you look...small?"
"New life shit and what not?"

Still confused but deciding to ignore it, he walks with me in his arms to along a path, leading to a medium sized mansion, maybe 1/8 the size of the Heartfilia estate. The gates open, aided by plue lookalikes. I come to realization that I'm shorter than plue and start sulking.
"What's wrong princess?"
Loke asks me.
"I'm.... so .....short!!!"

I sulk even more. Loke just comforts me by patting my back as the main doors to the mansion open. It's beautifully furnished, with a older western style to it, there are many vases containing flowers that are indigenous to this realm. The carpet is a light lilac color which contrasts the oak wood floor beautifully. Ahh this is so different from the style in Naruto's home, or anyone in the leaf village. It's...refreshing and nostalgic at the same time.

I sigh as yet another door opens, revealing a crowded room with all the golden gate keys. We chat aimlessly for a minute or two, then Loke clears his throat and we all pipe down. He looks at me in the eye, and I can feel the thick blanket of heavy atmosphere that has just coated this room. Everyone, as if suddenly reminded, looked sad but the two who stood out the most are Pieces and Libra 
What happened to her?

"Well... back in magnolia... no, in all of fiore a law has passed, that all that can access the celestial spirit realm shall be executed."

I stare in silent shock, wondering if my ears were playing tricks on me. Loke grabs my hand in his and continues with the story. He stutters to start again, looking like he was on the verge of a breakdown. I see Pisces, one of Yukino's former spirits. She comes up to me and grabs my hand in hers. I feel a shock come to my mind. I see she is trying to show me what happened to yukino, in greater detail that can't be expressed with words. I close my eyes and accept the invitation. I'm seeing everything through Pisces point of view. I see Yukino, who looks around 10. Walking around the streets of Crocus at night, looking around frantically as she passed by. She looked like she was hiding from something, or rather someone. With each step she takes I can hear my heart beat faster.

A big, harry hand grabs ahold of her neck from the darkness. She gags as he presses her esophagus in as he grabs her. He lifts her up like a dog, by the neck, and grins at her. She struggles and pries but the strangers grip is too strong.

"Thought you could escape, aye girlie? Well tough luck brat."


"Found er'."
The man proclaims as if he just shot down that deer he'd been itching to shoot. The strong grip prevents her from speaking, there is barely enough space to let the air reach her lungs. He finally releases her neck from his harsh grasp. Though the alternative is a bit better, it still hurt being carried over his shoulder. He starts walking in the direction of a white van; he flings the doors open to reveal a horrific scene. Blood splattered around the interior of the leather coated back, with many hooks to hang objects like ropes and tasers.

Though I was not at the scene, it felt like I could smell the iron like scent of the blood. It made me feel sick to my stomach. He tied her arms behind her back and tied the rope around her neck to the nearest hook. I watched as he closed the door, leaving little Yukino in total darkness. The small back was enveloped in darkness, the only indicators of the location were the terrified sobs of Yukino and the rev of the engine.

Like skipping though the boring part of a movie, Pisces showed me an execution stage surrounded by a sea of mages. I recognized a few faces, staring in horror at the vision. I saw Spetto a former worker at the Heartfillia mansion and Everlue the guy who called me ugly and Katje. There where many others who I didn't recognize. Yukino was at the very edge in the guillotine closest to a podium. All the mages looked frightened, from the old who were keeping a strong face to the young who were sobbing uncontrollably. I started tearing up. This is so unfair, these people are innocent! I see a highly overweight man with a walrus mustache waltzed up to the podium. His eyes a deep crimson, like the blood of the people he was about to kill. He cleared his throat as he was about to speak.

"People of Fiore, we have gathered here today to witness the execution of these foul demons, the ones once called celestial mages. That name is just a facade to trick us into letting them roam free. My men and I have discovered the truth though. Through our extensive research on the subject we have concluded that these demons are sucking the life out of earth land. When they open the celestial gates, they release evil energy which spreads plague and will thus cause an apocalypse I& not takes care of. So here today we present to you the execution of these vermin!"

The crowd cheered and the nausea rose from my stomach. Do they actually believe this bullshit?! My heart clenches and I start sobbing while watching the black clad men walk onto the stage. Each man stood next to one guillotin, ready to pull the rope at the fat mans commands. The crown cheered louder, some grabbed stones and threw them at the celestial mages. At this point I couldn't watch anymore. I shut my eyes tight trying to block out everything but the terror stricken screams of the people filled my mind. I hear a crash and the screaming ceases, only thing to be heard is the foul laugh of that man and the cheering of Fiore people.

I open my eyes to reality. The whole room is filled with sobs, some being silent while others overwhelm the room. I look at Pieces who's body is racked by sobs but manages to tell me

"Get back to your world......they are...probably waiting....for you...."

Sobbing to much to speak properly, Pisces clings to Libra. I nod, feeling upset but I know I am unable to do anything to relive their pain. I silently stand up and walk out of the sob filled room. I let out a big sigh and the tears come pouring out. I cry as I make my way out of the mansion. I sit down, unable to bear the pain of loss. I wait for a few minutes till I'm calm enough to preform magic. I open the portal and jump through. I land in the same spot I was in before and check the time on the tree.  It's now 6:52. I spent around two hours in the celestial spirit realm. At least the time difference isn't three months!! I use my nose to track Naruto, jumping through the trees to catch up with them.

The chunin exam so far has been chaotic. I hope it calms down from this point out.
Hahaha funny joke...


Wow I'm finally done with this chapter. I can't promise anything but I might update again soon. Sorry for leaving this story for a long time. I understand if you've lost interest. I'm sorry for being such a bad writer and not updating in a long time. Hope you can forgive me!!

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