Chapter 2

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Naruto P.O.V.

As I look around the street I see kids with their family's. Everyone except for a few people ignore me and look at me with pure hatred and disgust. I still don't get why. What did I ever do.I go to the academy because I want to become hokage and prove everyone wrong. Maybe then they will accept me then. Most of the kids I'm my class make fun of me. I just wish I had a family. Even if it is just a sister or brother. I may act all happy, but I just want to cover up my feelings. 

I'm going to go to my favorite tree that is just outside the village. I go there to clear my head. When I got to the tree I saw a basket. I herd the faint noise of breathing so I went to look in the basket. In the basket was a sleeping baby. The baby girl had blonde hair and long eyelashes and has a bib with the name Lucy on it.She is so adorable, but where are her parents. Mabye she is like me. No parents, no family, no one to depend on. I've decided. I will take care Lucy and she will be my new sister. Finally I have at least one family member. Anything is possible.


Lucy P.O.V.

When I woke up I saw two blurry figures. As my vision adjusted I saw a boy around eight or nine years old and an old man wearing a funny hat. When I yawned they turned to look at me.I just blinked in confusion. Where am I ? I am pretty sure I am one year old or do because my hands are so tiny.

 I managed to squeak out " H-h-hewow ( h-h-hello)." Then the old man said " Please child, don't fear us. I am the third hokage and this is Naruto Uzumaki. We are in the leaf village. Naruto found you all alone in the forest. Where is your family?" At the mention of family I started to cry. The hokake was calm and Naruto was freaking out. Then Naruto picked me up and said " Shh, it's ok. I don't have a family either. We could be a family." I looked up at him and smiled. Then I shouted " Nawuto-nii ( Naruto-nii)" and hugged him.

 He grinned and hugged me back. He looked at the hokage and asked " where will she go when I have to go to school?" The hokage thought for a moment and then he said" It's up to her. If she wants to stay home I'll send someone to take care of her but if she wants to go with you to school you are responsible. Naruto turned to me and I piped "Stway wiw Nawuto-nii." I then gave hi a kiss on the cheek. Then I rested my head down for nap time. I herd parts of the conversation as I drifted of into a peaceful sleep.

------ TIME SKIP -----

Nobody P.O.V

When Naruto woke up in the morning he made breakfast for him and Lucy. When she woke up she ate and then Naruto helped her put on a blue sundress.

 Naruto opened the door and bent down to give Lucy a piggy back ride. When thy were walking around the town Lucy overheard people saying mean stuff about Naruto. She was seething in anger and had to restrain herself from executing them. When they arrived at the academy Lucy held on tighter onto Narutos neck for security. He tuns and gives her a reassuring smile and she loosens her grip a bit. Naruto opens the door and the whole class looks at them. Thy couldn't see Lucy so they just went back to whatever they were doing. Naruto then puts her down and she lost her balance and fell on her butt. This time the class saw her and stared her down. She just hid behind Narutos leg and said a quiet hello. Most of the boys blush and all the girls start squealing like there is no tomorrow. 

Lucy goes up to the only boy who was frowning and asked him " Why awe yow eyes fiwed wit angwer, hatwed, sadnwess awnd a thwirs fow wevenge (Why are your eyes filled with anger,hate, sadness and a thirst for revenge)?" His eyes widened as she said that. He kept on asking himself how the kid could tell. He hid it so well. Then Iruka sensi came in and everyone went to thir seats except for Naruto and Lucy. Naruto then picked Lucy up and brought her to Iruka sensei. Iruka sensei said " Well Naruto who do we have here. Hello I'm Iruka Umino, nice to meat ya." Lucy responded " Hewo Iwuka swnsei. I'm Wucy Wuzumaki Nawutos adwoptwed swister, pwesure two make yow acquantwes (Hello Iruka sensei. I'm Lucy Uzumaki, Narutos adopted sister, pleasure to make your acquaintance)."

When she was done everyone stared at her dumbfounded and thought ' How can a kid that is so young know such complicated words??!!'. Iruka sensei then cleared his throat and said " Lucy you go sit in the empty seat next to Naruto, ok." She just nods and sits down in between Sasake and Naruto. Iruka starts to teach stuff about chakra. He then asked " Who knows how the chakra network functions?" Only two people raised their hands, Sasake and Lucy.

 Iruka curios on what the litte girl would say called on her. Her explanation was detailed and had some complex words. She left everyone dumbfounded, again. The whole class thought ' how friking smart is this child'. After lunch they started class . The topic was focus. Four boys weren't paying attention so they had to go to the front. Lucy just followed Naruto. The people who were called up were Naruto, Kiba, Choji and Shikamaru.  Iruka sensei started to lecture them on focus when Naruto picked Lucy up and the four males jumped out the window. They expected her to scream but she was just laughing without a care in the world. 

She then said " Mowe, mowe ( more, more)" Naruto was jumping tree to tree, Choji was eating chips, Shikamaru was watching  the clouds and Kira was playing with Akamaru. Lucy saw Choji eating her favorite kind of chips so she told Naruto to put her down. She then got on her feet and waddled over to Choji. She pulled his sleeve and asked " Maw I pweas hwve swome chwips ( may I please have some chips )." Choji looked over to see the little girl Lucy. He normally wouldn't give anyone his chips, but it would be mean not to give her one. He headed her a chip and se started to munch on it. When she was done she said thanks and gave Choji a kiss on the cheek. Chojis face would put a tomato to shame. Naruto, who was fuming, picked Lucy up and started to walk home. When he arrived Lucy was already sleeping in his arms. He gives her a loving smile and a kiss on the forehead. He whispered " Goodnight lil sis" and left to go to his bed.

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