Chapter 3

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Lucy P.O.V.
Today is the day we become ninja. I am so exited for me and Naruto-nii. It's been a year since Naruto-nii found me. I know I am going to pass because I am the top student. I don't have a lot of friends because most of them hate
Naruto-nii. Kiba, Choji, and Shikamaru are my friends. They don't really mind Naruto-nii. I have powers beyond comprehension to them. That's why I'm wearing limiters. Ten to be precise. If I get too mad, jealous or sad one will fall off. That's why I try to remain happy at all times. I learned that Sasake's  family was killed by his brother, Itachi Uchiha.I treat him as a brother too so he doesn't feel so alone. We are in class right now. We have to preform a transformation jutsu. I just use Gemini stardress and turn into Naruto-nii. Sasake covers my eyes when Naruto-nii preformed because he used the ' Sexy harem jutsu '. I know why he does what he does. He just wants to be accepted. If you ask why I am not friends with any girls in this class it is for two reasons. #1. Naruto is my brother and #2. Sasake only smiles at me, no one else. I am like a sister to him. "Now it is  time for the clone jutsu. This is the final test" Iruka sensei says. Everyone in class preformed it perfectly, except for Naruto-nii. He went to the swing and sat down. I wanted to go to him but a crowd had formed. As I tried to make my way through, I hear people saying stuff about Naruto-nii. I started to cry. It is just like Natsu treated me. Like garbage, something unimportant.  Somebody stepped on my hand. I looked up to see Rosemary , one of Sasake's crazy fan girls, smirking at me. She then kicked my head. I let out a loud cry. It was loud enough for even the Hokage to hear. I saw Naruto-nii and Sasake running towards me. I had a red mark on my hand, tears streaming down my face and a trail of blood from my forehead to my chin. A crowd had formed by now. Everybody was looking at Naruto-nii with disgust. He wasn't the one who did it. Sakura's mom picked me up and said " You monster how could you hurt this innocent child. " I stared to cry again " Mrs.Haruno it wasn't Natuto-nii's fault !It was Rosemary !Please don't be blame my Naruto-nii!" She then looked at me and sighed, reached in her pocket, grabbed a napkin and wiped of the blood on my forehead. I winced a bit because it hurt. It was nothing compared to what Fairytail did. She then handed me to Sasake and glared at Naruto. I said " I know why you don't like Naruto-nii. You think he is that thing but he is not. If he was he would be evil. I've been with him for one year. He has never shown signs of hostility. By being mean and ignoring him he might just feel like useless garbage. There are three options for him after that. 1. Kill himself. 2. Turn evil and seek vengeance on you. 3. Be overwhelmed by hate and break the seal. So please treat him with kindness. He is not that beast." When I finished my speech all the kids looked confused and the adults were shocked. They are probably thinking ' how does she know this '. I gave Sasake a kiss on the cheek and he tuned red. He set me down and I went to Naruto-nii. He picked me up and whispered in my ear "Thanks for standing up for me, sis." I gave him a grin and kissed him on the cheek. I heard whispering from Sasake's fan club. They were saying stuff like ' she is such a s***'. I tuned to Sasake and told him what they were saying about me and then told Naruto-nii. They were both fuming when they heard. Then Naruto-nii yelled " Don't call my sis a s*** you b*****!" Then Sasake said " For one I agree with Naruto" loud enough for them to hear. I started giggling when I saw the look on those girls faces. They looked like their dog just died. There was so much tension in the air that it was hard to breath. I tugged on Sasake's shirt and said " Why don't we go to the park?" He nods and Me, him and Naruto-nii leave for the park. On the way I hear something in the bushes and sigh " You can come out now Kiba, Choji and Shikamaru " Naruto-nii and Sasake look at me like I've grown another head. The three boys stood up and Kiba said " How did you do that. It was totally AWSOME!!" I juts smiled, winked and said " Secret " and they just gawked at me. We made our way to the park and played till 6:00. "Bye Bye." I shout as they leave. I turn to Naruto-nii and say " Do you want me to help you with  shadow clone jutsu. It is mor powerful than the normal clone jutsu?" His face instantly brightened and he nodded. I giggled at his reaction and started to teach him. In one hour he was able to make 8 shadow clones. He is a fast learner. We went to the academy and found Iruka sensei in the classroom. I shouted " Iruka sensei can Naruto-nii redo his test?" He just nodded and took a seat. Naruto-nii preformed excellently. I clapped my hand and said
" My Naruto-nii is a ninja now. Hip hip hooray!" Iruka sensei handed him his forehead protector as a sign that he was a ninja. Then Iruka sensei said " Exelent job Naruto. I will treat you and your sister to ramen for becoming ninja. Your sister is the youngest graduate of the academy."  Naruto-nii picked me up and we went to Ichiraku. After I ate 1 bowl and Naruto-nii ate 7. We thanked Iruka sensei and went home to go to sleep.

-------TIME SKIP -------

They were announcing the teams today. Iruka sensei said "  bla bla for team 7  is Naruto Uzumaki , Sasake Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and of course little Lucy Uzumaki. For team 8 bla  bla." 'Yes! I am with Sasake and Naruto-nii. The only downside is fan girl #100. I hope she doesn't become too annoying.' I think as Iruka sensei talks.I can't wait to go on missions. We are assigned to wait in room 25 for our instructor. One hour after the time he is supposed to be here he finally arrived.I recognized him as the jonin Kakashi Hatake. He leads us to the rooftop and says " Ok time for introductions  I am Ka-" " Kakashi Hatake, jonin. Hello Kakashi sensei " I interrupt him. He looks at me and says
" How old are you? You look too young to be a ninja." I said " I am 2  1/2 sensei. I passed the test. I am wearing the proof right now" as I pointed to the thing on my head. He nodded and said " Ok everyone say your name,  age, likes, dislikes, and hobbies. " Sakura goes first " I am Sakura Haruno, age 10, I like .... never mind. I dislike Naruto, he should just die, an-" she didn't get to finish her sentence because I punched her and she went flying. " You hate Naruto-nii? Why?  What did he ever do? It's people like you that should die! You say you hate someone you barely know. You had loving parents, a nice house, friends. Naruto-nii didn't get any of those!He saved the village and he got shunned for it! Give me one good reason you hate him, brat! Give me one reason! He is my only family in this universe and you dare disrespect him. Think before you speak you insolent brat." I said as I broke down in tears. Kakashi sensei was surprised, Sasake was shocked and Naruto-nii was surprised and touched. The brat stood up and kicked me in the stomach. I went flying  to the other side and hit the wall. I spit out some blood on the floor and laughed " Pick on someone your own size. Your pathetic." I saw Naruto-nii running towards me. Sasake slapped her and yelled " You hurt a two year old. You hurt my sister. How dare you, you b****."  She just stood there in tears. I spoke up "Why do you hate Naruto-nii?" I herd her mumble " I don't know." After the drama was over we left to go home. I slept next to Naruto-nii that night.

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