Chapter 5

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Lucy P.O.V.
It's been 1 year since the survival test. We have gone on a bunch of D rank missions. Naruto always complains about how it is boring and wants a mission with fighting. He is energetic like Natsu but he has a kind side. He finally convinced Kakashi sensei into going on a C rank mission. I am pumped. The only thing that's sad is that little miss wannabe is coming too. I bet she is going to be annoying. We have to meet at the entrance of the village. I think I have everything. Kunai knife, bandages, head plate, backpack, and bunny-chan check. Ok it is almost my nap time. No one in the leaf village dares wake me up during nap time. One time they sent this jonin to wake me up. He went running out seconds later, yelling like a mad man. He had to go to therapy after what he saw. That why no one bothers me during nap time. I walk into the bathroom and change my clothes. I have this on...

I then walk into Naruto's rom and jump on his back. I lay my head down on his shoulder and say " Nap time" before falling asleep.
Naruto P.O.V.
I am ready for this mission, believe it. I feel Lucy jump on my back and lay her head down on my shoulder. She is just so adorable. I have my usual orange jumpsuit on. I have been waiting for so long to go on this mission. C rank mission is better than a D rank mission. I open the door and walk out. I lock the door and go to the main gate. I see Sakura and Sasake already waiting there. I give them a grin. When they see me Sasake looks at Lucy and Sakura groans. I walk over and just awkwardly stand there while Sakura flirts with Sasake. Yesh, I don't get it, why does she like him more than me? I feel Lucy shift positions on my back and groan. I think Sakura is annoying her. I try to warn her but she ignores me. I look down at my feet. Am I not good enough for her? I feel Lucy get off my back. She walks up to Sakura and punches her in the gut. Sakura stumbles backwards and falls. "Shut that hole in your face! I. Am. Sleeping. Oh and by the way, I'd kick you in the face, but why should I improve your looks?" Lucy says while rubbing her eyes. She looks up to Sasake and says " Please shut her up next time." She then says "Nap time" and falls backwards. Sasake catches her and pics her up bridal style. This is why you don't wake her up. How can she be so powerful at such a young age? She is quite scary when mad. We stood there quietly for two hours until finally, Kakashi sensei arrived. We saw an old man coming towards us. He must be the guy we are supposed to escort. We form a circle around him and start walking.
~~~~~~~ TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~
We are fighting this guy named Zabu- something or other. He suddenly appears behind that tree where we put a sleeping Lucy. This is really bad. He will kill her.. We all take a step forward and the old man looks at us with pity. We try to go up to Lucy but Za... Oh, Zabuza says while holding Lucy by the neck" Move and I kill the girl! Now I want you t-." He gets interrupted when Lucy puts her small hands on his arm and says " My nap time has been interrupted again. I will kill you Zabuza." She bites him and he lets go.
Lucy P.O.V.
I wake up to Zabuza holding me by the neck. I know his name because I heard it earlier. I put my hands on his arm and say "My nap time has been interrupted again. I will kill you Zabuza." I bite him and he lets go. I chant
"Oh stars
Heed to my call
Come and shine down on me
With all your brilliance
Transformation jutsu: Goddess form." It's not actually a jutsu, it's just my celestial goddess form, but I have to convince them otherwise. I start glowing and now I look like

(A.N:she looks a little bit younger) 

While the others watch in awe,I charge at Zabuza, who is too shocked to move. I stab him in the leg with my sword, The Peace Keeper, that looks like 

It will only paralyze him for a day, no real damage, because it is only a warning. when he drops to his knees, I get on my tiptoes and wispier in his ear " You didn't have to follow that mans orders you know~. You and Haku could go on an adventure but no. You just have to make him think he is only a tool, when in reality, you feel as if he is your own son! Show that poor kid the love he never had! He would do anything for you! Toughen up, Zabuza of the seven swordsman of the mist. Oh and one more thing, take these necklaces and give one to Haku. It will transport you to another world when you die. There  you can start anew." I give him two necklaces that look like

and put them in his pocket. I sense Haku coming this way so I make my chakara level lower and fake faint. It is my make up nap time time. Don't judge me, I'm a three year old for peat sake!

Sasake P.O.V

What the hell just happened!? One minute he is holding Lucy hostage and the next he is being stabbed by her. I sense enormous amounts of chakara coming from her. She whispers something in his ear and then gives him something. The chakara levels drop and Lucy faints. I try to run to her but that s*** , Sakura, is clinging on to me like there is no tomorrow. I see Naruto pick Lucy up and hug her. that makes me angry for some reason. I violently shake Sakura off and run towards Lucy. I snatch her from Naruto and hug her protectively to my chest. She is like a delicate flower, beautiful but frail. Naruto starts screaming at me to give her back. I cover his mouth and shush him because I don't want him to wake Lucy up. A person with a mask comes and takes Zabuza. That person threw needles at the neck but missed all the vital points. I'm guessing Kakashi sensei noticed this too. The old man said to further protect him we have to go to his village. We start walking towards the direction of his village.

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