Chapter 7

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(A/N: Gomen for not updating sooner. My mom confiscated my iPad. Sorry for saying class 3-3. I mixed up room 3-3, from Another, and room 301, from Naruto. If I ever get something wrong please tell me. )
Lucy P.O.V.
We walked into room number 302. I wonder why? I look around and see a small group of people. "Excuse me by everyone" I say. After my forth attempt I just scream " Shut the hell up before I sew your lips up so you can never utter a word again!"  All noise ceased and it was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. " Ok, now that I've got everyone's un divided attention I would like to ask why we are in room 302 instead of room 301. I bet they placed a jutsu on the sign to mask its numbers." They look at me with a confused look and look out the door. The sign returns to its original format. I lightly kick Naruto-nii-sans shoulders and say " Ride like the wind, Onii-san." He laughed and took off. When we reached the correct room I saw Shikamaru and his team already there. I also saw Hinata and her team.  'Hinata likes Naruto-nii-san but he is too dense to notice it. (A/N: NOTICE MEH SEMPAI!!!)  Hinata is really nice, unlike Stinky Pinky over there. I wonder i-' my thoughts were interrupted by a sudden wave of tiredness. I bet it's because this small body has to get used to all the magical power I contain. I closed my eyes. Nap time.
(A/N: This time skip is brought to you by Stink- Stinky Pinky: Sakura Haruno~. The most beautif-Author-chan: Shut the hell up and stop interrupting me. Ok so t- Random voice: End of commercials, now back to the story.)  I woke up to see a bald guy with lots of scars glaring at me. Rudely he asks Naruto-nii-san " What's this kid doing here?" Before Naruto-nii-san can say anything I say " It's quite obvious that I'm here for the Chunin exams. Now please just get started instead of pestering me. My simple explanation should be adequate enough." "Huh? How old are you kid?" He said glaring harder and scrunching his face, obviously to get more wrinkles. I sigh and say "4 1/4" while looking at him with emotionless eyes. The man growls and says " You won't even pass the first test, kid." He then goes to the front of the room and starts talking. " Hello, today you will be taking the first part of the Chunin exams. This part will test your intelligence. You will have to answer 10 questions. The first nine will be written and the last one will be verbal. For every wrong answer your team will loose 1 point. If you cheat, your whole team will be eliminated." He starts handing out the tests. I touch Naruto-nii-sans forehead and mutter " 1 hour smart spike: activate!" I sit back down and see that he is almost at my row. When he gets to my row he glares at me then hands me my test. The hell?! I looked over the contents of the test. I look over at Naruto-nii-sans test, it is simpler than mine. Man, this guy really has it out for me. Dose he like hate kids or something? I hear him say "You may start." I write all the answers on the page in 5 minutes. I know all of this stuff already. What do you think I was doing for 3 1/4 years of my life. I used my free time and fake nap time to learn information on this world. I know everything there is to know. I walk up to the front and give this guy my test. He snatches it from me and looks over all the answers. His face goes pale and he says " Your the youngest to answer all the questions without flaws." His face returns to its normal tan color and he says " You must have cheate-" "How can I cheat if no one else is done yet?" I say. " I'll give you a Jonin test. If you pass this written examination, you can choose 5 teams to pass the written test." I smile at this and I go back to my desk. A minute later, he comes up to my desk and says " Attention everyone. This kid already completed the 9 written questions. She will be taking a Jonin written test and will be expected to complete it in 30 minutes. If all her answers are correct, she gets to choose 5 teams to pass the written part of the Chunin exam." The people gasp. How am i not surprised. He passed me the test and I started. Finished it in 5 minutes, like the last one. I already learned this last year. Psst, giving me a test this easy is a sin. He gawked at me. When he snapped out of his trance he said " Well you can pick your 5 teams now."  "I choose team-
Find out next time on Total Drama Island!!!!
But seriously I'm outa ideas. If you have any good ideas please tell me.

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