Chapter 8

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*Warning: minor swearing and Sasake going to be a little OCC*
Lucy P.O.V.
"I chose Team 8, Team 10, Team Guy, The Three Sand Siblings and my team, Team 7." I declared standing up on the table. I hear cheers and grunts. Hinata comes up to me and says "Thank you Lucy!" in a quiet voice. I jump onto to her and say " Hinata-nee-chan! Is it alright if I call you that?" She shyly nods and pats my head. " You know....your going to marry Naruto-nii-san one day." I planly state. Her face explodes red and she looks down. Man she is such a dandere. What else was I supposed to do when everyone in the guild ignored me? Tears started welling up in my eyes and I started to weep. I-I can't do this anymore. I can't bottle up my past anymore. Naruto comes up to me and asks me what's wrong. I jump into his loving arms and tell them about my horrible past. They comfort me and we all live happily ever after!
Hahahahahahahahahah. I'm such a comedian! God, did you believe I was that weak to cave into sadness! I started chuckling at my own imagination. The bald-sensei snapped me out of my daydream by saying " Ok time for the tenth question. There is one special rule for this question. You are free to choose if you want to try and solve the tenth question. If you back out, your entire team will fail. If you choose to answer the question but get it wrong, you will be banned from taking the Chūnin Exams forever." Some teams left. Cowards! I stuck my tongue out towards them and started chanting " Cowards, cowards everywhere. Walking out without care. Consumed by fear. Makes me want to leer." Then when they turned to look at me I did this...

They got irk marks all over their faces and left. I frowned " Can't even take on a 4 year old. You really are invertebrates! Pathetic! Why even try to take the Chūnin exams! You have to try! I know even if I'll never be more than a Chunin I will become the strongest ninja out there, believe it! If you want to give up now, what's the point in ever doing this exam again. You'll never pass you spineless children!" Some came back in while others just left. I let my hair shadow my eyes and slammed my fist into the wall. " Get your puny little asses back here you invertebrates!" I bet some people pissed their pants! Some more came back in and I sighed. I looked at the wall. " I'm so sorry wall-kun. I will avenge you!" I look back to the people to find them scared. I looked at my fist. Or was all bloody. Opps? Oh well. Naruto-nii-san comes up to me and says "Are you ok? By the way that was awesome! How'd you do that?!" I responded " Focus your chakra into your hand and punch something." He nodded and tried but I held his fist and shook my head. Hinata-nee-chan comes up to me with a bandage and a wet cloth. She bandaged my had and I smiled and thanked her. Naruto copied me and her face exploded red. I hear Bald-sensei clear his throat and say " All that have remained have passed the first part of the Chūnin exames. Good luck! I sluggishly smile and walk to Gaara. I fall onto him and order him " Pick me up." He reluctantly agrees and picks me up. I snuggle into his chest and hear a low growl before falling asleep.
Sasake P.O.V.
I growl as Lucy snuggles up in that boys chest. That should be me! He is a complete stranger to her and yet she is in his arms, not mine! It's not fair, she's mine! I try to snatch her away but a sand wall comes in between us. I glare at Gaara and growl again. He is touching her with his filthy unworthy hands! I stop my negative thoughts when Sakura starts clinging onto me again. She is being loud! Yes this will wake Lucy up! I whisper in her ear " Talk louder" she nods and starts talking louder. I see Lucy starting to stir. Yes, just a little bit longer. Gaara stares at her and sand comes and covers her ears. She stops stirring and falls limp once more. I will have her back, no matter what it takes!

A/N: sorry for short chapter. I'm going to a new school and don't have as much time as I did before.

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