Chapter 9

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(A/N 1: Special thanks to muntolove for supporting my story and reminding me to update. Thank you for taking interest in my story!!😁😁😊😊)
(A/N 2:After the interview)
Lucy P.O.V.
I wake up in Gaaras arms. I groggily lift my head and look around. I see a woman, probably an instructor, throwing a kunai knife near Naruto-nii-san. I act fast and throw a kunai knife to interfere with the others path. My kunai ended up pinning the other kunai to a tree. Both Naruto-nii-san and the instructor whip their heads towards me. I jump from Gaaras arms and land on my feet. I walk over to to the instructor and wave my finger in her face. " Don you know it's a big no-no to throw sharp weapons at people" I say while shaking my head in mock disapproval. She bends down and asks in a cherry voice " Who might you be?" I tell her my name and she nods. She stands straight again and announces the rules for this round.

" This is your objective for the second portion of the Chūnin Exams. This test is structured such that at least half the teams will be eliminated. Before entering the Forest of Death, all teams will be given either a heaven or an earth scroll. Once inside the forest, the you must take the other scroll from another team. Only those that make it to the tower in the centre of the forest with both scrolls will advance to the next stage of the exams. " she says in a formal matter. Sheets get passed around and she then tells us to turn in 3 sheets for one scroll. I throw my sheet away. We only need 3 per team.

I walk to the front of the gate and touch the lock. Hmm~ interesting~ this seal is weak. I could have broken it with one finger. I walk around aimlessly till I feel myself being lifted off the ground. I giggle and I hear " It's time for the second part of the exam." I pout and reply " But I'm sleepy Sasuke." He turns me around and holds me towards his chest. I grip onto him as if he was a big teddy bear. I close my eyes and relax. He starts walking over to our team. Less sun is hitting my face so I believe we are under a shaded area, probably has a tent overhead. " So who should hold onto the scroll?" I feel Sasukes hand outstretch and his arm muscles tense, as if grabbing something. Probably the scroll.

" I'll take it" I blurt out, with my eyes still closed. Sasuke puts his hand behind his back and hands me the scroll. I open one eye to check which one we got. It was a heavens scroll. I put it over my right hand and quietly chant
" Two now one
Wish granted by Zeus's son
Let me combine
But only for the time
So 'tis hidden from foe
Like grass under snow"
I feel a sharp pain for a split second. I hold my eyes tightly shut. I look at my hand. I have the heavens scroll spiced with my had. It can only be removed if I will it. I tell Sasuke to put me down but he doesn't comply. I ask again and he says in an irritated tone " No, I won't let you go. Be quiet and let me hold you, or else." I bite back a comment. I wonder what I did to make him this mad. I quietly listened to my teams conversation. We are to go to gate number 12. Sasuke is still holding me. Ugggg, I've never wanted to walk on my own two feet this much since the days in the Heartfilia Mansion. I sigh and realize we have arrived at our gate. I hear some sorta noise and the gates opened.

Naruto-nii-san, Stinky pinky and Sasuke run into the forest leaping from tree branch to tree branch. I cling onto Sasuke tighter, I am scared he might accidentally drop me. When we arrive at a clearing, Naruto-nii-san declares that he has to piss. I giggle at his bluntness. I feel a bad energy wave so I do my defense transformation. " Kawaii Overload" I say while jumping in the air and out of Sasukes arms. Purple sparkles surround me and my outfit and hairstyle change. Haha my ultimate defense!

Aren't I adorable. Stinky pinky gapes at me and furiously stares me down. Sasuke looks like he wants to eat me. Well, my dress is basically candy in his defense. When Naruto-nii-san comes back out I can tell that something's wrong. He is not himself. Before Sasuke can stop me, I walk up to the imposter. " Naruto-nii-san, are you ok? Do you remember who has the scroll?" He looks at me and chuckles like Naruto-nii-san. I really want to kill if he hurt Naruto-nii-san. He says " Eh.... I forgot because I wasn't listening..?" I motion him to pick me up. He complies and I pull my mouth closer to his ear. " I have" I cheekily say, grinning like a mad man. I touch the back of his neck and his transformation vanishes.

" Ehh? So you figured me out kid? Very well" he gabs me and runs away from my team. My plan is working. I see Sakura smirking and holding a furious Sasuke back. The last thing I here before they are out of my sight is " LUCY!" I roll my eyes. I'm more than capable to take these buffoons on. He takes me to his team. They smirk and the person who captured me says " What do you have to say for yourself, punk?" I hide my smirk and 'innocently ask' " Why do you have so many bandages on? They could be dangerous." They look at me in confusion and I can no longer hold my smirk. When that idiot was bringing me here I did a binding spell. I just have to snap my fingers and the three musketeers will be stuck together. I giggle mercilessly and snap my fingers. Their heads smash together. I giggle as they struggle to get free.

I search them for their scroll. When I find it, I see that it is a heavens scroll. I stomp my feet and cross my arms. " It's not fair~" I wined. I start walking off but I hear a strained voice shout wait. I walk over and say " I will let you go on one condition. DONT. HURT. MY. FRIENDS. Your dismissed." I put two fingers on the bandage of the guy who brought me here. It deactivated and they were set free. They ran at the speed of light to get away from me. Huh. I guess I'm just to cute to handle. I laugh internally at my thoughts.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Normal P.O.V.
Lucy is exhausted, she has walked for three hours straight! She wines and huffs out "My feet are killing me!" She walks over and leans on a tree, barely able to remain conscious. She sees what looks like a warm black blanket and she mumbles "Blanky-chan. Come to Lucy-chan. Lucy-chan is tired and needs Blanky-chan to keep warm." She staggers over to the now blurry blob. She needs to replenish her body. Her power is coming at a faster rate than expected. She closes her eyes and yawns. She collapses near the blurry blob and just before sleeping, pulls it on top of herself.

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