Chapter 42: Staying is the hardest part

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After a little bit of finalizing details, (Lauryn had insisted) you and Mark were standing at the door.

"Goodbye." You squeaked to Mark. Was all you could manage to say to him.

Given who he was about to confront, you were truly worried if you'd ever see him again. Bristol was completely insane, who knew what she'd do.

"Goodbye (Y/n). I'll be back, I promise." Mark whispered, leaning in and kissing you passionately.

"I love you Mark. Stay safe." You murmured, keeping your face close to his. He smiled and began to say something. You can guess what happened next.

"C'mon ya lovesick lil' gum-sharers." Lauryn called from the hallway.

"I love you too (Y/n)... Bye."


You watched him leave. Molly put a hand on your shoulder.

"He'll be okay. I've known Mark for years, he's tougher than he looks. He's been through harder stuff than this, trust me." Molly said softly.

"Wade on the other hand... Who knows if that idiot'll make it back alive." She laughed, and went quiet. "You better come back Wade." She whispered to herself.

"You really like him don't you?" You asked her.

"Heh. Yeah. He may be an idiot, and super annoying at times, but he's the best boyfriend I've ever had. C'mon, let's go back inside."

"Yeah. Okay." You replied taking a look down the hall, your heart not really wanting you to go back inside. You did anyway. Finding Sean looking almost as depressed as you.

"I can't believe I have ta sit here, while everyone else is out kicking arse..." Sean mumbled, his chin resting on the coffee table.

"You and I both know you'd run scared the second you saw any kind of threat, Sean." Molly joked, sitting down on the couch behind Sean.

"Yer the one that'd be completely funed. I'm the most badass dude here."

"Sean, you're the only dude here." Molly reminded him.

Sean said nothing, but he gave a single cough and avoided eye contact. You looked at the floor, pondering what could be happening elsewhere. Neither Lauryn or Barry told you were they were even going to FIND Bristol.

"Hey (Y/n)! You want ta like, look through the cupboards and see if Barry and Lauryn have any cookies or something?"

You shook your head. You weren't in the mood. You didn't want to do anything but sulk and think. "Want" wasn't the word, it was more like "You couldn't do anything but sulk and think about all the possible tragedies."

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Don't worry about it. Everyone's going ta be alright." The Irish YouTuber told you. He seemed to have all the confidence in the world. You didn't.

"Here's hoping Sean." You mumbled.

Finally, an update! And one that isn't random crap bonus-stuff as usual. A real chapter for once!

I actually have two more written, but I'll post one tomorrow and the other... Probably tomorrow or the next day. I dunno. I'm bad at schedules.

Unfortunately, I do have a little diddy-doodle extra not I'm gonna post tonight. XD

I'll catch you then, see ya!

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