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new year's —
40. online love

2 months later


♥ liked by drewstarkey and 346 others
notblairwaldorf happy birthday to my soulmate, my kae, my best friend. i'm so lucky to have you, you're the best and you make my life so much fun and easy. I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART <3
tagged kruiz


♥ liked by flynnisright and 210 others
eruizlliot happy birthday to my sister, the one who steals my friends and my food i guess
tagged kruiz

kruiz wow elliot, thank you <3

♥ liked by rudeth and 1002 others
lucaskates it's kira's b-day everyone! my best friend b-day! go wish her a happy birthday right now!!!
tagged kruiz

kruiz so many dms now because of ur threat... ily dude <3

♥ liked by _leomorales and 236 others
jmarcus kira said to put a nice picture, so here it is, a nice picture. she was annoyed with me on this day, but i managed to make her smile in the end. that's our friendship in a nutshell. you are the best friend that i needed in my life, i love you i guess??
tagged kruiz


♥ liked by madelyncline and 456 others
flynnisright this is kira. kira likes to take pictures of everything. she likes to sing and to skate by the beach and she makes the best matcha. it's her birthday today, i'm lucky to have her in my life. you know how special you are, i love you.
tagged kruiz

kruiz FLYNN <333 the real life disney prince, i love you 


       Kira was overwhelmed with so much love.

She had woken up with messages from all of her friends as well as instagram posts that made her appreciate them more. She had prepapred a birthday dinner in Flynn's house with all of her friends from home and with Drew and all of his friends that, surprise to her, were able to fly down this morning to come to her party. The theme was 00's and Blair and Flynn, who were now officially together, decided to take care of everything for tonight.

"The birthday girl breakfast is here!"

She looked up from her phone and saw Drew entering her room with a tray full of food, pancakes, juice, fruit, followed by her parents and her brother. They started to sing happy birthday to her, Kira blowing the candle placed in the pancakes.

"Happy birthday, cariño." Her mother said, hugging her.

"Happy birthday my beautiful daughter." Her dad said next, hugging her too.

"Happy birthday young sibling." Elliot said, which earned an eye roll from Kira but a hug nonetheless.

Kira looked at all of them, her family. "I'm so lucky, I love you guys."

"We love you too. "Her mother said and then looked at Drew. "Well, we're gonna leave you guys for a bit. Take care of her." 

Drew smiled to her mother. "Always."

Her parents and Elliot left the room, leaving Kira and Drew alone. He sat on the bed next to her, the tray of food now on the bed, both taking the pancakes to eat. 

"Your Dad said that my pancakes were better." Drew commented smiling.

Kira gasped. "No, he did not."

He laughed at her reaction. "He sure did."

Kira laughed. "Oh my god, he only said that to be nice."

Drew faked thinking. "I'm pretty sure he was being serious."

Kira shook her head, eating the strawberry. "Whatever you say big guy. I don't believe it."

They finished the breakfast soon after, the tray now being on Kira's bedside table. Drew took the opportunity and got his present for her that was under her bed, somehow Kira didn't discover his not so secret spot. She looked at him and laughed.

"Okay Mary Poppins, what do you have there?"

Drew laughed along with her and gave her the present. "See for yourself."

Kira smiled and started to unwrap it and everything froze when she saw what the present was. She looked at Drew and the present multiple times, not believing what her eyes were seeing.

"You're joking..." She managed to say.

"I'm not, it's yours." Drew helped her get out the present on the box and placed in her hands.


In her hands was the film camera of her dreams, a Canon AE-1. Drew was always listening to her talk about it after she tried Flynn's camera awhile ago and he knew she wanted to commit to more serious photography with it and so, he bought it for her.

"It's yours."

Kira was not someone to care about material things but she cared about the little things, the things that people said and thought they weren't heard. Drew cared and listened and she couldn't believe how lucky she was. She looked at him, so much adoration and love for the man in front of her. The 3 months they were together were so good, they understood each other well after their mistake on both parts and managed to have a decent long distance relationship. They weren't perfect, but what they had it was enough.

"The universe knew what it was doing when it made me cross paths with you, Drew." Kira started to say. "My heart beats a million times when I'm with you, we complement each other so well and I'm really grateful for you." She took a deep breath. "I love you from the bottom of my heart."

Kira watched Drew widen his eyes, looking at her for a moment and then, the biggest smile broke out of his face. He grabbed her face, looking at every detail.

"I wanted to say this for so long." He said. "I love you, Kira. You're making my life so much better."

Both smiled and kissed. To a start of new beginnings.

♥ liked by madisonbaileybabe and 1,002,112 others
drewstarkey happy birthday to my girl, i love you.
tagged kruiz

kruiz i love you <3

♥ liked by rudeth and 20,341 others
kruiz i know it's my birthday & i wanna thank everyone for the sweet messages but i also wanna thank this man, this amazing man. you make my life so much special, from the bottom of my heart, i love you.
tagged drewstarkey

drewstarkey and i love you too <3

author's note.            and that's it :)

first of all, all the pictures are from the girl potraying kira which is so cool bc the last picture really does look like drew wtf

last chapter of new year's, BUT we still have the epilogue. stay tuned my loves.

i love you so so much, epilogue is gonna be a special one.

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