Chapter 2 - Who could that be?

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"...Who could that even be?"

"I don't wanna know, I'm so tired of all this-"

"I'm tired too, but we can't have dead people roaming around here randomly." Sofia said, grabbing Willow's arm. "Let's see which dead person entered the house this time."

"Well, logistically... It could really be anyone... Or an actual intruder this time with the crime rates around here."

"I would prefer an intruder over another dead guy."

"An intruder sounds easier to comprehend and deal with." Skeeter agreed, pulling their cocked hat off long enough to run a hand through their messy hair. "At this rate, I'm going to be getting grey hairs before I'm old."

"You guys can deal with it, I'm getting us all lunch. I'll be back."

"Alright... I'll go see who fell into the kitchen," Skeeter offered, hurrying down stairs. They glanced towards the room, seeing a man sprawled on the floor, staring at the ceiling as if he was stunned. "Mr. Mulligan?" They inquired, hurrying over. "Gah- come here," they hurried to get the male from the floor.

"Where the hell-?"

"It's a long story, sir."

"Welcome to 2022." Sofia said. "I have no idea how the hell you got here, but uh, yeah."

"We're still piecing it together..."


Skeeter sat down, staring at the trio, and then Mulligan who sat nearby. They took a deep breath, contemplating how they all could've gotten here. They stared over their shoulder where Sofia sat. "You can see them too, right? As in... I'm not going crazy?"

"No, you're not insane. Although, I'm pretty sure we're all on the verge of insanity here."

Willow returned with a few boxes of pizza. "Oh. There's another one." She sighed, and sat the pizzas on the kitchen counter, then sat next to Skeeter.

"Pizza," Skeeter looked over to the table and then back at the figures. "They should know what it is... Well, a beta version of pizza. Made by Greeks in the B.C. years. Modern pizza, however... No. It was made in the late 18th century in Italy. Most of them did not travel that far... And John had died by the time of the late 18th century."

"I- I'm half Italian and I didn't know half of that, where do you find this stuff-"

"I'm well studied," Skeeter grinned, moving over to grab a slice of pepperoni pizza. "But, hey... Pizza is a delicacy... and for once, I'm not talking about those little Lunchables I insist on buying," they joked, an amused smile on their lips.

"Wait wait wait, Willow, you said there was another one... As in, another pizza or another dead dude?"

"Perhaps she meant Mulligan-? Is that it, Willow?"

"Mhm. Must've not noticed him when I left."

"That's alright," Skeeter laughed, taking a bit into the pizza. The Marquis stood, taking interest in the dish.

"It wouldn't be a bother if I had some, no?"

"Of course not. Help yourself to a slice... Unless my friends have any objections...?" Skeeter looked over to Sofia and Willow, the Marquis soon doing the same.

Sofia chuckled. "I'm not really that hungry anyways."

"Eh, I don't mind. There should be enough for everyone,"

The Marquis smiled widely, turning back around, helping himself to a slice. He took a bite, brows perking up in interest. "Not quite like most things I've tried... And unlike most Italian dishes that I actually got to eat, this doesn't seem as seasoned. This is a bit bland-... French cuisine has more spices-..."

"That is because American fast food services, usually, can't get enough spices to do anything with because... in this economy? It's much too expensive for restaurants and they go with the cheapest options. People love it though." Skeeter explained between eating, a hand covering their mouth. "And most of us have adapted to the small taste of garlic here and there... And when we want spice? We add peppers to most things. Or plain sauces."

"I'm not a fan of spices honestly, like, peppers and all."

"And that's plenty okay," Marquis smiled towards Sofia. "Most people in France during my time ate spices that added flavorful touches to a meal... Not so much uh... make it more... hot? We just like things that taste unique."

"Explains why you like Alexander and Laurens so much," Skeeter commented beneath their breath, continuing to eat their pizza.


"Hm?" The shorter glanced up innocently, still chewing a bit on their bite of pizza.

"Wh- Oh. I get it now. Frick-" Sofia said, choking. "Fridging hell- Dannazione-" (Translation: Damn-) Sofia was interrupted by yet another crash. "Are you serious-"

Skeeter glanced up, the crash nearby the table. They saw a dark-haired man laying face down on the floor. "A heads-up would've been appreciated." They muttered, setting the rest of the pizza onto the table so they could help the person to their feet. "Willow, we may run out of room-"

"Wait, speaking of Willow, where did she go?" Sofia asked, looking around the room. "She was here 10 seconds ago, and now she just... Disappeared."

"I swear, if any more come through they are all leaving. Except the French one, he can stay."

"Congratulations, Marquis. You're liked." Skeeter grinned. Though, it was no surprise to them, especially with each journal entry they've read. Casimir Pulaski stated before that it was impossible for the Marquis not to make friends. He's bright spirited and kind. They smiled, shaking their head. "No surprise to me, however. I've read the journals of your acquaintances and friends alike."

"That's good news," The Frenchman grinned, looking at Willow. "And, I'm glad that I have your approval."

Laurens laughed a bit, looking at Lafayette. He spoke a quick sentence in French, perking a brow. Hamilton elbowed him, though laughed a bit after. The blonde shrugged, looking at the more modern people. "I would take offense, but... I'm not quite sure if I'd want to stay here... It's nice- but... not quite what I'm used to."

"If I knew a way to get you guys back, I'd transport you guys back as soon as possible- No offense."

"Speaking of which - do we even know /how/ to get them back? Or even /how/ they got here??"

"No, we do not. Every idea is implausible... While I was talking to them earlier- alone- I ended up learning that most of them remember the points in which they died last. So, they were already dead. So, we can't send them back anywhere... Maybe we could just... kill them again?" Skeeter suggested, earning various glares from the figures. They shrugged, standing up. "I think I'll go check out that other thud that we heard a moment ago..." They laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah - and if that didn't work, where would we put the bodies?"

"Probably in a nearby wooded area. Can't go missing if no one knows they are alive and exist currently," Skeeter explained, hurrying upstairs. They paused for a moment, listening for a couple thuds. Once located, they hurried towards the source.

Burr hummed. "He's an odd fellow, isn't he?"

"You have no idea. He's insane."

"He's more insane than both me and Willow combined."

"Insane?" Skeeter questioned from a far off room. "I'd be offended if it wasn't the truth!"

Laurens smiled in amusement, leaning back against the seating. "You know, Marquis. You're right. The Skeeter person should be fun to talk with."

"You're only saying that because-" Alexander stopped himself. "Because 'Skeeter' is most similar to us. Look at the way they dress and everything compared to his friends-"

"Yeah, He'd fit right in if we were all sent back." Willow hummed.

"Yeah... If we were all sent back, some sh*t would be seriously mucked up- it'd probably be even worse than the situation we're in now.

"I would purposely try to get myself killed."

"Same here." Sofia said. "Great minds think alike."

"But fools seldom differ," Skeeter remarked, walking back towards the stairs, another person trailing close behind. "Of course, I'm not accusing either of you two of being fools. I would never do that-"

"... Are you sure about that?"

"What are you implying?" Skeeter challenged, moving their way down stairs, glancing over their shoulder. "Oh, and General Washington is here," they remarked almost casually, a smile on their face.

"Ah, of course he is.."

"You know, off the top of my head, I can probably name the most facts about Washington... I don't even like him that much."

"Excuse me?" Washington questioned, brows furrowed.

"Nothing, sir. I am entitled to keep my opinions to myself, I shouldn't say things like that-" Skeeter laughed, moving on down the stairs. "So, pardon that."

"Change of plans - they can stay, Sofia can't."

"Sofia?" Skeeter laughed. "Why?" They looked between the founders and then to Sofia, humming.

"Welp. If you need me, I'll be in Australia." Sofia said, standing up. "Wait... Did I just make another musical reference?"

"I was just joking, heh. But still - Sofia, don't be rude to our... er- guest."

Skeeter looked at the men, chuckling. "Our new friends," they spoke in a joking, high-pitched voice. "Friends."

Sofia chuckled. "Y-"

There was another loud crash upstairs.

Skeeter took a deep breath, closing their eyes. "I hope it's someone that people can stand. If it's Arnold or Lee, I'll kill them myself."

"Ha, I'll help with that."

"I will too."

"I have to babysit the founders. Mind to go see who it is, Sofia?" The redhead questioned, grabbing a couple plates. "This feels like an elementary school pizza party."

"Sure. Willow, wanna come along with me?"

"Yeah. I guess."

Sofia made her way upstairs to the sound of the noise. Upon opening the door, she found out not a dead person, but someone she knew from long ago.



A/N: Another cliffhanger yet again! Hahahaha! 


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