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The heroes exited in the portal and took a look around. The town looked straight out of the 1950s.

Pony:I think we got zapped back in time.

Jimmy:No, we're in Retroville, my universe.

Dudley:You live in the 50s?

Jimmy:No! It just looks like the 50s!

Mikey:So, where's all the Syndicate soldiers?

They began looking around. Just then, they were ambushed by several robots. They seemed to resemble Calamitous's robot suit, albeit with a silver paint job and singular red eyes

Jenny:Alright guys, ready up!

The heroes pulled their weapons out.

El Tigre:Hey rustbuckets!

The robots turned to them, some of them formed weapons from their hands. The heroes charged in.

Spongebob:HI YAH!

He tried chopping one of the robots in the head, but it ended up making him vibrate. El Tigre launched tried one of his claws at one of the robots, but it flung him around and swung him into Timmy.

Timmy:Watch it!

El Tigre:Sorry, my bad.

The heroes were not doing so well, getting thrown around.

Leonardo:Okay, we need a bit of a strategy, we're clearly not doing so

Jenny:Who died and made you leader? We got this covered.

She tried flying at one of the robots, but it grabbed her by the leg and began twisting her around. Thankfully, Timmy smashed it's arm off, making it drop her. The group continued to get humiliated, until-

???:Hey robo freaks!

Everyone turned to see Cindy Vortex, riding on top of Jimmy's hover car. 

She pulled out one of Jimmy ray guns and fired at the robots, destroying several of them. The remaining robots retreated and flew away. Cindy then landed in front of the heroes.

Jimmy:Thanks *Annoyed*

Leonardo:Ungrateful much?

El Tigre:No no. He's got a point.

Ronnie and smacked the two in the back of the heads.

Cindy:Who are these weirdos anyway?

Jimmy:If you must know, these are the greatest heroes of their respective dimensions.

Cindy:Heroes huh? Is that why you guys got your butts kicked?

Dudley:Hey! Were doing just fine!

His point was disproven by him looking at his injured arm and fixing it.

Timmy:We would have done better, if some stupid tiger boy hadn't been flung into me!

El Tigre:Hey! It's not my fault he grabbed me!

Eventually, all the heroes began arguing with each other. However, Cindy shot the ray gun in the air to get their attention.

Cindy:Look, I get it. You all want to save your homes. You probably have loved ones who you're worried about. But you need to remember, it's not just your respective worlds that are in danger. I know most of you probably haven't worked in a huge team, but right now, going solo isn't exactly an option.

The heroes turned to each other.

Jimmy:As much as I hate to say it, Cindy's right. It's like Estella said, we're gonna have to work together if we want to beat The Syndicate.

The heroes turned to each other and nodded in agreement.

Spongebob:So Cindy, can you tell us what's been happening around here?

Cindy:Calamitous has taken anyone who's opposed him hostage and storing them at the school.

Jimmy:What about my lab?

Cindy:Calamitous has some of his robots guarding it.

Jimmy:Thanks for the tip. 

Some of the Nicktoons hopped in the hovercraft, with Jenny, Danny, Zim, and Aang flying alongside.

Lincoln:Dudley, do you mind getting your knee out of my rips?

Dudley:Not exactly a lot of wiggle room here, dude.

Jimmy:Note to self:Build larger hover car with bigger passenger capacity.

The hover car ended up tipping and El Tigre fell out, though he managed to stay on with his claws. Jimmy landed a few feet away from the shed.

Jimmy:We just have to sneak up on them.

Leo:Leave that to me.

He drew his katanas and quickly sliced the robots to pieces. Jimmy pulled a hair out for his scanner.

Zim:A scanner that only responds to your DNA. Very impressive.

Miko:Jimmy, no offense, but how is going into a little shed gonna help?

Jimmy:Looks can be deceiving, Miko.

They all went inside and came across the elevator. The all entered and came down to Jimmy's Lab.

Donnie:Did you build all of these on your own?!

Jimmy:You bet.

Donnie:Okay, when this whole Syndicate thing is over, we are SO working on something!

Jimmy:One quick thing, Nobody. Touch. ANYTHING!

Pony and Dudley were about to touch one of the inventions when Annie glared at them, which got them to stop.

Timmy:So science nerd, what are we doing here? Should we be stopping Calamitous?

Jimmy:I figured if we're gonna have a long journey, we're definitely going to need some supplies.

Jimmy grabbed his hyper cube, and stored several items.

Jimmy:Trust me, you never know that you'll need something until you actually need it.

They later headed to the school, which was guarded heavily by robots. They found Libby, Sheen and Carl were being interrogated by the

Jimmy:Half of you go free the other hostages. The rest of us got this covered.

Half the group did so.

Sheen:You will never get anything out of us! A true hero like Ultra Lord never reveals his allies' secrets.

Zix hit him in the face. Calamitous was view the whole thing through the robots.

Zix:Clearly we should interrogate someone who actually has a brain.

He then turned to Libby.

Zix:Now, lets try again. Where is Jimmy Neutron?!

Libby:I keep telling you, we don't know!

Carl:Actually I know where he is.


Zix:No no. I want to here what he has to say.

Carl:He's right behind you.

The robots and bandits turned around to see Jimmy, Timmy, Spongebob, Danny, Lincoln, and Ronnie Anne.

Travelton:Hey boss, I found Jimmy.

Zix:I can see that, you idiot! I have eyes!

Jimmy:Why are you three working with Calamitous?

Zix:Oh, yeah. You see, The Syndicate recruited villains of their respective worlds, for instance us, to act as...generals for their respective armies.

Tee:Plus, the professor is paying us a truckload of cash to take you down!

Jimmy:Good luck with that.

Zix:Get them, boys!

Danny dealt with the robots. Spongebob was dealing with Travelton.

Spongebob:I'm not one to usually resort to violence, but I know to only use my KA RA TA for good!

Travelton:Heh, like I'm scared of talking block of cheese.

Zix:He's a sponge, you nincompoop!

Spongebob then kicked the blaster out of Travelton's hand, and Karate chopped him into the lockers. Ronnie Anne was going toe to toe with Tee.

Tee:Hold still!

Ronnie Anne:Not a chance, Ugly!

She then whacked Tee in the head, then in his leg, making him drop to his knee. Ronnie Anne then dove out of the way of Lincoln, who had his gun aimed at Tee.

Tee:Uh oh.

Lincoln fired, launching Tee into the wall. Finally, Timmy and Jimmy were fighting Zix, with Timmy using Cosmo and Wanda as a shield and hammer respectively.

Zix:Bring it on, pipsqueaks!

He began firing at them, with the two boys dodging and weaving. Libby took the opportunity to kick Zix in the back of his leg, throwing his aim off. Timmy took the opportunity to knock Zix's blaster out of his hand. Jimmy then fired his ray gun and Zix, knocking him across the room. The group then untied Libby, Sheen, and Carl, and then used the rope to tie up the bandits.

Libby:Thanks for the help.

Spongebob:Our pleasure.

Lincoln:You guys know where Calamitous is?

Carl:Last we saw him, his was flying off with Goddard.

Jimmy:Oh no.

Ronnie Anne:Goddard?

Jimmy:My pet dog.

Danny walked over to the three bandits and charged one of his energy beams.

Danny:We'll only ask once:Where is the professor?

Zix:Like we'd tell you.

Travelton:Yeah! We'll never tell you that he's set up at the Retroville power plant and is draining the energy for the Syndicate's plan!

The other two aliens looked at Travelton in disbelief.


Timmy:This is one of the things I like about dumb villains:They're so easy to interrogate.

Jimmy:Guys, round the others up, and tell them to randevu at the power plant.


They all ran off.

Travelton:Does this mean we're not getting paid?

Zix kicked him in the head.

Everyone met up outside the power plant.

Leo:Alright guys, remember, we need to work as a team.


They all snuck in, managing to stay quiet and avoid detection. Eventually, they found Calamitous in his robot suit with the torso open in front of a large monitor, talking to Vlad.

Calamitous:Glad everything is going smoothly over at Amity Park.

Vlad:Likewise. Without the interference of the heroes, this has been so easy.

He then signed off. They then notice Goddard on a dissection table.

Calamitous:Perhaps once I figure out your structure, your copies will make a fine fleet in my army.

Goddard angrily barked at him.

Calamitous:All that back and no bite. Curious as to why you're one of Jimmy's proudest creations.

Pony:We gotta help him.


Jimmy came out from hiding.

Calamitous:Jimmy, about time you arrived.

Jimmy:You let my dog go, Calamitous! You and the Syndicate's plans are stopping here!

Calamitous closed the hatch.

Calamitous:And what makes you think you can stop us? You're all alone.

Jimmy:You should get your eyes checked, because I've brought friends.

The other heroes emerged from the shadows. Calamitous was taken aback a little.

Calamitous:Who in the world are they?

Jimmy:The heroes of the worlds the Syndicate is trying to conquer. Did you really think we all wouldn't work together to defeat you?

Calamitous:It matters not.

He closed the hatch on his robot.

Calamitous:I will still destroy you!

He called several robots in to aid him. They all began firing at them, with the group all the Nicktoons taking cover.

Leo:Okay, we're a bit over our heads.

Jenny:I'll deal with.

She was about to get up, but Danny stopped him.

Danny:Remember, we need to work together.

Jimmy:He's right. Dudley, you, Kitty, Mikey, Miko, and Lincoln deal with the robots on the left. Ronnie Anne, Aang, Leo, Raph, Five, Tigre, you deal with the ones on the right. Zim, Donnie, Jenny, you try and stop the power draining. The rest of us will try to stop Calamitous.

They all split up. Zim, Jenny and Donnie heading to the main core of the power plant, and they saw a massive device sucking up the energy.

Zim:So what shall we do?

Donnie:I'll see if I can shut it off manually.

He opened the hatch but the second he tried touching some of the components, he got electrocuted.

Donnie:Okay, this is going to be a little harder than I thought.

Meanwhile, the other teams weren't doing so well against Calamitous and the robots.

Calamitous:Face it, you can't win!

Pony ended up getting captured by the neck.

Annie:Pony! Tigre, give me a boost up!

Tigre did so, throwing her on the shoulders of the robot. Once on it, she began whacking in its head. It turned it's head around to face her. As a last resort, she jabbed her shovel into it's head.

Annie:I...I did it...I actually beat one!

Meanwhile, Donnie was still having trouble finding a way to shut the machine down.

Donnie:This device is so complex, even for me.

Zim:Perhaps I could be of assistance.

A few tools emerged from Zim's Pak.

Zim:Two heads are better than one after all.

The two started working together, and they actually started to make progress. Back with the other group, they actually began making a dent in the robot forces.

Annie:I think I'm getting the hang of this.

El Tigre:Not bad for your first time.

Jimmy and some of the others were doing well against Calamitous.

Calamitous:I don't understand! How are you beating me?!

Spongebob:Good old teamwork.

He and Kitty leapt towards Calamitous and knocked him back.

Calamitous:It matters not. As long as my machine continues to drain power, you will lose!

As if to make things harder, robots showed up to try and stop Donnie and Zim.

Jenny:You two keep working! I'll hold them off!

She protected the two as they continued to work, however, she was beginning to get overwhelmed.

Jenny:Anytime now, guys!

Donnie:Just a few more adjustments...and...done!

The generator shut down, and Calamitous noticed.

Calamitous:What?! NOOOO!

The heroes regrouped.

Jimmy:So what was that about not having a chance.

They began to walk towards Calamitous. However, he grabbed Goddard.

Calamitous:No one move! Or the dog gets it!

Goddard whimpered. Jimmy tried to think of what to do, until-

Jimmy:Goddard! Play dead!

Goddard exploded, sending Calamitous into the wall.

Goddard reassembled and ran to his owner, licking him. Aang scratched his ears.

Aang:Good boy

Calamitous crawled out of his robot suit

Calamitous:I...completely forgot he could do that. But no matter. You may have beaten me, but you still a have the other members of The Syndicate to deal with!

Jimmy:He's right, It's not over yet. We need to head over to the storm and travel to the next world.

They then took off. Calamitous weakly made it to the monitor.

Calamitous:Got to...warn the others.

He called the other members of the Syndicate.

Calamitous:Code Red! I repeat, Code Red!

Azula:What is it?

Calamitous:It's the heroes! They've teamed up, and they've already destroyed my machine!


Calamitous:I suggest you all prepare, they're on their way now!

Vlad:Thank you for the tip...

The Nicktoons were going to be in for a rough ride...

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