Chapter 3 《Mixed》

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I came home from the awards show that night, my three  awards in my arms. I unlocked the door and saw Bianca asleep on the couch. I saw Jesse, a friend of mine from University come out of the kitchen. She was a demigod. I found her at Uni and noticed that she had an aura of an Aphrodite child.

"She wanted to wait for you. She has only been with you for, like, two days and she's already attached," Jesse said laughing softly. She wasn't that typical Aphrodite kid that worried about looks. Right now she was wearing sweat pants and a baggy Rolling Stones T-shirt. Her pink dyed hair was in a messy bun. Her round, wide rimmed glasses sat atop her head.

"Yeah. I think it's because she's the incarnation of my sister," I said. I had explained the whole demigod thing to her after the first week I met her.

"You mean  Bianca! No wonder you named her that! But anyway how's your psychology assignments going?," she asked. I was majoring in Psychology. Even though I was famous I still wanted to make sure that if I stopped modelling or singing that I would have a back up.

I actually only became famous because after listening to me sing, another friend of mine named Spencer, forced me to put up covers on YouTube. After half a year I was famous and a modelling company wanted to sign me. My friends were very supportive of me and never treated me as a celebrity.

"It's going. Unlike your crush on Spencer. Seriously when are you going to ask her out?," I teased. I picked up Bianca from the couch and walked up the stairs, careful to not drop her. Jesse followed behind me.

"Oh haha. Valentine's day is coming up soon so I'm asking her to be my valentine. What about you? Any guys that caught your eye?," she sassed. I scoffed and walked into Bianca's room. Jesse went to her bed and undressed it. I layed Bianca down and put the covers over her.

"No man has caught my eyes since I left that living Tartarus I once called camp," I said bitterly.

"That Solace dude was the only one you talked about for three weeks after I met you. It must have hurt to leave him?," she said softly. She spoke Afrikaans at home all the time since she was Afrikaans. Her voice was elegant and soothing and it always helped to calm me down. I blushed and nodded. "Well  better be going we have one more free day until we go back to campus. I'll come over tomorrow with Spence. Night night Nico," she said. "Night night Bumblebee." I waved at her and made sure that Bianca was comfortable. As I was about to leave it heard her calling me.

"Papa?," she mumbled.

"Ja  (yes) Bianca?," I said. I moved closer to her and kneeled next to her.

"Kan ek slaap met jou? (Can I sleep with you?) ," she said in Afrikaans. She was raised in an Afrikaans family but when they died she went to the Orphanage. She can speak English but chooses to speak Afrikaans.

"Ja my engel.Kom saam met my ( Yes my angel. Come with me) ," I reply in Afrikaans. She made grabby hands at me and I pick her up.

"Engel, papa se eerste taal is Engels. Kan jou praat Engels vir my. Asseblief (Angel, Papa's first language is English.Can you speak English for me. Please) ," I said. She tiredly nodded her head and I set her on my bed. I kissed her head and told her I was going to change.  

After pulling on some pajama pants and a shirt, I layed down next to her. She snuggled into my chest and mumbled 'liedtjie  (song)'.

I started to sing one of my slow songs and as I sang she was lulled to sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted off. . .

In the morning we all put our stuff and the ship. As we took off, everyone was buzzing about how we're going to see Nico again. Then I remembered he has a kid.

"Guys! We forgot he has a kid!," I shouted. They all stood there shocked. Reyna was the most shocked because she didn't know Nico has a kid.

"SCHIST!," shouted Percy. Reyna came out of her shock and looked like she wanted to punch someone.

"He has a kid and you didn't tell me!," she shouted angrily. In fear I explained that he had adopted a four year old and named her Bianca. She soften up and the mention of a small child and cooed when I showed her a picture.

When I was about to put my hPhone away it buzzed.  I saw two new posts on Nico's Instagram account. I tried to be as manly as I could when I saw it but I broke. I squealed at the sight.

Nico had his arms wrapped around Bianca's small frame. She was snuggled into his chest and his chin rested protectively on her head. A small smile played on both their faces. The caption read:' hey guys it's  JesseLove! I hacked into Nico's phone and took a pic of this cute sight! How could I not post this!'

"What's wrong Leo," asked Frank. I called all them to come look at the picture. I showed them the picture and they all squealed. And I'm pretty sure Percy said something an unknown underwater creature language.

"There's another post but it's a video. Wanna watch it," they all nodded eagerly. The video started with a girl with pink hair, glasses and another girl with long black hair and freckles.

"Hey guys! So Spencer and I hacked Nico's phone and show you how we wake him up," said the pink haired girl

"Quieten down will ya Jesse," said Spencer. Jesse snickered. They started poking Nico when Bianca woke up.

"Aunty Jess? Aunty Spencer? Wat doen julle?," said Bianca in some sort of language.

"Ons wil Papa wakker(We are waking up Papa)," said Jesse. Bianca smiled. She started poking Nico too.

"I feel sorry for them. Nico hates it when people wake him up in the morning," said Percy.

"Papa. Papa. Papa," Bianca said while poking him. Nico's eyes opened up quickly and started tickling Bianca. She let out a squeal of joy.

"Papa! Tannie Jesse en Spencer is hier! Hulle maak n snaaks video (Papa! Aunty Jesse and Spencer is here! They are making a funny video)," Bianca said through her laughs. Nico stops and looks at the camera and starts laughing. Bianca jumps on him and he laughs more. The camera shook and it was obvious the two girls were laughing. We all stood there shocked. Nico was laughing!

"Bumblebee ek dink dat jy tannies hou van ń oggend hardloop (Bumblebee I think your aunts would like like a morning run)," said Nico as he got up. He ran after them laughing.

"Nico don't make me rip apart your psychology report!," said Spencer. Nico stopped with a shock on his face. Bianca giggled at the look on his face.

"He's doing psychology? Really?," Percy said earning a jab in the gutter from Hazel and Annabeth who both high fived afterwards.

"You wouldn't!? I worked so hard on that!," Nico whined. The video stopped and froze on a smiling Nico with a tiny Bianca grinning, sticking her head out from behind his legs.

"I never thought I could see Nico this happy. . . And Bianca looks so much like her previous form. But how does he hide his wings? How?," said Percy. We all nodded. That's what I was wondering. Like didn't he have wings before. Like. . .huge black wings? The group nodded, all slightly confused. We looked at the frozen image of Nico again.

"So cute......," Reyna looked as of she was about to explode into a bunch of rainbows.

"Okay we got a few hours of travelling to regain our sanity and control. Why don't we all just do a little research on Nico and see what he's like now," said Piper.

"Yeah. I need my sanity back,"said Annabeth.

We all Googled him and lots of stories came up. Some about his foundation, some about Bianca, some about his album. We looked at the pictures and let's just say the girls almost fainted.

There were pictures of Nico shirtless, posing against another model. There were some where he was modelling some clothes. We were all shocked. Especially at the ones of him shirtless. Those. . . Those made me question my sexuality.

"Damn Nico. . .," I said.

"Don't you mean Dam," said Percy. I looked at him confused. We scrolled through more photos and let's just say. . . WOWZA.

We scrolled a little more until we came across a certain picture of Nico. By now Will was almost drooling. The picture was Nico shirtless, his back towards the camera with his head turned over his shoulder. His back had a tattoo of Angel wings with black ink. Silver outlined the wings and outlined each feather.

"I think that's how he hides his wings. It retracts and takes the form of a tattoo!," said Annabeth.

"Can we stop. . .he's making me question my sexuality. . .," I said. The rest of the guys nodded besides Will.

"William doesn't he make you question you sexuality too. I mean you were practically drooling," I joked. He blushed and gazed at the floor.

"I'm kinda sorta gay. . .and kinda sorta have a huge crush on Neeks,"he said as he rubbed his neck. The girls squealed and hugged him. They came with such force they pushed him onto the floor.

"DOG PILE ON WILL!," shouted Jason. We piled on them, earning groans from Will and the girls.

The rest of the trip was me checking that our course was going in the right direction, the girls secretly discussing Will and Nico's wedding and the rest of the guys and I  goofing off and at some points teasing Will.

"Okay guys there's a field near a road. I'm going make us land there and then I'll make the Argo go into van mode," I said as I made our way to an open field.

"Van mode?," said Frank.

"New thing I put in. I can make the Argo II transform into a van! Cool hey?," I said.

I landed the Argo in the field and instructed everyone to grab their things and go off board. I did the same and put my bags on the ground. I walked to the front of the ship and pressed a button. The ship shrank and transformed into a van, but what south Africans call a Kombi.

We put our things in the back. We climbed in. Annabeth was driving because she didn't trust Percy to drive us in a country we did not know. He pouted and sat shotgun.

As we were driving my phone buzzed. Nico's friend tweeted a picture of Spencer holding Bianca who laughed with Spencer while Nico sat at a desk and pouted with a bunch of papers and books on his desk. I laughed at the picture and showed everyone. Seriously when will they get social media on their phones?

We drove for about an hour and finally reached the town. It was a small town called Richards Bay. We stopped at a restaurant in their mall called the Boardwalk and ordered drinks. It was quite hot and humid because it was summer.

"Guys look it's Spencer and Jesse with Bianca,"said Hazel with excitement in her voice.

They took a table a table away from us. I heard a phone ring and looked at my friends to see if it was theirs ringing. I then heard Spencer.

"Hey Neeks. . .Bianca is fine stop worrying. . .I know she's your daughter. . . Yeah. . .Come join us Neeks. . .okay see you in ten."

All our eyes widened. Nico was going to be here in 10 minutes!

"Okay let's not worry, okay," said Percy. "Our friend that ran away from camp because of us and has been missing for one and a half years is going to be here in 10 minutes. Nothing to worry about." This earned a slap from Annabeth.

Soon ten minutes were up and Nico appeared at the door, smiling. He looked around and his eyes landed on us. His smile fell and he looked angry. Bianca ran up to him and gave him a hug. Nico looked down and smiled again. He gave her a hug and put her on his hip.

As he was walking past us he glared at us. "Not a very nice way to greet your friends, Nico," Percy told him.

"Friends? HA! The only ones I trust in your little group is Hazel, Reyna and Will. But if you insist. Greetings The Seven, Praetor and Healer," he seethed.

"Papa who are these people," Bianca said. She looked a bit scared. Her head was in the crook of his neck.

"Niemand my engel (nobody my angel)," he said in a strange language. She smiled as he kissed her forehead and walked to the table that was occupied by Spencer and Jesse. He talked to them in a hushed tone and moved to another table and ordered. Our drinks came and we still couldn't wrap our minds around what just happened.

We have to repair our friendship with Nico.

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