Chapter 5 《Nico》

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I was getting ready the following morning, to go to my meeting with management. Bianca was still asleep,and you could tell she was tired because normally she is the one that wakes me up in the mornings. She is usually up at five in the morning but now it's 07:30.

I went into my closet to pick out a suit to wear to the meeting. I hate wearing suits, but my agent says that I need to look formal and serious at meetings. I ran my hand through the selection of 'formal attire'. I picked out a navy blue coat and pants with a matching tie and white dress shirt.

I heard my door from down stairs open and something crash. Without getting the chance to put my shirt on, I grabbed my skull ring and a baseball bat. I released to wings and walked downstairs, bat raised. I heard whispering coming from my kitchen and walked towards the noise.

I walked into the kitchen and sighed of relief. It was the demigods, except they were looking through my cupboard, looking for food, well most of them. Percy was holding a box of cookies while Annabeth was trying to get it away from him. Jason was stuffing his mouth with cereal while piper was making coffee. Will was cleaning up broken glass, which I guessed caused the crash. Frank, Hazel and Reyna were telling them to keep it down.

"Morning you all. Enjoying my kitchen?," I asked, raising my eyebrow while resting the bat on my shoulder and retracting my wings. They all stopped and looked at me like a deer caught in headlights. I chuckled at this and put the bat down. "It's fine guys. Get something to eat, but keep it quiet. Bianca is still sleeping," I said. Percy smirked and looked at Jason. Some Jercy telepathic communication was going on. I looked at them confused.

"Nice body Nico," said Percy, smirking, earing a slap from Annabeth. Will, who hadn't looked up yet, looked at me and blushed. That's when I realised that I didn't have a shirt on, causing me to blush. I crossed my arms over chest as an attempt to cover up.

Jason ran up to me and pinched my cheeks, like how a grandmother would her grandchild, and said," Oh my little boy is growing up! Look at all these muscles! Good boy! You've been eating your veggies!" I rolled my eyes and smiled while saying in an Afrikaans accent,"Nee Ouma! I've been eating lots of braai en pap."

"What's a braai?," asked Leo. I gaped at him. Then I remembered that they don't have braais in America.

"It's only the best thing ever! It's like a barbecue, except you use wet marinades on meat, not dry rubs. There is also a selection of different spices. Also the Wors is amazing! And. . .," I started rambling about how a braai is better than a barbecue. My rambling was cut short when Jesse and Spencer walked in.

"Oi! Go put on your shirt Nico! Don't tell me your doing another photo shoot where you have to be a stripper," screeched Jesse, while Spencer covered her's and Jesse's  eyes. I rolled my eyes at them and told them to keep it down because Bianca was sleeping. This shut them up and the ran upstairs, to most likely watch Bi sleep like a bunch of stalkers.

I heard something drop from my staircase and saw my coat and shirt. I grabbed them and put them on at the bottom of the staircase. I walked back to the kitchen and saw everyone looking at me with their mouths agape.

"You had to act as a stripper in a photo shoot!? Darn Nico, what other surprises do you have in store," said Piper, eyes wide. Percy and Jason were giggling together and looked like my fans during fangirl moments. I decided to play a joke on them.

"Nothing else guys. It's just that I'm pregnant," I said as if it was nothing. Everyone started laughing. I kept a straight face, seeming serious. They all looked at me to see if I was laughing. They all stopped and looked scared.

"Wait your serious? Oh my gods Nico! Wait is your name actually Nicole? Never mind that. How could you not use protection!?," Frank asked frantically.  Hazel was fanning herself, still being the innocent buttercup of the group. Will came towards me and started going all doctor Solace on me. Percy fainted and Jason caught him. Annabeth and Piper just stated at me in shock. Reyna on the other hand knew I was joking because she could tell if I'm lying or not and was trying to not laugh. I couldn't take it anymore and burst out laughing and so did Reyna. The rest stood there confused. I was in stitches when Bianca, Jesse and Spencer came down the stairs.

"Wait so your. . . Not pregnant?," asked Hazel. I shook my head, calming myself down. It was now Jesse and Spencer's turn to laugh. Bianca walked towards me and yawned while saying,"Morning Papa."

I picked her up and kissed her cheek."Morning Bumblebee. You had a good sleep?," I asked. She nodded her head tiredly. "You have to spend the day with Aunty Jess and Aunty Spencer. Okay? Papa has to go to work for a meeting, " I told her. She pouted at me and muttered an 'okay papa'.  I handed her over to Jesse and got my shoes and slipped them on. I got my car keys and made my way outside. The others followed me and went to sit in the Kombi, Annabeth taking the wheel.

We drove to the meeting place, the studio where I record my music. As I drove I put my radio on. A free songs in they decided to play my song. It was a song about breaking free and getting out of your comfort zone. It was the second song I recorded and I loved it. I don't mind listening to my music because it's the kind of music I want to produce.

We parked outside the studios and I grab my flipfile that was in the back. I hop out of the car and see the other demigods getting out of their Kombi. I ran a hand through my hair and told them to follow me. I walk through the front doors and see the Secretary, Natasha, sitting behind the desk. She looked up at me and smiled, her kaleidoscope eyes glittering.

I had known Natasha from the demigod camp in Durban, as she was the daughter of Aphrodite. "Morning Natasha," I said. She gave me a warm smile and greeted back. I saw Piper looking at Natasha. I pulled Piper towards Natasha and put a hand on each of the girl's shoulder. " Natasha, this is Piper, Piper this is Natasha. Your both daughters of Aphrodite,"I introduced the half sisters to one another. They smiled at each other but Natasha quickly looked at me.

"Steve wants to talk about your next photoshoot and something else about Camp. By the way, when are you going to swing by? Miya misses you," she said. I nodded my head thinking about my South African half sister Miya. She has long black hair, dark brown eyes and brown skin. She acts like me when I was younger, except she wasn't obsessed with Mythomagic, she was obsessed with music.

"Probably this weekend. Take the others and show them around. Oh and what room are they in?," I asked, flashing a smile. She gives me the new of the room and we all walk there in silence. I open the door and walk in only to see Steve, Josh and Josh's agent. I sat down and so did the others. I glared at Josh.

"Hey Nico! We were just discussing your next photoshoot with Josh, here! We were thinking something sexy and mysterious, that is, if your boyfriend would like to fill in for Josh," Steve said. Will's eyes spoke for how shocked he was. The others looked at me supportively, but for some reason Piper, Percy and Jason were smirking. I tense and looked at Will with pleading eyes. I didn't want to do a photoshoot with Josh. After the 'break up' we had, he's become possessive over me and whenever we work together he has to touch me in some sexual way, which is horrifying for me. I haven't told anyone.

Will comes out of his shock and looked at me with my pleading eyes. He reaches his hand towards me and grabs my hand. He smiled at me and then at Steve. "I would love to do a photoshoot with my boyfriend. When is it?,"  he said sending a supportive look at me. I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach, my cheeks felt warm and I knew I was blushing.

"What!," Josh exclaimed. Percy and Jason high five. Josh's agent shushes him and they walk out. Well Josh stampedes out while his agent calmly walks out. Steve cleared his throat and I looked at him again, not noticing at how I was staring at Will.

"Now Nico we need to discuss other  business. Are your friends like you?," Steve asked. I nodded. We went on to discuss camp in Durban and how everyone was holding up, because apparently the Magical wall was broken down by monsters and Camp was attacked. Thank the gods there were no fatalities. We were planning a new magical barrier for the camp, with the other demigods putting inputs on how to make the next barrier stronger. Will started designing a new infirmary with Annabeth since the previous one was destroyed.

The meeting went on like this for another two hours and we were going to do experiments to see which one out of thirteen barriers would work. The plan was to take everyone to Greecian Africa, the demigod camp in Durban and do the experiments there.

We decided to go home and my backseat of my car was filled with blueprints since there was space for them. When we got to my house, I was extremely surprised by what I found. . .

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