When you Fell for a Vampire

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Here's your another request,Skye-san.I hope you will like it.

I think this is the last oneshot,for now.Because I'll continue my other two series.But if you want more,just message me what it is about.I'll reserved them for when I will continue this book again.So,hope you all readers will like my works~


Maki's POV

I regretted going out in this beautiful night.Just to see the full moon shining passed me.I'm cornered,by an unknown living,unknown kind.I'm scared.

His red eyes were piercing through me like a spear,just looking at them made my body go numb.While he gaped his mouth,I saw that two of his teeth are as sharp as a knife.I can't even move because of how scared I am.My whole body is shaking.

I should have believed what the news said that we shouldn't go out of our house this night.Should I just give up and die here? I don't have a choice,do I?

I closed my eyes to accept what was about to happen.But when I heared a load growling,I can't help but open them once again.

The thing that was standing before me was now laying on the ground,decapitated.I nearly puked but controlled it when I noticed that there's a girl in twintail near it,holding the head.

"I'm sorry.Did this thing hurt you,or graze you even a bit?'' She asked as she throw the head.When I looked into her eyes,I suddenly felt dizzy.Then the only thing that happened to me,is losing consciousness in this alley.The last thing I saw,was the girl running towards me.


When I returned to my senses,the first thing I saw was the room being illuminate by the morning sun.The surroundings are unfamiliar to me.

I suddenly rise from the bed.''Where the hell am I?'' I whispered.What about last night? Is that only a dream? But this is not my room at all.

And that girl...there's no way that was a dream.I needed to find out where am I.''..Okay!'' I composed myself as I stood and was about to go out of the room when someone opened the door and entered.

"Oh,you're finally awake.'' The girl said as she holds a tray in her other hand.She has a crimson red eyes and jet black hair,tied in high twintail.Wait a minute,she's that girl!

"W-Wait,Y-You...'' Before I completely finish my words,she step closer and put the tray on the bed.

"Eat first before I explain everything to you.'' She said.Well,truth to be told,I don't have the apetite,right now.Just thinking about last night turns my stomach upside down.Does she even expect me to eat in this kind of situation?!

Even if she saved me,I don't really have the feeling of trusting her.Just looking at her innocently looking eyes makes me kind of pissed,'cause she's definitely faking it.''I can't trust you.'' I coldly said.Well it's the truth.''Y-You just killed someone in just a second.Y-You,do you plan to poison me by giving me food?!'' That might be true,if I just eat this without thinking.I'm just as dead as a that thing last night.

I noticed her expression changed,from her neutral to a pissed off expression.''And here I am,kind enough for saving you.Then,you're just there giving me a cold shoulder?!'' She yelled as she knitted her brows in annoyance.''And if I planned to kill you,You should be dead right now!''

If you think about what she said,she's right.If I was here only to be killed,then it's already over for me before even arriving in this unfamiliar house.There's a lot of chances,she could have leave me in that alley,she could have killed me in my sleep,but she didn't.I was wrong---Yet there's no way I can say that in front of her,right? My pissed of self turned into normal.I think that annoyed face of her,is her true self,I guess?

I just stay silent for minutes before I finally had the appetite,but the food already turned cold but I started eating anyway.

"You should have eaten it before it gets cold.'' She sighed as she grabbed a wooden chair and sat next to the bed.It kind of bugs me as I eat tho.She's staring at me intently.

"Could you not please stare at me while eating?'' I asked politely in a sarcastic way.I saw her flinched as if snapping from reality.''I-I'm sorry!'' She apologized.Well,it's okay as long as she understand.

A while later,I finished the food.If I were to rate it,it's quite delicious from what It usually taste like.I smiled a bit.

"Did you like it?'' She asked.T-That was unexpected.''How was it? I'm pretty confident in my cooking so...'' She boasted.

"I-It taste normal!'' I said,I think I kind of raise my voice there.''I-It's not like I did hate the taste though..!''

She tilted her head.''I don't quite understand.But whatever!'' Then she smiled.What's wrong with this girl? Anyway,I now wanted to know what happened last night and why am I here.

"Could you now please tell me why am I here?'' I asked as I moved away the tray.She composed herself and nodded.

"But before that,I'll introduce myself first.'' She put on a smile.I don't really need that right? "I'm Yazawa Nico.Please call me Nico-chan!'' She energetically raised her hands near her head,and stopped in a weird pose.What the hell was that?

"I'll just call you Yazawa-san.'' I bluntly said.Heck am I going to call her that.I saw her face turn into annoyance,again.She looked much cuter that way than those fake smiles.And there's no way I'll say that.

"Moving on,I'm a vampire.'' She continued.I suddenly moved away as I heared her say that.D-Did I just heared that right?! T-There's no doubt.

"Please don't act like that.It's hard to say something if you suddenly backed a way like that.It's as if I'm dangerous.'' She faintly smile.

"O-Of course you are! H-How can I not even be calm if you suddenly say something unbelievable?!'' I yelled.My heart is beating so fast.S-She's a monster,that's more enough for me to be scared.

"I can't continue if you're bothered that I'm a vampire,you know.'' She said it.In spite of that,I really need to calm down.Just think of happy thought,Maki! I relaxed myself,breath in,breath out.Finally.

She noticed me finally relaxed.She continued.''Let me say this straight.'' Then she cleared her throat.She looked serious,I'm getting a bit interested.''From now on,you belong to me.'' She smirk.W-What the hell?!

"W-What are you talking about?!'' I yelled.I don't understand what the heck----

"I don't get it either,but what I only found out is that,when I'm far away from you or vise versa,My body weakened,I can't use my powers.And that could kill me." She knitted her brows again and put her index finger under her chin as if thinking.''I researched and read books about it when you're asleep and what I found is that,this is because of 'Lier au coeur'.''

"What does that mean?'' I asked.I knew that the language is French but....

"I don't know either!'' She yelled as she cross her arms.''I'm a Japanese not a French,you know!''

...Right,and I thought she'll be smart enough since she's a vampire.But I guess you can only saw them in movies,I mean,smart vampires.

"But it doesn't have to do with me,right?'' I asked,just to be sure.'Cause I can't stay here with her.

"It has.'' She sounded serious again as she stepped closer to me and on to the bed.''You'll gonna die if I died.'' She smiled.''So,I think you should stay with me,and follow what I ask you to do.If you don't want to die.'' After she said that,she stood and exited the room before I could react.

"U-Uehh?!?!'' I absolutely don't want to die! I still have dreams,you know!


I didn't have a choice.I,together with Yazawa Nico,told my parents and my friends that I will live with her from now on.I thought they'll be shock or disagree.But surprisingly,they all agreed! I think that's because of her power.

Weeks passed by in a blink of an eye.I'm currently in the garden,the house is as 'normal' as my home.Yazawa-san is inside,I don't really know what's she doing,she said that as long as I'm inside her residence,it will not affect her,so I won't die either.

But things are getting boring,I want to go out.It's like I'm in a house-arrest,I can't even have a freedom to go out.

I've learn a lot in weeks staying here.About vampires,mostly.Like there are three different kinds of vampire.The one that attack me is what she called 'Cold-blooded vampire',they are cruel and will suck your blood until you die without pity.But they only comes out in full moon.They are also weak and will die if they got exposed to sunlight.

The other one are 'Humane vampire',they show pity and are gentle.They really don't attack and can drink animal blood to survive.They won't die just because of sunlight but will leave a slight burn.But what disturbed me was when she said that most can be seen everywhere,because they live with humans like its only normal.That's still disturbing but I guess it's alright as long as they won't bother?

I learned that Nico was the kind of vampire that won't get affect by the sunlight even a bit.She's not really like the other two kinds.She could interact with humans normally.She could live with them if she wanted to.

But sadly,she can't drink animal blood.She must drink a human blood before red full moon or else she'll die.Red full moon is a rare event so I think she'll be okay.That kind of vampire is what she called 'Quarter'.

An hour passed,I heared the front door swung open.Yazawa Nico comes out of the house.She approached me.

"Let's go,Maki-chan~'' She called.After she learned my name,she started calling me that.It's not like I hate it,It's just that I'm not used to be called that.

"W-Where are we going?'' I stood from where was sitting.I hope she'll suggest to go out.

"You look kinda bored so,Let's go out!'' She said as she grabbed my hand.It's only been a week but she's already close to me.But after hearing about her stories,I think it's not as bad as I thought it'll be.''Let's go on a date!'' She added.Uehh?!

"W-What are you t-talking about?!'' I yelled before I sighed."Just come and follow me!'' She replied as she smile.That's the second time I saw a true smile from her,and it's cute....
Wait,what?! D-Don't think something like that,Maki! What the hell?! I sighed again,as a smile continued to appear in my face.Can't be help,I guess?


We've been visiting shops and it was tiring than I thought it'll be.She's buying a lot of clothes.''S-Shouldn't we rest for a while?'' I suggested as she continued her picking.

"Then,let's go to that cafe!'' She pointed to a sign...M-Maid cafe.''What about pick a little bit classical?'' I talked back.I'm not really into cutesy cafe.The colors hurt my eyes.

"Tch!'' I heared her crack her teeth.''You know,you should be obedient to me.'' She's bringing this now?! Really?!

"Yazawa-san,you're just the same as me.So if I just run away fast enough,you will also die.That 'I belong to you' thing that you're talking about,that's just a way of saying so it will sound cool.'' I sighed.''Please,stop that.'' That really always pisses me.Did she think I'll follow what she say? I already decided to live with her but she's sometimes getting on my nerves.

"If you want to do that,then just do it.'' She faintly smile.''I don't really care if I die though.'' What the---?! "Anyway,let's just go find a cafe that fascinates you.'' After she changed the grown heavy atmosphere,she run to the counter and paid all the clothes she pick and I followed her.

What did she mean when she said that? Somehow,that really irritates me.I don't understand.

After some walk,she finally talked as she pointed at a single cafe.''Will this cafe be fine? I'm also tired from walking.'' I nodded in reply.

Time flies as we already arrived back at the house.I didn't really talk since that cafe visiting.Somethings bothering me.And I've been thinking about it.

"What's wrong,Maki-chan?'' Yazawa-san asked as we were now about to head on the bed.Yes,what you're thinking right now is correct.We've been sleeping together in one bed since some time ago.I'm really against it but she said that sometimes,Cold-blooded vampires broke in to her house and attack.So if I don't want to be suck to death,we should stay in one room.Wait,Does that mean that she'll protect me?

"C-Can we talk?'' I asked.I'm really bothered by her words a while ago.

"It's okay,but why?'' She asked back.Does she really have to asked?!

"I'm just bothered.'' I replied as I sat on one of the chair.''About what you said earlier.Why did you said that?'' She looked at me as if figuring out what I mean.

"Why did you said that you don't really care if you die? Isn't that cruel?'' I said.So that this idiot in front of me will unserstand.Yet this is weird,my heart ache when I think about her words.I think my face is kinda hot too.

"Well,that...'' She painfully looked at me,still smiling.''I thought you'd be seriously run away from me...''

"If you rather die than be with me,I guess I should accept dying also...'' She faintly smiled,her face is red.What the hell is she talking about?! I'm just trying her when I said those things.It's kind of embarassing me.

"I,I don't want to be alone anymore.'' She continued.''I don't want you to leave me.'' I think her face is as red as mine when she said the words.S-She's like...c-c-confessing her feelings for me...My heart won't stop beating,w-what is this?!

"I-I think,I already love you.'' Nico said as she looked directly in my eyes.How can I?! What!? How should I respond?! I can't even concentrate anymore!

As if getting pull forward to her.H-H-Her face is getting closer to mine! I can't move my muscles...S-Should I just close my eyes?

When we're just inch apart,I didn't think of anything and just close my eyes.Yet nothing really happened.

"J-Just kidding!'' Is what I heared in front of me.Eh? I opened my eyes again and saw her smiling,but not the usual.My heart won't stop beating so fast.''S-Should we go to bed?'' She asked as I only managed to hum.

She's next to me,rolled to the other end of the bed.And I am here,I hope she won't hear the beating of my heart.I don't understand everything.Why am I disappointed? My heart ache at the same time.
Am I the one who fell for this vampire?


How many weeks had passed since living in to this house? Lately,I haven't been feeling a bit bored but Nico suggested that we do something.I said that we should go star gazing because that's my hobby.Yet she said we should just go hiking,because my idea was so plain.Isn't her idea the one who's plain?

"I'm getting excited!'' She said enthusiastically as we ride the train to Mt.Fuji.We're carrying a lot of bags,mostly Nico but despite her slender petite body,she doesn't look like having trouble holding them.What strength,being a vampire seems cool.

After some hours,we arrived at the said mountain.It's already 8 in the evening when we camp out.I'm scared but as long as she's here,I'm safe.

"Don't worry,Maki-chan.'' She said.''I'll protect you if something comes out.'' Then she smiled.''Now,for the climax.'' She stood up and go out of the tent.She signal me to come out too.I followed.

"W-What is it?'' I asked as I saw her took out metal pieces out of her bag.

"Ta-dah..!'' She's holding a telescope.''Since we're here,let's stargaze!'' This is unexpected,but it make me completely happy.She's unpredictable!

"Ni---Yazawa-san!'' I nearly called her by her name.I need to be careful next time.

"Wait wait,I think I heared something~'' She wanted me to say it,I know that.But I won't.''No,you didn't hear a thing,you idiot.'' I said as I crossed my arms.I just can't really be honest with her,right?

"What did you say?!'' She yelled.She started it again.

"Nothing~.'' I playfully replied.I don't want to argue with her anymore.I'm growing impatient to stargazing!

She glared at me."I'll get you,next time.'' She murmur.Then she began to move.I think she already knew the places of every piece so I let her do it.

The stars are perfectly align.We took turns in using the telescope.The view is pretty.We can clearly see orion and the big dipper in this place.We keep ourselves busy as we talked about them.Nico only knows about the big dipper though.

"This is the first time I went hiking with someone and it's pretty fun.'' She said.''What about you,Maki-chan?'' With those sparkling eyes of her,she expectantly waited for my answer.I guess,it won't hurt if I'd be honest for a bit,right?

"You're right,I really had a lot of fun.'' I smiled at her.''I hope we can go-----'' Before I finish the words that I'm about to tell,a couple of that 'thing' appears before us.

Nico suddenly guarded me with her arms.Those cold-blooded vampires run for our direction.

"Nico-chan!'' Out of nervousness,I called her by her given name.But it doesn't matter anymore.We should be alert.When she heared her name being called,I saw some changes in her body.

Her nails grew sharp.She had fangs,that I didn't saw when we're together.Her eyes changed into blood red,even if she naturally have crimson eyes,the changes can still be seen.

There are three cold-blooded vampires and I'm sure they are headed for me but Nico secured my safety.I was there,bewildered.I don't know what to think except for her being safe.

The events we're fast that I can't really tell what my eyes just saw.She finished them with just a blink of an eye like what happened before in the alley.All,decapitated.I didn't have the power to control my urge to puke.So in that state,I stumbled down.This is the second time I loss consciousness.


When I opened my eyes,I was welcomed by Nico's face.I suddenly stood,that results for our foreheads colliding.

"T-That hurts!'' She yelled as she backed away.That also hurts for me."A-Anyway,are you alright?'' She asked me as she rubbed her forehead.

"I think...'' I hum.I forgot about the pain afterwards.Why is her face so close,anyway?

"You've been sleeping for almost two days,I thought you won't wake up anymore.'' She sighed.She must be worried,huh.''But I'm glad you finally woke up.'' Nico smiled.That smile again,how can I not fall in love with that smile of yours? I felt my face heating up.This is hard for my heart.

"M-Maki-chan,are you okay?! You're face is red,d-do you have a fever?!'' She panicked as she joined our foreheads together.W-W-W-Wait a minute,I didn't wish for this but now I think I like it! "I-I'm fine.'' I mumured.She's not backing away! But this is nice,somehow!

It's been a minute,but there's no sign of her moving away.She's just there staring at me,our foreheads are still intact.I don't feel comfortable anymore so I called for her.

"Y-Yazawa-san?'' She didn't even move.What happened to her? "Yazawa-san?'' Again I called but nothing in response.This is getting a bit annoying.''Nico-chan!'' I yelled,at least hearable.She suddenly flinch,snapping from her deep thought.What is she thinking anyway? At first,it's comfortable but when it gets longer as she stare at me.I felt cold wind crawl my spine,it scared me.

"Wh-What happened?'' I asked but she didn't respond and just walk away out of the room I was in.It's the same room as when I woke up before,not the room Nico and I sleep.Just what happened when I'm asleep?


It's been a week since Nico started acting differently.She won't talk to me like before and she mostly spend time in the bedroom and in bathroom.I don't really know why.I tried asking her but she pushed me away.I keep asking her but I didn't get a thing on why.

Until this day.It's October 27.Nico is still inside the bathroom,she's been there since this morning.She won't even talk to me.She won't eat,I think she isn't even sleeping.I'm worried.

I'm currently in a study room,there's a lot of shelves here and they are filled with books that I haven't saw,I think they are books a couple of years earlier before they give birth to me.I'm mostly here to study but today,I want to find out more about vampires.Or why is Nico acting like this.I can't just stand around.

There's a book that's been bothering me.Nico mentioned it before but didn't said more.I remembered that she said its title is...'Lune de sang',was it? It's an another french word.Does vampires really love french?

After a while searching I didn't even find it.This is hard,it's already 5 in the afternoon,did the time passed faster than before?

But as I was about to rest a bit,I saw a little bookshelf near the door.It's a unusual color.Not really unusual but it's color is pink,really bright.

There are books but one is missing.I looked at the top of the shelf,there is it.Not really missing,huh.I put the remaining book into its place and I heared a click.It's coming from a larger shelve.I checked all of them and come to a slightly misplaced one.

It's a door.I won't ask more,this is a rather 'normal' house like ours.It's possible that there will be some secret doors.I didn't hesitate to enter.

There's no lights,so I grabbed something,a flashlight.It's only a short corridor that brings you to the other side of a door.I opened it.And was in awe as I saw taller bookshelves surrounding a single table,lit by a lamp.And on the table,there a book that was already open.Did Nico recently go in here?

The book is open in a certain page.I took the chair and decided to read it.

It said a lot about a 'Quarter',just like Nico.It said something like 'They are a rare find' it's as if they are discovered by scientist.And...'They are once a human'? Hell is this?!

It said more that,the 'Quarter' are a breed of four genetics.Genetics of what?!

Humain,Sang froid,Pure sang,Copse d'une petite fille...? Now they are in french,again?! I don't undertand but it seems that 'Quarter' is a mixed blood of vampires.But why are they four? Isn't it supposed to be just three? There's also something written here.It said about 'Quarter' heals faster when they got to drink human blood.

Moving on,I finally saw the word 'Lune de sang'.It's not a book but it's a topic in this page.At least the contents are in English.It's a bit messy tho.I'll need time before I could get this.

And after some scribbling,most of the page is about the Blood Moon.It said that it's a total lunar eclipse.''The Hunter's Moon.'' Is what other's called it.

At the bottom of all the things about the Blood Moon,is scribble sentences regarding the connection between 'Quarter' and the 'Hunter's Moon'.

It appeares that,a 'Quarter' loses their control when the blood moon is about to come.They crave for human blood.Still,it's their choice to control their body or to be control by their instincts.

The Hunter's (Blood) Moon is mostly to appear....October 27-----

Before I could react and read more,a loud breaking of things can be heared.I closed the book and run out of the room.I need to go to Nico! So that mostly was the reason.Yet she didn't tell me! I'm pissed,but I need to see her right now!


After some running,I open the bathroom,but there's no one there except blood covered tiles and tub.I nearly puke again put stopped when I heared a loud crash at Nico's room.Even if I'm currently scared,I can't just leave her alone!

I can see through the window that the Moon finally turned red.If only I heared about this!

Arriving,I opened the door to see Nico lying on the ground,she's covered with blood.As I run closer to her,I saw that a big chunk in her stomach were missing.She coughed blood and opened her eyes.

They are pure red,her fangs are covered with blood,her nails are sharp.She's full of scratches on her face.My heart twisted when she tried to call me.

"M...M-Maki-chan.'' She held my face as she smiled at me.I began to cry.I don't want to see her like this.''N-Nico-chan...'' I replied as I put my hand on hers.

"D...D-Don't cry..'' Nico coughed blood again.She's trying hard to talk,but I can see that she's in pain.I wanted to help her...

"H-How can I not cry if you're close to dying!'' I said.She just smiled again but not the smile that I knew.I thought for a second there that she's misunderstanding things.Did she thought that,I'm crying because if she died,I will too? "You're wrong.'' I murmur.

"I don't want you to die!'' I yelled.''It's fun when I'm with you.You're kind to me even if we argue sometimes.I,I love you...!'' My tears won't stop as I said the words that I've been wanting since.

For a while,I saw Nico in tears,as the smile that I knew appeared once more.''I---I love you too,Maki-chan.'' She confessed.My heart's hopelessness disappeared.Still,it hurts.It's as if I'll die if this didn't stop.

"Nico-chan,Can I request something?'' I smiled as she nodded.She's in complete pain.And I don't want to see her like this anymore.I'd rather...''Please,drink my blood.'' I won't asked anymore than her safety.This time,I should be the one saving her.

"W-What are you talking about?!'' She yelled as she cough again blood.''You'll gonna die!''

"I know,I know but I'd rather die than just wait for you to...'' I replied in ragged voice.''Please...''

"N-No...I can't do that..!'' She said.''T-There's no w-way...'' She cried.''I-I could d-do that t-to you...''

"...If you die,then I'll die.Wherever you look at it,this is the only choice!'' If I die,then she lives,that will be enough for me.But if she died,I'll be nothing.

Her tears flow down on her cheeks as she stay silent.She didn't spoke until I.''Please...'' My heart aches as much as having a wound.I won't take it if you die.

Then she finally nodded.I'm glad.I smiled at her knowing that she finally agreed.I held her in position.

"M..Maki-chan..'' She's still crying."I--I love you so much...''

"Yes,I'm glad.'' I can't control my feelings anymore.''I love you too.'' She planted a kiss on my lips before going down my neck.She's my first kiss.

When I felt her warm breathe,I closed my eyes.Her fangs dug directly into my neck.It hurts and stings.But it's not as painful as the thought of losing her...I'm glad that she'll be safe afterwards.

As she sucked my blood,my consciousness started to fade.The last thing I felt was the kiss she planted on my lips before I loss my life.It was a bitter sweet kiss.Still,I don't regret a thing.

Because I love her.



I can hear the sound of the wind blowing.And as I open my eyes,the sunlight shine through me.It's bright.

I was in the room,I am familiar with.I am still confused but cleared my mind with those thoughts.I smiled as I heared the door opened,a girl in twintail comes in,holding a tray.

She smiled at me as I smiled at her.She put the tray on the bed and said.''This is your first.And I thought you might need this.''
I nodded.

"You're right.Somehow,I'm really thirsty.''



All right,it's done.I hope you like it.
I've come up with a research in this AU,so it's kinda hard writing this.Anyway,thanks again.As I said,this is the last for now.But if you want just PM me and I'll reserve it.
Oh and,They cut our internet so I won't be updating my other fanfics for a while.I hope you understand.

Vote and leave a comment,and I'll see what you think about this AU.THANKS!

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