Chapter 22

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Pervious Chapter

"So, why she turned into a fox creature thing?" She says. Shinn look at the statue, then he slightly touch the statue as he close his eyes. "Probably, because she represented as the fox who guards this temple before" he says as he opened his eyes and glanced at Tea.


Third POV

Location:Amira Shrine, Kyoto, Japan.

Arthur look at the statue and he look at the temple. "Or maybe, she turn into a fox because her spirit took that form?" He says as he look at Shinn. Shinn look at Arthur, then he smiles "you seems know much about my country's culture" he says. Arthur just smiles as he rubbed the back of his head "is only a mare coincidence" he says. Molly look at Arthur, then she look at Shinn. "So, what Arthur says is right?" She ask.

Shinn look at Molly, then he nodded "it could be possible..... But it doesn't mean it's true" he says. Cecile nodded as she look at the statue "they must be respectful to that person" she says, Shinn smiles and he just shook his head "impressive, I don't know you guys might catch thing quickly" he says. Haven look at Shinn and he grin "don't underestimate us, we shadowhunters we catch thing quicker than you mundanes" he says.

Shinn crossed his arm and he tilted his head "what is Mundane?" He asked. Oliver look at Shinn as his mouth slightly opened "are you stupid or something? You a warlock right? You must be know what's Mundane is" he says, Tea sighed and she elbowed him as she glares at him "Oliver.... Shut it" she says. Shinn just sighed as he look at the young shadowhunters "I'm not a warlock that you guys mentioned..... I'm a Shinobi and a Shaman" he says.

Tea look at Shinn and she tilted her head "Shinobi and Shaman? What is that?" She says. Shinn just shrugs as he look around "well, they like some kind of soldier back in old days of Japan. But, usually they served those who are noble" then he stopped for awhile as he glanced at his back, then he continue "for Shaman, they more like and priest or an exorcist" he says as he look back at them. Tea finally understand of who Shinn is now. "So, you here because you doing your master's order?" Tea ask.

Shinn look at Tea, then he shook his head "I don't think she worth to be called as my master. I prefer to called her as my senior" he says as he closed his eyes for awhile "after all the era is getting more and more modern lately" he says. Tea agreed with his statement, the world had become more and more modern "but, I heard that Japanese people are eager to believe those who not from themselves" she says.

Shinn look at Tea and he smiles as he nodded "agree, but they also naive.... They also secretly followed those rule just want kept up their business with the other countries smoothly" he says. Tea just nodded, then she saw Shinn turning his back "where are you going?" She ask. Shinn look at the other side as he didn't look back at her "going back to my place, my job is done.... Thanks to you guys" says him as he started walking and he slowly disappeared into shadows.

Oliver grunted as he approached Tea and he gurnt "is because of you.... now he know what we up against also...." he look at Haven who just smiling at him "you, how dare you tell him who we are!? What are you? Stupid or something!?" He says. Molly sighed as she pushed him away. Tea just lowered her head and Arthur came as he patted her head "don't listen to Oliver, Tea..... You do a right thing, he get some info of us.... But we got some info of him. That's what you want.... Right?" He says.

Tea sighed then she look at Arthur as she smiles and nodded "yeah, you right Arthur.... Well then, let's go guys" she says Arthur nodded, then he look at Oliver and Molly who is arguing and he just smiles. Then, he look at Haven and Cecile, he elbowed Haven "come on.... Let's go back" he says. Haven look at Arthur and he just smiles as he nodded.

To Be Continued

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