Chapter 6

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- recap -

I was shaking from the nerves, tears in my eyes ready to spill. I can't explain how scared I was. The moments we got to go outside of the orphanage and had to go in a car where already nerve racking for me, let alone being on a plane alone. I tried thinking of something else, just everything except this. It wasn't helping.

Then Max grabbed my hand, "hey, it will be okay" he said looking me in the eyes, "just breathe." I did as he told. And by the time we where completely in the air, I had crushed his hand.

Chapter 6.

I let out a shaky breath and let go of Max' hand. "Ouch", he jokingly said to me while waving his hand.
I smiled for a second but it quickly disappeared when I thought about now officially being gone from 'home' or atleast what I can call home.
I haven't had a home since my so called father got aggresive and I had to leave 'home'. I wish I had a home and that I could be normal like most children my age, but I have realised a long time ago that that isn't possible for people like me, for people like us out of the orphanage.

I got shaken out of my thoughts by Max' hand waving in front of me.
I gave him a bewildered look and he pointed out the window. I followed his finger and saw all of the little houses andthe green landscapes.
It was so beautiful, "I haven't seen anything this pretty before", I said. "I know, it's so beautiful isn't it?", Max answered from beside me.
Then he turned away from me and started talking to the guy next to him, Max told me his name but I forgot.

I had been looking out of the window for some time, but the only thing I could see now was the ocean and clouds. I had asked Max a while ago how long we were flying, "only 50 minutes", he had answered.
I was too scared to answer him again, because I thought he would get mad like my father would when he got irritated.

I had gotten quite bored of looking out of the window. That's when I started thinking about how life would be in Los Angeles, would the orphanage be nice, or would it be awefull.
Would the children think I was weird and look at me weird.

I let out a yawn.

Do they speak English in Los Angeles I thought? They need to, because Max was speaking English too.
Would the orphanage let me go outside? Because Mrs. Wendler never let us go outside.

All the thoughts made me even more tired than I already was and I felt myself slowly drifting off. I fought off the sleep, because I didn't want to sleep.
The last family I ended up in always had cruel ideas while I was asleep, which made me scared to sleep. When I stayed at the Mortenson family I had met Sally, which was this happy and bouncy little creature, I couldn't really call it human but it kinda looked like a human too.
I only saw her when I was asleep, but eventually she turned bad just like the Mortenson family. When I left the family she never left and she always haunts me in my sleep.
Normally mrs. Wendler would tell us stories to fall asleep to or she would sing songs, but she would always stay with us to protectus in our sleep. She would keep Sally away.

But then everything went black and how hard I kept fighting to wake up, I was too tired to wake up.


I saw Bella was getting tired. Nev and I were shooting for a new Catfish episode, we were going to Los Angeles to discover a new catfish. We were all up in this one, I was really curious if this person would be who he said he was. Then I suddenly felt a weight on my shoulder, I looked and saw Bella had fallen asleep.

Nev and I decided to quit filming and finish it once we had landed in Los Angeles. Bella looked uncomfortable and I tried moving her head onto my lap without waking her. All went well until 10 minutes later. She started to shake and to mumble.

I tried waking her by shaking her, "Bella, Bella wake up", I whispered. It didn't work and she started to speak louder. I couldn't make out what she was saying. I tried waking her again but nothing worked. Then she screamed and I shook her again.

She shot up crying and trembeling.



Hey guys,

Sorry it's been a while and I'm so sorry for that. I know myself that it's an pain in the ass when you're reading a story and want the next part so bad. I hope you all are still into this story!!

I tried to write a long bit, but I don't think it's that much longer from the other parts I wrote. Still hope you enjoy!

Let me know if you liked it! Next part coming as soon as possible (I will try uploading it somewhere at the end of this week or next week)

Love, Babette :)

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