A New World (Part 2)

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Jercy - - Oneshot #44

Luke's eyes looked around the room, stopping for a split second on each boy.

"How'd you like it if, I, yes me- as in Luke Castellan. Showed you pain?" Luke asked, his eyes glaring daggers at Jason.

"Luke-" Percy began, but was cut off as he coughed up a storm (NOT GONNA STOP WITH THE WEATHER PUNS!!!!!!).

"Percy-" Jason said, but was cut off by a small kick. "Listen to me Jason Grace." Like growled, Jason's stomach turned.

"How do you know my name?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Luke chuckled, a smirk formed on his lips. "I know everything about you Jason." Luke told him.

Jason's eyes widened, "Now let's learn." Luke commented, right before he kicked Jason again.

This time it was hard, and in the stomach. Jason bent over, and fell to the ground, refusing to cry out. "Cry. Come on and Cry, baby." Luke teased, smacking him upside the head.

Jason's face flew toward the wall, Luke had smacked him hard!

Luke didn't stop here, and Percy was coughing harder. It seemed that Percy could barely breathe!

"Stop!" Percy managed to choke out, his face red. Luke smiled, "Stop? For whatever for? I'm just teaching him." Luke said, innocently.

Then, Luke lifted up his left arm. "What are you doing?" Jason asked, hiding his stomach to stop him from puking.

"Making you learn." Luke replied, his tone cold, and evil. His eyes full of fire, burning away in his soul.

He lifted up his index and middle finger slightly. And to Jason's horror, chains slithered up Luke's arms, Luke snakes.

"Meet my versions of George and Martha." Luke insisted, and the chains sprung from his arm!

Jason's screamed, and the chains decided to go to his wrists and legs. "Please, tell me Jason, why are you here?" Luke said darkly.

Percy watched in horror, watching helplessly as Luke tortured his boyfriend.

The chains wrapped around Jason's legs, going above his knees. He screamed, the chains seemed to burn, even on his (covered) legs!

"Stop it!" Percy screamed, fully recovered from the coughing drama.

Luke smirked, and made his left hand into a fist.

This made the chains burn much hotter. Jason's screamed louder, the chains tightening. They tightened around his upper thighs, a few straying to his ankles.

As they tightened, he lost circulation. He glanced at his fingers, anything from the wrist and up was a bright red.

Almost as if they had major sunburn.

"No! Stop it Babe!" Percy screamed desperately.

Luke stopped, "Babe?" He asked, shocked, his left hand dropped slightly. Luke looked at Percy, his cold blue eyes quickly turned 'vulnerable.' The cold, harsh, eye were quickly replaced by a softer, sky, blue.

"Y-yeah." Percy stammered.

"Why'd you call me babe?" Luke questioned, his small voice turning into what it was like before. "B-because I realized that I still love you." Percy said, staring directly into his eyes.

Jason saw Luke blush, his face tinted pink. "Really?" Luke asked, unsure of what was going on. "Yep." Percy said, his voice held no sadness, happiness, or harshness- it was more serious than Jason ever heard it in fact!

"I've always loved you." Luke admitted, walking toward Percy slowly, as if he was a python in mid hunt of his mouse (Percy).

"As did I. But I put myself with, Jason." Percy spit his name out like venom. Then he continued, "Just so I could try and heal from you. Because you stole my heart. . . No pun intended." He commented, avoiding Jason's eyes.

"I love you." Luke said, holding Percy's jaw with his right hand, his left laid limp.

"I love you to." Percy told Luke, and Luke gently pressed his lips against the other boy's. Jason gaped at the sight, tears freshly stinging his eyes.

Finally, Percy's words sunk in for Jason.


Percy called his ex-boyfriend babe!

And they effin' kissed! In front of him!

Jason didn't know what to do, the chains began to unravel, so he could get free. . . But his body wasn't working.

He was paralyzed almost, frozen in shock you could say. Percy slowly made the kiss deeper, and longer, this killed Jason!

Jason had stood there, watching them kiss for about 5 minutes, and he had finally realized what he had to do.

He had to escape! Percy was, just, Jason finally decided that he was on his own!

Percy had left him for the enemy, and he was going to find the book himself! One way, or the other! He was going to find the guide to these creatures!

Or at the least find blueprints. Leo could make a copy right? Then the Athena Cabin can find the weaknesses and strengths, use them for battle, and teach other kids.


Haha, Jason wished it was that easy.

Luckily, he managed to slip away, his heart ached, and his eyes burned, but he was okay. . . Somewhat.

"Just keep going." He muttered to himself, forcing himself to look forward. "I llloooovvvveee you." Percy told Luke, Jason starated to run.

His shoes hit the concrete silently, like he was almost as light as air. (Hehe. Puns for all!)

Jason silently ran through the room, over the puddles, nuts and (Hehehe. . . . . lightning) bolts, and scattered shards of glass that littered the floor.

His arms were chilled, hitting cold, freezing, air. He shivered, and stopped.

He heard a noise. Something was rubbing against the floor, grinding into the concrete.

"Your not getting away that easily." Luke told him, just as he realized what was happening.

Before he could run, or move out of the way at least, the chains found him. They attacked his ankles, pulling on them harshly.

This caused Jason to fall to the ground, landing on his face.

He tried not to think about his- probably fractured- broken nose, but it was hard as it erupted with pain.

The chains then slithered up to his wrists, were they then proceeded to drag him. Against the floor. The wrong way, making him scream.

His wrist were not supposed to go that way!

The chains pulled, and started to burn again. But this time, it was a cold burn. It was like when your fingers are so cold, they burn. You know?

He could feel sharp pokes on his thighs, making them bleed. Jason's bit his lip to stop himself from making any more noises.

"Come on. Be a good boy. Make some noise." Luke said, as he pushed Percy away gently. "Please, not now Babe, I have to take care of him." Luke insisted, and tightened his left fist.

This time, Jason had to let out a scream. The chains had started grinding into his wrists. Blood was over his lips, either the nose breaking, or the lip biting, there was blood everywhere.

"Just a little scream? What a pity." Luke said, smirking.

'Just a little scream?!'

Jason didn't want to know if Luke was crazy right now, he was to concerned.

He could barely see straight, his vision being affected dramatically. In fact, everything was going blurry. His head felt light, and he didn't like it. Blood was spilling out all over, he had a hard time keeping track.

In fact, he couldn't feel anything but immense pain, and the occasional shard of glass sticking itself in his skin. "Stop." He whimpered, biting the inside of his cheek to stop himself from screaming. "Luke, please." Percy said softly, Luke glanced at him and gave him a sinister smile. "Percy, I'm testing you." Luke insisted, the chains pulling Jason closer.

Glass shards were impaling his calves, arms, and shoulders. Stinging and drawing more blood, which was just what Jason needed!

"If you're so over him. Percy, I want to see if you'll kill him." Luke challenged, looking into his sea-green orbs. "Luke." Percy whispered, shocked. "Go on, if you are so in love with me, kill Jason Grace! It's not like we need him here! You and I? You and I can rule Tartarus together, and even the mortal world." Luke said, Jason admitted that he sounded tempting. . . That was until he remembered that his life was on the line!

"Luke." Percy said quietly again, "Go on." Luke said, pulling a dagger from out of his pocket. Percy was going pale. "Go on." Luke growled, pushing the dagger butt to Percy's chest.Percy shakily took the dagger, looking at Jason.

'Jason.' Percy wanted to whimper; 'Run, please.' He pleaded to himself, Luke pushed him lightly. Percy bite his lip, and took a single step toward the son of Jupiter. "Please Perce. Please Aquaman, please don't do this." Jason whimpered, pleadingly looking in the son of Poseidon's eyes.

"I'm sorry." Percy whispered to him, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes. He was still walking, trying not to look at Jason as he struggled to get out of the chains. "Please." Jason whispered, the pain in his wrists had stopped, and the chains no longer were burning. It didn't mater though, he was going to die!

"I am so sorry." Percy whispered shakily, looking at Jason in front of him.

With these 4 words, Percy plunged the dagger at Jason.

Hey guys! Thanks  for suggesting this part 2! (There is totally going to be a part 3, I would feel bad if I left it at this!!) Shout out to you also because you've been so supportive!!! Don't think I could have made 7K without you!!

Anddddd. . .


Also, here's a short note/question:

Why do you keep on reading this? Is it because you like the ship I'm doing (Well I sound stupid! It probably is because of the ship!!)Or is it my writing style? How can I make this book of oneshots more. . . Better? Yeah, how can I make this better.
Please comment- it helps me a ton!

Okay. . . there's one more thing. . . . sorry?

Listen to the song in the media/beginning of this oneshot. AMAZING SONG!!!! I got all emotional writing this oneshot, and listening to this song just made it worse. . . but it's still a good song!!

-Bridget Di Angelo

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