Arranged To Her?! (Arranged Marriage AU. AND Royalty AU) Part 1

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Jercy - Oneshot #20

"Perseus. I have to talk to you." Poseidon said, looking at his 17 year old son. "Father, its Percy. I've told yo-" "Don't talk back to me!" He snapped, Percy froze. This was the first time he snapped, or even got angry at him!

"Of course Father." Percy replied, his politeness almost killed him. Percy sat down on the other side of the table. Poseidon sat calmly, staring at his son, bored. "Perseus." He paused, Percy almost cringed.

"I've arranged for you to be married." He told him, Percy's eyes widened. He had yet to tell his father his sexual preference, or even that he was dating someone! He could not do this to him!

"What?!" He yelled, not caring how loud he was. "Calm down-" Percy cut him off. "Don't you dare tell me to calm down! I can't believe you!" He screamed, "Perseus-" "Its Percy!" He told his father. "Perseus it's for your own good!" "Really?! If it was 'for my own good' I'd be choosing who I'd like to marry!" He yelled at his father, getting out of his chair and storming out.

"Prince Perseus?" A young voice asked, he looked in front of him. "Please, I beg of you call me Percy. Prince Perseus sounds to formal." He told the servant, of course he would hardly consider Grover a servant. He was more of a best friend if anything. He coughed and tried again.

"Percy. Where are you going?" He asked him, his head of brown curls seemed to shake. As if his hair was trembling– along with the rest of his body. Percy couldn't blame him, he had been told he had worked extra hours in the castle this week. "I'm going to see Nico." He lied, Grover looked suspicious but nodded.

"Don't tell me father." He told Grover before heading out.

Grover sighed, "Anytime Percy. As long as I can keep this job. I have to help her." He said, referring to his girlfriend. Juniper– who had a curable illness that without the expensive medication, could turn fatal if left alone.

Percy closed the door of his room quietly, immediately getting the backpack he had packed. As you can tell, this happened a lot. Either Percy goes to help a friend, or his father messes it up.

He heard a knock at the door, he pulled his hands off of the widow hatch. And looked at the door. He placed his backpack on the bed, covering it with a blanket. "Perseus. It's you father." Poseidon said, opening the door. Percy sighed, rolling his eyes. "What father." He spat, the word father slipped out his mouth like venom.

"I have more news for you." He told him, Percy almost groaned. It was almost as bad as when his father told him about his brother Tyson. He was in the army now, and he love Tyson. But it had gotten Percy angry at first, no less.

"What is it?" He asked, trying not to sound to mad. He didn't want his father to be angry again– it kind of scared him to be honest. It reminded him a lot of his mom. Well, how his mom was killed, by Gabe. The kingdoms (not) nice Blacksmith! And how he was in a drunk rage as he pulled out a sword he had made himself and stabbed his mom. He was only 12, then he lived with his dad.

In a whole new kingdom, where he knew no one. Or course this quickly changed, but his father and him weren't. . . As close as the peasant father(s) and son(s).

He was quickly taken out of his thoughts by his father's voice. "Your being married to Princess Annabeth. Daughter of Athena, Princess and was almost the future queen of the Athens Kingdom." He told him, Percy's emotions then went crazy.

"What?!" He screamed, his voice echoed in the castles' extremely old, stone , walls. "Perseus calm down." Poseidon told him, "Get out father!" He said, his voice turning dangerously low. Poseidon nodded, understanding his son's rage.

Poseidon slowly walked out, his blue robe trailing behind him. The dark wood doors closed, leaving Percy alone. "Jason here I come." He whispered, he carefully took off his royal robes, his crown, and his gold attire. He hated them, it made him feel weird. Instead he quickly threw on ripped brown pants. Which cut off at his mid-calf, and put on a white button up shirt. Which and several dirt stains, he admitted he was dressed worse than the people of 'Prince Jason's' kingdom (even his kingdom), but he was in a rush.

He unlocked the hatch of the window again, and threw the blanket off of his bed. He grabbed the back pack, and opened the window. He nodded to himself and jumped out the window. He fell, and landed in a bush. He shook the leaves out of his hair, and continued his little mission to Jason's.

Within an hour he was there. Tears were threatening to fall already, and he could feel himself caving in. He quickly blinked away the tears and willed himself not to cry as he heard footsteps. "Excuse me. But what do you think you're doing?" Octavian, a guard at the castle asked as he saw Percy try to get through the doors. Percy sighed, he hated him.

"Trying to see the Prince." He told Octavian, that made him scoff. "His name is Sir Jason (A/n: making up middle name) Jovian Grace! Or as I am forced to call him, due to my duties." Percy's chuckle cut him off.

"What are you chuckling at you- you poor peasant boy!" He said, his face was red with embarrassment and anger. His voice had cracked a bit. Percy started to laugh, "I-I'm not a pea-peasant boy!" He bowled, Octavian now looked unamused. "Then what's your name?" He asked, looking bored at his dagger.

Before Percy could answer, Princess Thalia came in. Her black dress was slightly torn, and the lace was a dark blue. Making her eyes stand out, and her hair look darker than it was. "Hey Percy!" She greeted, Octavian paled. "As in P-prince Perseus!" He squeaked, Percy sighed and nodded.

He could see Thalia smirking behind the shocked guard. "I'm so sor-sorry! Here." He said, opening the doors. Thalia nodded respectively, and they both walked in. "Let me guess. To my brothers room for thy has to seek the comfort?" Thalia said, mocking Zoë– one of the many princesses of Lundi. (Queen Artemis's kingdom).

"Yeah. Fathers being crazy." He said bluntly, Thalia shrugged. "Like always." She muttered sarcastically, remembering how many times they had came to him or he had come to them. They all pretty much hated their fathers.

Thalia led him to a wooden door, no windows, and the trails or torches on the walls seemed to go for forever. The floors were like the walls, a white looking substance no one bothered to name. And his feet were starting to hurt.

Finally, Thalia opened another door, and inside the room stood Jason. His blonde hair was almost blended with the shining crown he wore, his white suite was crisp. The dark blue robe he wore was skidding off of his shoulders a bit.

"Oh Prince Grace I am honored to be in the presence of thy!" Percy said sarcastically, Jason's face cracks into a smile. "Same for you Sir Perseus!" He said, adding a fake English accent. They laugh and Thalia goes to work on the kingdoms sure need of 'excitement.'

"What's bringing you here today?" Jason asked, letting Percy sit down on his bed. Percy felt as if he was with a Mind Healer back at his kingdom. "Jason. We have to tell them." Percy stated, Jason looked at him. He was confused, "Jason. My father. He's arranged I get married to Annabeth, The almost Heir of the Athens kingdom." Percy told him, he could feel the tears returning again.

Jason gasped, "But- he. Why?" He asked, Percy shrugged. "I assume it's because of the bad blood between Queen Athena and my father. So naturally to stop war from arising. He's make his , not knowingly gay, son marry Queen Athena– the one he's afraid to start a war with– well, her only  heir. So he'd of course set me up with her daughter!" Percy said, groaning, and falling back on Jason's bed.

Jason rubbed Percy's head, his thumb touching his raven black hair. Percy looked at Jason's eyes. His sea-green meeting Jason's electric blue. "We'll figure this out, I promise you Percy." Jason told him, Percy sat up. Gently gripping Jason's hand, Percy pressed his lips up on Jason's hand. Kissing it, Jason blushed.

Jason then moved in for the actual kiss. He cupped Percy's cheek, and Percy could feel his breath on his own lips. Then, they collided, Percy felt like he was flying. Except, he wasn't scared. (He's not a huge fan of heights.)

Then, the door opened, the boys still in stuck in mid kiss. And there. In the door way. Was Thalia, and both of their fathers.

"What is this?!" King Poseidon said, the boys broke apart. Percy gulped.


What do you guys think? Anyways, hoping for at least 7 more views. Then that gives me 900. In less than 2 months! (Started December 4th, 2016. Today's the 14th of January, 2017 technically the 15 based off of how I'm updating the next day but. . .) Anyways, thanks for voting and commenting! Love you guys! Also, part 2? Yes, no, please comment reply. And if you want to– follow me! DM (PM?) me, I'll try to answer right away. If the very next day! Again, love you guys! 😘😍

-Bridget Di Angelo 🐙

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