Arranged To Her?! (Arranged Marriage AU AND Royalty AU) (PART 2)

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Jercy - Oneshot #23

"What is this!" Poseidon repeated, "Jason Jovian Grace don't make this horrible mistake of kissing a male, much less a peasant!" King Zeus yelled, Poseidon looked at his brother. "Do you know this peasant?" He asked sarcastically.

"No I don't. What is your name!? I demand you tell me by the orders of Zeus, King of The Kingdom of Jeudi!" He shouted, Percy almost let out a breath. He was still unidentified, by 'King' Zeus at least. "My name is, um." Percy quickly looked around the room. "My name is Hercules Nemo Smith." Percy stated, trying to sound more confident than how he felt.

"Yes father, and I was just checking his. . . tongue?" Jason said, Zeus looked at his son. "Don't you dare lie to me Jason Jovian Grace, You're only the Prince of the Jeudi Kingdom! I am the king! I have a higher authority and you just sneer me!" Zeus yelled, Jason glanced at his sister. She stared at him, almost as if she was frozen.

"Don't hit stand there Thalia! Disown him!" He screamed at her. She flinched, and her dress looked dirty. "Father. We have something to discus." Thalia announced, "Don't you dare not follow my orders Thalia! You, you are a Princess of Jeudi!" He said, his voice growing louder.

A servant looked in the room, the 2 outraged kings, a frozen Princess, and 2 boys in the others lap. Holding several fresh clothes for the windows and other castle glass, he walked in and started to clean the window. Trying to ignore his King. "Zeus, dear brother, it seems she hasn't have any useful things to say." Poseidon said, Thalia stayed quiet. The servant quickly finished the window, rushing out.

Percy almost gave out a breathe of relief, it seemed that they had forgotten about them. It stayed quiet for a few minutes, Percy could almost feel Jason's eyes on the back of his head. Percy turned, and Jason looked him straight in the eyes.

'It's okay.' He mouthed, Percy gave him a small smile in return. "Did you just mouth encouraging words to that filthy- Filthy animal!" Zeus said, his voice seemed to go higher with each word he spoke. He was outraged. "Fathe-" Zeus turned fiercely. "So now you talk!? Disown him!" Zeus yelled, then slapped Thalia.

Poseidon's eyes widened, he was strongly against hitting children- no matter what they did. He couldn't even bring himself to thing of disowning Triton! It was just cruel!

Thalia touched her cheek. It had started to turn red, and Percy but his lip. "Excuse me. L-lord Zeus." He whispered, the kings attention was on him instantly. "My name is Perceus Achilles Jackson," he took a big breath. "Prince to the kingdom of Arroyo." He said, his voice getting more confident.

"Son." Percy looked at his father. "Is this what you want?" He asked, Poseidon's hard glare softened. "Yes father. I beg of you to cancel the engagement and let me live freely with my lover. Even if he is a male." He said, Percy even added a small smile for good measure.

Zeus looked at Jason, Thalia looked at them. "Father." Zeus glared at her. "I have not given you permission to speak." He said, "Father. I have joined the huntresses. Therefore-" "I said you mainly speak!" He yelled, Thalia sighed. "As you wish." She muttered sarcastically.

"Father. I also beg of you to cut off my engagement. Please, I truly don't belong with Queen Reyna of the Kingdom of Circe." Jason said, looking at his father. Zeus glared at him, "No. I demand my son be evacuated from the castle, along with me daughter. They are both permanently disowned from the Jupeon blood line." He said, Poseidon looked at Percy.

"I also declare that Perseus Jackson is removed from the Nepton blood line. He is vanished from my kingdom. And never welcome to the castle again!" He said, and walked. "Father!" They all whispered, shocked that they would do this.

"You guys have to run." Thalia stated, snapping out of it. "What?" Percy asked, confused. Jason stared at her. "I'm with the huntresses. They don't allow boys. Go to the kingdom of Elio. Kings Apollo is sure to help you. And he may be able to get you started with some money. Point is, you have to watch ou-" "Guards! Get them!" Zeus had yelled.

Poseidon was probably on his way to Percy's home, well, old home. The castle one- not the humble cottage he used to live in. "That's it!" He said, Jason looked at him. His mouth opened, but before he could say anything. They felt cold armor against their arms. The arms then forcefully threw them out of the castle doors.

"Ready?" Thalia asked, the people of the kingdom crowded around them. Percy spotted a few swords. Pointy, and sharpened swords. "Let's go." Jason said, and together they ran to the kingdom of Lundi.

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