Arranged To Her?!?! (Arranged Marriage AU AND Royalty AU) (Part 4)

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #38

Percy was sweating. His eyes burned, and his hair stuck to his forehead. His heart pounded in his ears. And his lungs screamed for Mercy. (Please have Mercy on me! Take it easy on my heart! I know you don't mean to hurt me, but you keep tearin' me apart! I'm begging you for mercy! Mercy! On my heart! Hahah, I'll stop) "Jason? Jason are you okay?" He asked, looking behind him.

Jason was leaning against a tree, his hair sticky and his eyes were looking directly at him. "Just-" he wheezed, "Taking a small break." He said, breathing heavily. Percy smiled slightly, and walked painfully to Jason. Sitting himself down on a rock next to him.

"Dam Bandits!" Jason cursed, rubbing his swollen ankle. "Are you okay?" "Sure Percy! Nothing like being carried and chased by thugs, along with a twisted ankle to give me a happy start today!" "Jason. It's the afternoon." Percy managed to say. Both chuckled, even if their moods were sour.

They had just run away from a gang. Maybe 4 people?

There was the leader; a middle aged male, greasy black hair, almost paper white skin, and worry lines covered his forehead— Percy wasn't sure if they were worry lines or old scars, maybe even a mix of both. He had a twig in his mouth— as if it made him cool, poor tree remains, forced into that monsters mouth!

The other members were wearing black leather jackets. Their skin had a paper like look, but they looked burned almost. They snarled at the boys so often that Percy swore they grew fangs. It wasn't just their paper skin and 'fangs.' It was also the fact that they had gleaming red eyes, as if they were evil creatures from beyond the kingdom of Libitna (King Hades kingdom).

And, for the most part, it had started out normally:

Percy and Jason had walked for 3 hours. Non-stop walking, they hadn't gotten water and they didn't stop to pee. They had closed their eyes, and walked. Ignoring all the bugs, sharp thorns from bushes, and the burning sensation in their legs. "Perce. We need to stop. I can't hold it!" Jason said, stopping abruptly before turning to a tree.

Of course Percy turned around. "Jason! You should have told me not to look!" Percy exclaimed, seeing that Jason was peeing on a tree. "Nothing that you haven't seen before." Jason defended, and pulled his pants up. Percy's face turned a deep red, Jason, would have said it was Scarlett.

"Shut up!" He said, placing his glare at a dead tree. "I'm thirsty." Jason stated, "Well, you did just pee. So it seems reasonable." "Okay. Now you shut up, and follow me. I think I saw a river down over there!" Jason said, pointing to a dark path way. "Wow. A river, near a dark looking path. Jason, you're drinking it first." Percy said, looking at the dirt path, it strongly differed from the gravel ones they'd taken.

"Fine by me." Jason said, not minding how the atmosphere seemed to darken as they stepped foot on the dirt path.

Percy shuttered, dead plants littered the dirt path. Making it pretty hard for the boys to make it through. "We should of just stayed dehydrated." Percy muttered, leaves falling in his hair. "I heard that!" Jason shouted, just before tripping over a tree root.

"Ow!" He yelled, crashing into the ground. "Oh my gods! Jase? You okay?" Percy asked, slightly panicked. What if he had hurt himself badly?! He couldn't just go in with his journey without Jason!

"I'm fine. Although I think I twisted my ankle." Percy sighed, "Thought as much."
He thought out loud, Jason struggled to get up.

Dead plants somehow seemed to wrap around his wrists, and his ankle didn't help him. "Oh yeah. Here." Percy said, helping Jason up.

"Thanks." He muttered, carefully looking at his ankle. "I think I twisted it badly." He pointed out. Looking at his left ankle. It was red, already swelling, and it throbbed. "Yep. Pretty badly." Percy commented, poking it.

Jason have put a yelp. He nearly fell back. "Sorry." Percy apologized, Jason sighed. "Let's just get water." He grumbled, Percy nodded. Almost afraid to say anything else.

Jason put his arm around Percy's shoulders, limping, and using his body as a crutch.

Percy smiled softly, he could almost hear the river. It was raging, crashing against the rocks, and screaming over the forest animals.

Soon, the trees started to brighten up. And it wasn't as. . . Depressing as the path had been. He could hear birds chirping, and the grass was green. Not the yellow, hay like color from before. It was almost as if an enchantment had been placed.

Soon, maybe 5 minutes into the journey, Jason decided to walk on his own. Despite the massive throbbing, and the swelling in his ankle. He couldn't rely on Percy all the time, he'd done that for years!

"You sure?" Percy asked, "Yeah. I'm sure, you holding me up will take longer. The longer we take the lower the sun goes. And as I said. We can't be out when the wolves are— it's a death sentence." Jason repeated, Percy nodded.

"I see your point." He said gloomily, then, they reached the river.

It was a mix white and blue, you could smell the waters freshness. (To Percy at least. He was raised by rivers, oceans, streams, and bodies of water)

"Water." Both boys whispered, Jason limped over as fast as he could manage. Well, as fast as he could go before Percy demanded he slowed down. (Protective Percy!!!)

"Here. I'll help." Percy told Jason sternly, assisting Jason as he knelt down to drink water. Jason slowly put his lips into the crystal water. Fresh, but terribly tasting. But to him, in that moment, it didn't matter.

He quickly chugged the water down, his thirst never seemed to stop. "Jason! Jason your going to make yourself sick!" Percy screamed, almost unable to get Jason's attention from the raging river.

Percy winced, Jason took another big gulp. He decided that Jason was not going to throw up in the river, that was wrong to the river!

"Now. My turn." He whispered, grabbing Jason's shirt collar and yanking upward. "Ah!" He yelped, glaring at Percy.

Then, Jason's eyes widened. Percy felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked behind him.

Then he saw him. The leader, greasy black hair and all. So, he did what he thought was the best thing to do. He slung Jason over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes— and ran.

"Hey! Be gentle!" Jason exclaimed, Percy ignored him and ran. He caught a glimpse of his sidekicks. Paper skin, fangs? Yeah. (Percy) I'll pass. . .


Omg I AM SO HAPPY!!!! 3.93K!!!!! YAYYYYY!!!

Anyways. . .

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Like a short contest. Doesn't have to be big, but just something fun? If so. Comment 'Contest.'

I'll even do a Q&A!

I'll give the details later on.


-Bridget Di Angelo

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