Arranged to Her?!?! (PART 3) Arranged Marriage AU AND Royalty AU

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Jercy - Oneshot #32

"How are we going to get into Lundi?" Jason asked, Thalia looked at the boys, unamused. "You're on your own. Unlike you guys. I have a plan. Get undressed– peasant clothes on, and walk. Maybe even hitch a ride. It's really not that far." Thalia explained, Percy raised his eyebrow. "Thanks. It's really just a small amount of just 24 miles away!" He said sarcastically.

"Not my way." Thalia muttered, just before she ripped her dress from the bottom. The lace and fabric made a sound, and it went all the way up to her mid-upper- thigh before she stopped. She reached into her bra. Each boy tried not to look. It was just awkward. . .

But she took a pair of shears from her bra. It was like. . . Sorcery! (Jk. Just awkward and weird bra searching!) Thalia cut the dress, so it was now shorter. "What did you just do?!" Jason exclaimed, looking at the tattered cloth that used to be part of the dress. Thalia smirked, "Made it me." She commented, just before cutting a few other things off of her dress.

She took her tiara off, "Hold on to this for me. Will you?" Thalia asked Percy, she picked up the attired cloth that used to belong to her dress. She made thin and thicker pieces, using it to tie back her hair. She also used a few strips to tie her blade around her ankle. "Remember. Elio!" She said, before taking off her flats and running off.

"You have no shoes!" Percy shouted, "And I'm a huntress! Deal with it Perseus!" She shouted at him. Percy sighed, "Don't call me Perseus! Unless I am to call you by your middle name!" Percy threatened, Thalia stopped in her tracks. "You wouldn't dare."

She said, her hands gripping in a tree branch tightly. "Maybe I will, Ginevra!" He teased, Jason looked at Thalia. He'd never hear her full name before, Thalia blushed. Her face burned as she managed to stammer out 3 words. "M-meet. At. E-Elio!" She stammered, before quickly returning to her climbing.

The boys heard her tracks quiet, and it was clear she had left. "What's the quickest route to Elio? We mustn't get caught at dusk with the wolves." Jason said, sounding a bit to grown up but, he wasn't great about knowing much about the other kingdoms.

"Well. First. These clothes. To. . . Royal. I have a backpack, and it's full of clothes. So take your pick, and we can head off." "I haven't got the time to change–" Jason was cut off. "And you haven't gotten the time to argue either. Yet here we are!" Percy said sassily, Jason sighed, but tore off his shirt.

Percy tried not to stare, but he had failed. Jason, unfortunately, took notice. Jason smirked, "Like what you see?" He asked Percy. Making Percy blush even more red than he was already. "S-shut up!" He stammered, Jason kissed his cheek before slipping a dark green shirt on. "Nice?" Jason asked Percy, he was still blushing. "Yes." Percy answered simply, and then averted his gaze to the distance.

"You okay?" Jason asked, concerned and curious. Jason, unlike Percy, hadn't felt much when his father disowned him. In fact, he would have (if he could) disown his own father. He didn't mean to be harsh, he just. . . Strongly disliked him entirely? Yeah.

"I just am shocked. That's all." Percy told Jason, "What about?" As soon as those words left Jason's mouth— he felt stupid. Percy chuckled sadly, and Jason took off his pants. Percy, again, failed at trying not to look. Jason nearly smiled. "I swear you have a thing for me." He told Percy jokingly. Percy faked thinking. "I don't think I have ever thought of that possibility." He joked, playing along. Both boys laughed, and Jason pulled in some pants.

"Now that we're alone. And Thalia never did give us a deadline. . . Oh Come 'er!" Jason said, pushing himself into Percy. Percy gasped in surprise, but was cut off by Jason's lips. Jason bit Percy's bottom lip gently, sucking in his lips, and even managed to get his tongue in. Percy moaned, his tongue was being 'attacked' but Jason's.

He was so surprised that he didn't have time to stop him. Percy was already weak, looking at Jason's body did that to him. But now? Now Jason was kissing him! As girly as it sounded, it made him melt.

Jason's lips parted from Percy's for a split second. "That's for being so attractive." Jason whispered huskily, Percy soon smashed their lips back together. "Hey Percy. Came back for my sh-ah!" Thalia screamed, the boys parted instantly. Jason falling off of Percy's lap. "Never again!" She screamed, taking her shoes and running into the forest once again.

Percy was like a strawberry, and Jason wasn't much better. "Let's stop with the public affection. . ." Jason said, the conversation quickly turned into an awkward silence. Percy took a deep breath, Jason glanced at him. "We need to get to Elio. Come on." He told Jason grabbing his hand and pulling it after him.

Percy grabbed his back pack, slinging it onto his shoulder with his free arm. Jason was still being dragged behind him. "No food. No water. No materials. We didn't think this through." Jason thought out loud. Percy dug his nails into his arm. "Hey! That hurts." Jason whined, Percy glared at him. His eye dark. "If I survived on the streets with my mother until I was 11, you can do it at 16!" He said, it came out harsh, and cold.

Jason gulped and nodded. He hated when Percy was like this. It just made him remember all of it. Those days as a child he had spent, being held hostage with other children by a witch. She used spells to turn herself into a wolf. And even used hot iron to burn marking in their arms. He had about 2 friends, Reyna, Octavian— okay so he had a friend.

His forearm burned, his memories recalling all the pain. Percy, was another story.

Percy learned to block so if the pain. Leave no memories to mourn over. Leave no pain to resurface. Pretty simple. Not.

Jason looked at Percy, his face was fearful. His blue eyes swirled with emotions. Percy couldn't read them all but he caught 1.


Percy's glare instantly softened. His eyes calmed, and the atmosphere seemed to be still. It was quiet. "Sorry." Percy whispered, his voice gently and smooth.

"Let's go." Jason whispered to him. "Okay. Just promise me one thing." Percy told Jason. Jason's eyebrows rose. "What is this promise I supposedly shall make?" Jason asked, "Never. Just Never forget me." He told Jason.

Jason was confused, but he shrugged it off. "Okay." He responded, "Say it." Percy demanded gently. Jason sighed but gave in. "I will never forget Perseus Achilles Jackson for as long as I shall live. I swear on my father's throne." Jason said, Percy didn't have the heart to correct him.

"Never?" He questioned, Jason gave him a look of kindness. "Never." He repeated, Percy laughed. "Well, it is done. Now to get to Elio! Kingdom of King Apollo!" Percy announced, and alas. . .

The 2 princes started their journey to the kingdom of Elio!


Hey guys!! 2.6K!! Wow! Um. . . Requests still open? Yeah. Anything— except smut. As I am as innocent as a cinnamon roll. Not really. I'm just not comfortable with that subject.

Anywayyyyyys, HOLY HERA WE'VE GOTTEN SOMEWHAT POPULAR!!! YAYYYYYY! #Jercyforlife!!! Hahahaha. Never doing that again. Sorry for the slow updates. School and crap. On the bright side— I ACED 2 FRENCH TESTS!!! My average was a C!!!! YAYYY!!!


Peace out my readers!


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