Arranged to Her?!?! (Part 6)

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #64

Annabeth woke up with a start. Breathing heavily as she bolted up from her bed of leaves. She tried to soothe her heartrate, desperately trying I calm down.

"It's okay." She whispered in the pitch black, straight up midnight darkness of te woods around her.

The fire was out. And she could hear Jason and Percy- her fiancé- sleeping soundly. Probably tangled up in the others warm embrace.

"Just think of that then."

Annabeth whispered to herself, biting her lip.

With each breath, her heart started to bet slower. Her mind now forgetting the everlasting, terrifying nightmare she had lived through.

Closing her eyes for 2 minutes, Annabeth deeply breathed. Inhaling the scents of the damp forest.

She could even hear the animals scurrying in the trees, the owls hooting, and the crickets chirping- it was just that quiet.

Jason groaned in the darkness. Annabeth gasped. Had she woken him up?!

"Anna? Percy?" Jason asked groggily. "H-Hi." Annabeth stammered, nearly nearly forgetting to reply to her own 'name.'

"Morning." Jason murmured, still in a sleepy daze. Annabeth chuckled softly.

"Morning." She replied, feeling a bit better.

"Night night." He then muttered, snuggling into Percy's chest once again.

Annabeth gave out a sigh, they were so in love and kind to her, yet she couldn't treat them as kid. Or even be as honest with them as they had been to her (as far as he knew).

In the darkness, a twig snapped.

Annabeth gasped, fear quickly entering her mind. Making her, already, feel sick to her stomach.

"What was that?" She whimpered to no one in particular.

A howl was heard, the moon now shining through the dark clouds in the night sky.

"Wolves?" She curiously whispered, her eyes soon being stared back at in the trees. Bright, yellow eyes.

Not wolves!

Annabeth stayed completely still, her body not even daring to tremble.

"Good morning princess. Your mother's been searching for you." A raspy voice told her.

This time, Annabeth could only scream.

Short because I felt like cutting it off. Michigan is kinda boring- but eh.





I'm working on a longer Oneshot right now. Promise to be put up by July 25th.


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