Ask Them (Part 2, upon request of nerdyreader46 and featuring Melody_Chant )

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Jercy - - Oneshot #55

Melody_Chant I am putting you as Melody because I don't think you'd want to be tagged this often. . . :)

Bridget: Welcome to another. . . *a different drumroll* Ask Jercy! And today, I shall have help! Introducing Melody_Chant to help me today! Yayy!!!

Melody: Yay!

Bridget: And now let's kidnap— I mean gather. . . Yeah, gather our lovely couple!

Jason: Dang it Percy!

Percy: I didn't think she'd kidnap us again!

Bridget: I gathered you!

Percy: *screams*

Jason: *sighs then notices Melody standing there.* Hi?

Melody: Hi. . . *trying not to faint*

Bridget: Now, first question!

Percy: *groans* This again!

Jason: *sighs* We have no choice.

Bridget: That's the spirit! Melody, you wanna tell them what they have to answer?

Melody: Yes. *clears throat before asking* (Question from nerdyreader46 ) Do either of you watch Doctor Who?

Percy: Leo talked about it once. . .

Jason: Yes.

Percy: When'd you have time to watch Doctor Who?!


Percy: Okay. . . Okay

Bridget: Never watched it. Melody, next question? *card slips out of pocket.* Crap, *laughs nervously and quickly picks up cards* ignore that. . . Melody. . . Continue.

Melody: *glances at cards to see them with words of Jercy fluff, inflicts internal fangirl damage as she says the next question— trying desperately not to scream about her OTP* Question 2 is If you two were to have a baby,who'd be the 'mother?' (Question by Ghostkitty11). *blushes*

Bridget: *blushes also, then looks at Jercy*

Jason: Wut?

Percy: You mean as. Like. Um, Male pregnancy?!

Jason: How's that possible?!

Bridget: Didn't Loki have a daughter?

Percy: What does this have to do with Loki?!

Melody: Loki's a guy. But he switched to a girl– had a kid– something like that. So technically, mythology can gift you with a bundle to joy!

Jason: But we're men.

Percy: Manly men.

Bridget: That deserve to be together and have a baby, even if it's through one of them!

Melody: Nice Bridget. Nice.

Bridget: *gives a small bow* Thanks! Now, ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!

Percy: I think Jason!

Jason: Why?!

Percy: Because. Reasons.

Bridget: *laughs*

Jason: *looks and Bridget, sighs, then looks at Melody* What's wrong with her?

Melody: *doesn't answer, and is staring at Jason— a little shocked, no clue of how to register the feels that are slowly clawing up her insides*

Bridget: *between laughs manages to choke out* I always thought Percy would be if, because of Poseidon genes or something! *continues to laugh*

Everyone else: *stands there awkwardly*

Melody: *after 20 minutes of silence* Question th-three. Who's the horror movie lover in this relationship?

Bridget: *smirks*

Jason: Percy, your sister's doing it again!

Percy: STOP IT BRIDGET! And to answer Melody's question— we both are.

Jason: Yeah. Love horror movies!

Percy: I'm even trying to find all scenes of the new IT movie!

Jason: Even if it's not out.

Percy: We hired the Hermes cabin.

Bridget: Isn't that illegal?

Melody: *shrugs*

Percy: Says you! Wasn't it illegal when you *Is interrupted by Bridget*

Bridget: SHUT UP!

Melody: Moving on. . . Question Do you know of Harry Potter?

Percy: I think the guy working at the desk on the way to Olympus was reading Harry Potter. . .

Jason: Oh, cool.

Melody: Yeah, but have you ever read Harry Potter?

Jason: No, never.

Percy: Not really.

Jason: *shrugs* It's not like we haven't thought about it!

Percy: Yeah! We're just really busy trying not to die and stuff. . . 

Bridget: That's. . . That's nice. . .

Melody: *Gives a small smile before asking another question* Dogs of cats?

Percy: Dogs!

Jason: *at the same time as Percy* Cats!

Bridget: *Starts to have an internal fangirl attack*

Melody: *Notices and tries to control her own fangirl attack*

Jason: But dogs slobber on your face and give diseases!

Percy: Cats scratch your face and bring dead things into your house!

Jason: Dogs wake you up in the middle of the night to pee!

Percy: Cats don't care and actually pee in your house!

Bridget: Aw so cute!

Melody: I know, *sighs dreamily* first fights followed by makeups are so cute!

Bridget: My thoughts exactly!

Percy: DOGS!

Jason: CATS!!

Melody: Bridget, Cake or ice cream?

Bridget: Cake.

Melody: Nice. *Glances at Jercy*

Percy: *Face is close to Jason's, noses touching, and whispers* I am so sorry.

Jason: *smiles and looks into his eyes, embraced in his arms, then whispers.* It's okay. We got out of hand.

Bridget: *Trying not to faint*

Melody: *Slowly taking her secret, hidden camera out.*

Bridget: *Faints*

Melody: *snaps several pictures before noticing Bridget*

Melody: *whispers* Hades.

Percy: *Kisses Jason gently.*

Jason: *kisses back.*

Melody: *Snaps silent pictures as she helps Bridget.*

Jercy: *Kissing sweetly*

Melody: *tells the readers* That's all demigods!

Bridget: *murmurs* Jercy, yayyy


Hey guys! I think I did this right! Yayyy! Thanks for the request and I will probably update more often because summer! Another Yayyy!!

Peace out demigods,


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