AU you ate all my cereal and faked your death for three years!

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Jercy - Oneshot #21

Jason woke up to a shuffling noise. His ears were sharp, unlike his eyes. He slowly grabbed his glasses from the bed stand. His blonde hair was a mess and he was shirtless. The only thing covering his bottom half was blue and green plaid pants. The pants Percy had gotten him before he died. . . 3 years ago.

It still hurt Jason to think about it. He crept out of his room, the door making a loud creak as he close it. Slowly, his bare feet touched the wood stairs, and his hand ran down the steel railing.

He stopped, and heard crunches? Almost as if a robber had broke in, and decided to eat chips in the job. Jason paused, before deciding to continue down the stairs. He reached the end, it was dark. The moonlight was his only way of seeing where he was going.

The door knob to the kitchen illuminated under the bright moonlight, and Jason slowly walked to it. His hands in front of him, making sure he didn't bump into anything. Then, he reached the door. The light was on. This increased Jason's worry.

He took a deep breath before making the door fly open. Jason screamed, and so did the 'robber.' Jason then realized he had nothing. His eyes drifted to the knives, right next to the boy in blue.

Then Jason realized, the 'robber' had a bowl of cereal. "Why are you eating my cereal?" Was the first thing Jason asked. The boys face covered by a ski mask.

The mysterious cereal snatcher took off his mask. "Well, I was hungry." He replied bluntly. "But it was the last box!" Jason exclaimed, silently mourning for the loss of his Reese's Puffs.

"I said I was hungry Jason!" The weird-cereal-snatcher exclaimed. Jason looked at his face and gasped. He had been so focused on the cereal he forgot to check the face. "Oh my gods." He whispered, his hands flew over his mouth. "You very well know these are my favorites!" He stated, showing no regret.

"Oh my gods a ghost ate my cereal!" Jason yelled, his eyes wide and his mouth wide open. Why he said this, well under the mask was Lercy Jackson. His long term boyfriend, who's suppose to be dead! "Superman I'm not a ghost. That's Nico." Percy joked, Jason still stared.

"You've been dead for three flipping years?!" Jason screamed angrily, Percy looked shocked at the outburst. He then pulled out his signature nervous grin, and laughed nervously.

"Yeah. About that. I lied. To everyone, for like a couple years." Percy said, Percy lied then, again. Not that Jason knew. Jason was wondering how Percy told him this as if this was just casually brought into conversations everyday. "So let me get this straight." Jason paused, Percy placed his bowl of cereal on the table. "You fake your own death. For three years! Leaving everyone that loved you to mourn, and you come back. Not because you feel guilty and want to fix your mistakes, but because you wanted Reese's Puffs?!" Jason said, nearly yelling at his 'dead' boyfriend.

"Actually Super man I am totally a ghost and haunting you because I'm angry at you for buying these and not consulting god or something!" Percy replied his voice dripping more sarcasm than he intended to on the first place, "Why would I even do that?! Every time I buy them they remind me of you! If you weren't such an ignorant kelp head you'd realized how much we missed you! For the first few months, I cried, and so did Thalia! Thalia! As in the bad, tough, sister that never shows emotions to anyone willingly! Reyna had to help us, even she cried a few times! So many people went to your funeral! More than 10! Percy I loved you! And I still do! We missed you like Hades, and some of us are still trying to patch up the wounds! Like Nico, he got worse when you left! Leo and him got together, but he admitted to Thalia and I that it still hurts! Thalia still cries at night sometimes, she thinks we can't hear her, but the walls are thin!" Jason yelled, "You think I don't know that?! You don't think I feel bad coming here?!" Percy shouted back at Jason. Shut up in trying to- P-Percy?" Nico stuttered, he stood in the doorway. Shocked.

Percy waved, pretending he had just not shouted in Jason's face, "Hey Neeks. Long time no see?" Percy asked. Nico seemed to stare in disbelief at Percy's face. Then, he screamed. Full in screamed. Both of them covered their ears, and the rest of Percy's friends ran downstairs. "Where's the fire?!" Hazel screamed, panicked. "Oh my gods Leo you better not have pretended to be a robber again!" Annabeth yelled, "That's it! Everyone shut up! If Nico screamed he better have a good reaso-" Thalia stopped mid-way through her shouted orders.

"Percy." She whispered, her voice was high, and Percy saw tears in her eyes. "Hey Thals." He whispered, his voice now soft. Jason looked at the others. Nico looked at if he was about to cry, Leo looked slightly angry but sad and happy at the same time, Annabeth looked ticked off, Thalia had a few stray tears here and their, Hazel fainted, Frank caught her but stared at Percy with wide eyes, and Reyna was just gawking at him.

"Listen. I know you're mad but-" Percy was then slapped. Thalia's hand slapped him across the face 2 more times before she spoke. "Of course were mad you idiot! You faked your own death!" She screamed at him, her eyes full of hatred. Percy swore they turned two times darker. Hazel was slowly gaining back consciousness as Nico walked up to him.

Percy braced himself for another slap, seeing his face had 2 red hand marks and almost everyone had slapped him. Minus Jason, Frank, and Hazel. And maybe even Leo, who had flicked his forehead. Nico grabbed his face roughly, making him wince. He then brought the older boys ear to his mouth. "Ever pull something like that again and I'll make sure the last thing you see it my sword. You almost broke- never mind. You did break Jason!" He hissed, then pushing his face back and walking over to Leo.

Finally, Jason cane up to him. The others had went to bed, mainly camped out in the living room or on the couch. "How dare you leave me." Jason hissed, his look softened. Jason looked over Percy, he had scratched on his face, his hair was sticky, and his clothes were ripped. "I had no choice. You were threatened. And I barely escaped. It still love you." Percy whispered, doubting Jason would hear. He did.

"I still love you to Percy." He told him, crashing their lips together. They broke apart, "The cereals all soggy." Percy said, smiling. Jason knocked the plastic bowl into the sink. "Let's get you fixed. Shower and all Percy. You look like Hades." Jason stated, Percy smiled. "Only if you kiss me that I will be healed." He teased, both of them smiled. Jason then rolled his eyes playfully and kissed Percy again.

Maybe Jason could learn to forgive him?


Hey guys!!!!! +900 VIEWS!!!! IM SO HAPPY!!!! Anyways, thanks for the votes and comments. Hope to update soon!

-Bridget Di Angelo 💀

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