Blush Game

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Jercy - Oneshot #17

"Guys! I know how we can settle who gets shotgun!" Piper announced, the bickering demigods stopped. They all looked at Piper. "What do you suggest?" Jason asked her, he was slightly worried. After all, they had broken up a week ago, and she may seek revenge.

"Shoot." Percy told her, after all what was the worst she could do? Answer- really bad. "We can try and make each other blush! The winners compete and the ultimate winner gets shotgun." Piper explained, Percy gulped, and tried not to look at Jason.

Jason felt panicked, so this was what she planned. It made sense, blushing will give the reason why he broke up with her away. It would give away Jason's sexuality.

"I'll go first." Piper said, looking towards AnnaBeth. She quickly rushed up to her, cupping her face with her left hand, and their noses touched. "Hey. I've always loved those eyes of yours. The way they sparkle in the sunlight, and-and." Piper bit her lip. "I'm sorry. This is embarrassing, I didn't mean to make you think I was lying- I am just telling you how beautiful you are. No lies, Annie." Piper said, her voiced hushed and calm. Piper then licked her lips, "U-um, uh!" AnnaBeth stammered- then she blushed. Her face was berry red and it looked like she was a tomato from Veggie Tales.

"AnnaBeth looses." Piper announced, taking her hand off of her cheek and walking toward Leo and Frank. 'Why wasn't Percy mad?' Jason thought, looking at Percy. He looked a bit nervous, but not at all jealous. Why?! "Your turn Leo and Frank." Piper told them, everyone put their attention on the boys.

Leo gave his signature smirk, saying something no one understood- but Frank. He blushed, "S-shut up!" Frank stammered, Leo chuckled. Then, he did something no one expected. Leo grabbed his cheek, and kissed it.

Leo then smiled sheepishly, realizing what he had done. "I'm- Im sorry." He said, his hair was starting to smoke. Then Frank, who was still blushing, said something which sounded the same language as what also had used. Leo nodded, both boys smiled. Hazel looked calm, after all she was with Calyspo now- don't ask how it happened, nobody knew either.

(A/n:  Sorry, I'm making like almost everybody on the Argo break up- it just. . . I have problems and I can't stop myself. My weird ships are currently sailing.)

Soon it was down to only Percy and Jason.
Everyone, even Piper was out. The air was full of tension, Jason took a deep breath then spoke. "I look in the sea, and all I see is you. Your everlasting beauty, and that sparkling smile that you show everyday. Even when your skies are grey." Jason whispered softly. Percy smiled gently.

"Everyday I see you- I always think about your amazing looks, and how your personality is better than half the people I know. I always think of you, and even dream of you. I-I want to be with you every second." Percy said, looking at his feet, Jason moved toward him. He put his hand on Percy's cheek.

Percy looked up, "I love you." Jason whispered, kissing his lips  gently. Percy kissed back, the boys broke apart. "I love you to Jason." Percy whispered to him, they were currently ignoring the whistles from Leo and the cheers from Piper.

Percy put his arms around Jason's waist. "If I had to choose anyone to see everyday. I'd choose you. I want to feel your breath in the morning, your body cuddling mine, and I want to feel the love of you." Jason told Percy, Percy but his lip. "Well, you already have it." Percy told him, crashing their lips together again. Jason kissed back, and even managed to slip his tongue in.

Both tongues battled for dominance until Percy got the lead. His tongue circled his mouth, their saliva mixing. Jason's arms draped around Percy's next, and Percy's hands where still in his waist. Jason moaned, and Percy bit his lip softly.

"I need you." Percy whispered between the kissed. Jason kissed his neck. "I really want you." Jason whispered in his ear. Percy shivered, Piper noticed how both boys weren't blushing. How is that even possible?

"Times up lover boys." AnnaBeth yelled, the boys parted instantly. Both blushing like crazy. "You its are blushing. Okay, Rock Paper Scissors?" Leo suggested, the two boys shook their heads. "We'll go next week." Percy said, grabbing Jason's hand and pulling him toward his cabin.

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