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Jercy - Oneshot #15

"Hey, Percy?" Jason asked his boyfriend. Percy gave him a hum in response. "You good with kids?" Jason asked, A small, thin, 5 year old girl still hid behind his legs. "Yeah. I guess so. They usually latch into me- no idea why. But I like 'em. So, what's up?" Percy asked him.

Percy heard a small sniffle before Jason even asked a question. That was his first clue. The second may have been- I don't know- Jason putting a small girl in his lap! "H-hi." The girl whispered, she sounded as if she was about to start crying.

Percy looked at the girl in awe. She had doe like eyes, colored a beautiful light, honey, brown. Her hair was wavy, and it was brown- almost like chocolate. Her doe like eyes where filled with tears. "Hi. I'm Percy." He whispered to the girl, trying to make her calm.

Jason watched his boyfriend calm the girl. Chiron had told him that she was abused by her mother. Her mother didn't believe in gods and thought her daughter was a freak as she started to show her powers. Her powers being how she could grow plants out of- seemingly- nothing. She had even beat her to the brink of death.

Percy looked at the girl, who had seemed to be more scared about Jason than himself. Jason then slowly reached out to the girl. She screamed, tears escaping her small eyes. Jason drew his arm back, and Percy gently rubbed the girls boney shoulder.

Jason wasn't as surprised as he 'should of' been. After all, he was sort of a stranger. That still didn't explain how she was bonding with Percy.

"It's okay. I know how you feel." He whispered to her, her cries where soft and almost unheard. She sniffed silently, looking up at him. As if expecting him to explain. So he did just that.

"You feel weak. Both mentally and physically, you're shaking and want to stop. But you can't, it just is so scary to you. You can't trust people because of hi-her. She made you think everyone was bad. You're so afraid to let someone in, that you decide you better not. But then you saw someone special. And everything stopped. For a split moment. Then you remembered the lessons. How they would touch you. And how weak you really where. So you'd drawback. After all, being lonely is better than being hurt again. But now your here, a new place. And you concerned, and worried. They all seem so happy, and you wonder if they had any 'happy juice' or if they where here to hurt you to. You feel so bad just fearing her, but you can't help it. You feel trapped, and everywhere you go- you think she'll find you. You hear her echoing words, and you still flinch at the slightest touch. Worried it will be a repeat of your life. You don't eat, and your can't sleep- staying up and wondering. What if she comes? Questions ring in your mind, and for once- you feel more terrified than ever. The guilt and paranoia slowly eating you away. And you are scared that you'll have to go back. That this camp is just a dream, and you'll wake up in your 'room.' Or as people usually call it, a closet with a stall piece of bread and a dog towel." Percy said, remembering his time with Gabe. Jason grew worried. Why did he know that?

"Certain words bring you back to when you where younger, and so do certain movements. You're so afraid, that it's keeping you from your freedom you prayed for. For years! Years, everyday, no exception!" Percy told her, Cassidy nodded, tears running down her small cheeks. "H-how do you k-know?" She whispered tearfully. Percy smiled sadly.

"Because. I had someone like that to. Except, it was my step father. It's okay now though, I won't let anyone hurt you like he did me. A-and I'll promise you one thing. I'll protect you no matter the cost." He told Cassidy."I promise." He concluded, holding out his pinky gently. The little girl slowly wrapped her pinky around his. He moved their arms up and down, Jason was shocked.

The small girl yawned. "Are you tired?" He asked her, she nodded. "M-my names Cassidy. But everyone usually calls me Cassie or Cass." She whispered, Percy knew what she meant. "Well, I'm Percy. People call me Seaweed Brain, kelp head, or Perce." He said, the girl giggled sleepily. After a few minutes she had fallen asleep in Percy's lap.

"You're really good with children." Jason whispered to him, not wanting to wake Cassidy. "I know. But she's not a child." He whispered back. Jason was confused. "Then what is she?" He asked, his voice just above a whisper. I'm a hushed tone Percy answered. "She's a survivor. An abuse survivor." He told Jason.

Percy looked at Cassidy for a moment, the cabin was full of silence. "I love her." Percy told Jason, Jason smiled sadly. "How can we not?" He asked, glancing at Cassidy. Her body was curled in a ball, her fingers clutched into Percy's shirt, and her body rising and lowering calmly. "I want to know her better. And I will keep my promise to her."

Percy whispered to Jason. Jason looked into his eyes. They were full of passion. Jason planted a firm kiss on his lips. "I know you will." Jason responded, breaking away.

3 years later. . . :

"It's been 3 years." Percy whispered, looking at the, now, 8 year old girl. Jason laughed, "So it has." He said to his husband. Cassidy was asleep, tired from the day they all had.

She had been claimed by Hermes, not as expected. But was learned to be blessed by Demeter- which made more since. And ever since that day, 3 years ago, Percy had protected her.

He protected her from the bullies, monsters, and even dropped her off at his mom's when war was among the demigods. Most campers never saw her without Percy, or Jason. Even the seven would often joke of how Percy and Jason would 'daddy her.'

Cassidy yawned, her eyes opening slightly. "Good morning daddy and papa." She whispered, pointing to Percy as she said 'daddy.' And to Jason as she said 'papa.' The boys paused, Jason even felt his eyes tear up.

Was this emotion? Based on a few simple words? Yeah. Jason guessed it was.

Percy was the first to recover. "Good morning Sunshine." He whispered, Cassidy smiled- then dozed off in Percy's arms again. Then, they saw it.

T was a hellhound. Jason quickly got out his sword, and Percy but his lip. "I'll take care of it." Jason said, Percy shook his head. "It's okay, I'll take care of it. Being with Ms. O'Leary so much has it tips." Percy told him, Jason nodded. He had a good point- for once.

Percy gently handed him Cassidy. He got out riptide and the hellhound pounced- finally noticing them. He scratched his stomach, making blood spew out. "Dad- Percy!" Cassidy screamed, completely awake and aware that Percy was fighting a hellhound. Jason held the girl in his grip, and she stayed. Scared to move. He looked over as she screamed his name, Percy then got bit by its sharp teeth on his sword arm.

Percy cried out, Jason gasped. He looked at his 'daughter,' making his decision. "Stay here. You'll be safe." Jason told Cassidy. He placed her on a tree branch, high enough to not be in danger, or so he thought.

He got out his sword and charged. Percy was clutching his arm, Jason quickly attacked it. Cassidy screamed, attracting Jason's attention. She jumped out of the tree, rolling and landing on her back. "Cassidy!" Percy yelled, Jason sliced the hellhound ear. It roared, and looked over at Cassidy.

Jason paused, and Percy grew pale. Percy attempted to get up, but the blood loss was to much. He landed back on his back, he sighed- but tried again. The beast charged at Cassidy. And Jason charged after it.

She screamed, the beast cutting her, pushing her into a tree. She cried out, it clamped its teeth down on her stomach. Jason grew furious, and quickly killed the beast. "Cassidy!" Percy screamed in terror. Jason quickly picked her up, rushing over to Percy. Jason was crying, and Cassidy was breathing heavily.

"Papa." She croaked, "It hurts." She whimpered. "I know sunshine. It's going to be okay." Jason whispered over and over. Percy had already healed his arm, with the long, dewy grass. Percy didn't notice, he quickly got nectar and ambrosia.

"Daddy." She whispered, her breathing slow. Percy let out a shakily breath, giving her some nectar. It drizzled out of her mouth. "Come on Cass. Please drink the nectar." Jason pleaded, Cassidy shook her head.

"It won't work-" she coughed, blood splattering over Jason's shirt. Percy winced, and carefully attempted to stop the bleeding from her stomach. She cried out, "Stop! It won't work! I'm going to die." She whispered, her teeth clenched.

"Don't say that! I am going to keep my promise." Percy whispered, tears clouding his eyes. "Daddy. I love you and papa. Even if I'm not a daughter of Athena. I can see I'm going to die. Sing to me please. I just want t-to say B-bye." She croaked. Percy nodded, "You are my sunshine." He sang, Jason joined in.

"My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey." They sang. Cassidy smiled weakly. She gently held Percy's hand. Tears where running down both of the boys faces. Then, she stopped breathing. "Cass?!" Jason shouted, and her eyes glossed over.

Her body went limp. And eyes didn't close. "Cassidy!" He shouted, blood was still spilling onto Percy's shirt. Making it a dark purple. "You'll never know dear how much I love you." He sang softly.

"Please don't take my sunshine away." He whispered, holding her in his arms. He cried softy, and Jason kissed her cold skin. Nico shadow traveled to them, looking at her. "I'm sorry." He whispered to the couple. He left tearfully, because even the 'Ghost King' was touched by that little girl. (Which only Will could make him smile like she did after that).

"Please don't take my sunshine away." Percy whispered again, crying harder.


Hey guys! I feel bad. Even I was tearing up when I wrote this. . . So I am dearly sorry. Have a good New Years!. . . In like 4 days. . .


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