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Jercy - - Oneshot #67
Clothes don't have gender to me. Boys can wear skirts, dresses, crop tops, anything really. Because clothes are just clothes. They're fabric that was sewn together and put on the body. Girls can wear ties, dress pants, and anything. It doesn't matter. Screw colors and how it's always purple and pink for girls, or blue and dark green for boys. SCREW GENDER RULES! AS LONG AS THE PERSON IS HAPPY!!

Actual Oneshot Now:

Percy looked at himself in his mother's full length, body mirror. He looked at his wild, untamed black hair, and he looked at his eyes. They were the same green color they always were. And his hair hadn't changed since he was 12.

But there was something different about him.

Instead of ratty jeans, old sneakers, and a t-shirt, Percy found himself searching into his mother's closet.

He liked the way her clothes fabrics felt smooth and silk-like as it touched against his legs, and he liked the way the dresses she had hugged his body.

He liked the feel, the look, and the shoes. The heels made him feel good, confident.

Percy smirked, flashing a toothy smile before looking over his body.

His legs were shown clearly, his (kind of) large feet in black high heels. The heels were darker than Percy's hair, going up about 3 inches, and a strap quickly latched them on his feet tightly. This avoided all chances of loosing his shoes while running, walking, fighting monsters that try to kill him literally everyday, etc.

Higher up, there was a velvety, dark grey skirt. Hugging his hips fondly, and making its way around his (not really) curvy thighs.

Percy smiled wider as he looked higher.

He was wearing a white, nearly see through blouse. The blouse tightening slightly as it expanded to fit his wide shoulders, and the buttons being undone as it reached his collar bone.

His collar bone, arms, and neck were fully exposed, his evenly tanned body contradicted with the white, Florida sand colored blouse.

The frills completed the look as the blouses collar was revealed at his chest, slightly far apart due to Percy's muscly build.

Percy smiled, looking at 2 thin strings around his neck.

One string was his camp necklace, holding his arrangement of clay beads from the time he was at Camp Half-blood, and to the time he graduated. (He later went to Camp Jupiter to live a full life with Jason)

The other, however, was just a string with a small gem on it.

The gem was a small, but noticeable, crystallized emerald.

Jason claimed it was:
"The color of your eyes Percy!"

The emerald went into a marble like structure, a rounded, crystallized charm he proudly wore often.

It had the black string wrapped around it several times, like a caged animal. And when the sun hit it, it caused light to spring from all directions.

Percy did a small twirl, looking at himself once more.

Then, to his face.

His face was evenly tanned, just like the rest of his body, "like a bronze statue" his mother would claim.

His eyes were still a piercing green, matching the emerald gem. And his light freckles that were hidden almost too well from the tan were at the same place (at the corner of his forehead? Idk!)

But, cosmetics quickly changed his look.

His lips were smeared in chapstick, and a light lipgloss. Making them sparkle as he smiled (glitter making an occasional appearance).

His cheek bones were dusted in slight blush, light enough to look natural, yet dark enough to appear on his bronze skin.

His nose was left alone, and his eyes were tampered with continuously.

He had mastered winged eyeliner from the Aphrodite children's coaching, so he had black, thick eyeliner going from his lid to about 3 centimeters out. It sprang to life as his eyelashes were slightly coated in mascara, no false ones (eyelashes) used.

His eyeshadow was a slight blend. It was a mixture between a navy blue from the nose and outward, quickly changing into a grey as it ombré-ed on his eye lid.

"Mom!" He called out, "How do I look?" He questioned, turning as his mother opened the door.

Her hands sprang to her mouth in shock. She let out a soft gasp.

"You look so beautiful honey! Jason will love it!" She encouraged, touching her son's shoulders gently.

"You sure? Am I being a bit much?" Percy asked, frowning at his mom.

Sally (his mother) shook her head, shooting her son a warm smile. "Baby, you look fantastic, now, go show Jason what he has!" She teased, quickly pulling her son from out of her room and into her living room.

"H-hi." Jason stammered, gulping as he looked at Percy.

He rubbed the back of his neck, taking in the image.

Jason's lips curved upwards, forming a small smile.

"You look stunning." He stated.

And that's when Lercy saw it.

Jason was the one he belonged with.

Hey guys!!!

My irl otp that became canon broke up, so I'm sad. :'(


I brought my French grade up!! Yayyy!!

I'm trying to get an update schedule, so I'll try to do it often? Give me your ideas of when to update. . . But I can't do it everyday. . . I have a life of schoolwork to do. (*insert pouts*)

Speaking of which, I actually have to sleep now!!!

Not that I'm gonna.

Rebellious teenager right here.




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