Code Red

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Jercy - - Oneshot #89
Due to the burst of inspiration

TW School shooting/guns

The loudspeaker let out an awful screech. Students turning their heads to the small box in the corner of their classroom(s).

"Attention students–" A voice rang out. Mr. Brunner, Stone Gabe High School's principal, spoke. His voice was rough and jagged. Percy could feel the fear coming off of his voice.

"We're having a Code Red. I repeat, a Code Red." Percy bit his lip, glancing at his teacher. Ms. Gillard's face was pale, her black eyes widening.

"Do we need to get Jason?" Percy questioned, "He's still in the bathroom." He further explained, watching as his teacher shook her head. " I need all of you to let close to the wall," She ordered, her voice shaking softly. "be quiet." Ms. Gillard finished, gently pressing against Percy's back to shove him lightly against the grey wall of the classroom.

No one dared disobey, and Perch could hear a few sniffles from a few teenagers. "What about Jason?" Percy pressed, eyeing his teacher with general concern.

His teacher shook her head and rushed to the door. She locked it firmly and placed a poster over the rectangular window to the left of the door (above the knob).

That's when Percy heard the first gunshot. He gasped silently, hands going to his mouth as a way of muffling his voice. The boy next to him was trembling, biting the end of his shirt as tears ran down his face. His brown eyes radiating fear.

A scream was heard down the hall, and Percy stood up. "Perseus!" Ms. Gillard hissed at him. Her lips thinning into a frown.

Percy let out a soft sigh, running to the door. He stopped and didn't open the door. Standing there with his ear against the wooden door.

Faintly was the sound of footsteps. The stone floors making each step either louder or echo down the hall. Percy shivered.

He could hear another set of footsteps. "Someone's out there." He whispered, eyeing his teacher. She wiped a tear that rolled down her cheek.

A knock on the door nearly pushed Percy backward in shock. "Help." The voice pleaded. Percy's heart stopped.

That was Jason.

"Jason." Percy breathed.

"Let me in. Please." Jason pleaded as he knocked on the door hurriedly. Percy swallowed thickly, Ms. Gillard stopping him as soon as he raised his hand to the knob.

"She's coming!" Jason exclaimed. Percy could feel his fear.

"You don't have to do this." Jason tried to reason, Percy listening as the blond teen begged for his life. "Anna. Anna please." Percy's heart aching as Jason's fingernails scratched on the door pitifully. A gunshot ringing through the air. Then another. "I've been shot," Jason stated quietly, Percy felt his knee wettening. He looked down.

Dark blood was leaking from the space between the door and the floor. The puddle of blood soaking Percy's jeans slowly.

"Apply pressure to the wound." Percy said, trying to keep his voice calm. Jason coughed, "Percy there's a lot of blood."

That statement lead Ms. Gillard to tears. The woman silently crying as she stood by her students.

"I-I know. You just need to apply lots of pressure to it, Jason. Okay?" Percy heard his voice crack as he blinked back hot tears.

"Hurts." Jason said, Percy nearly missing it because of how quiet his voice had gotten. "I'm sorry." Percy heard him say.

"Anna just killed herself. And here I am dying on you." Percy would have laughed if it wasn't so depressing. "You're not dying on me, Superman. You're just injured! You'll be okay..." Percy felt almost ashamed to be lying to himself and the dying teen.

"There's a policeman down the hall. He has yet to find us. I can hear him though." Percy sniffled, "Yeah?" He asked.

"I'm really tired, Perce." Jason told him.

"I know, but you have to stay with me. Okay?"

Percy didn't hear an answer. His breathing hitched, and his jeans were soaked in blood. Quickly, he unlocked the door, "Percy!" Ms. Gillard objected, but it was too late.

Percy pulled the still warm corpse to him. The policeman finally looking down the hall.

"Jason," Percy whispered, clutching the body. "I'm sorry." He continued.

Percy put a hand on his chest. A bullet hole on left side, right under his fifth rib. Missing his heart by an inch, but still causing enough blood loss to be fatal.

Percy held his breath. Waiting for something. Only then did he truly realize...

There was no heartbeat.

Hey guys! So far, there's a Gravity Part Two planned, an Arranged to Her?!?! Part Ten planned, a Hermes and Hecate Don't Mix Part Two planned, and a Hogwarts AU Part Two planned. That's going to take some time, I'm not going to lie about that. But, I will try my hardest to complete these!

(If not expand it to more parts)

I've been doing this fanfiction since December of 2016. That's a while back! Anyway, those parts will be completed (if not continued further).

Have fun!

RIP School Shooting Victims (that were killed, if you are a victim, I am sorry.)


~ Bridget

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