Coming Out on The Argo ||

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Jercy - - Oneshot #60

Jason's fingers mindlessly fiddled with Percy's hair as they lay in his room. The lights were dimmed, and the two teens swayed slowly as the boat moved on water. It was about midnight.

Well, later than that maybe.

Percy took a deep breath. He listened to the noises of the night. Waves crashing lightly against their walls, frogs and bugs in the distance, the soft hum of the engine that ran the ship, and even Jason's evened breaths (and his heartbeat, he loved that sound!).

Percy suddenly moved, repositioning his back to Jason's left arm, right before deciding he liked the other position he was in before, and finally moving back to Jason's chest.

He moaned softly, popped his shoulder twice, as he laid back down on Jason's chest. Minding his (still tender) stomach.

"They still don't know about us." Percy whispered, Jason nodded, then hummed. "We could tell them?" He suggested, looking at the older boy's raven hair (which was now full of random braids. Mainly fishtail, now that it had grown past his ears and nearly to his shoulders. It cut off around the middle of his neck).

"Maybe. But that's kind of scary. Don't you think?" Percy asked quietly, biting his lip.

Jason grimly nodded, but continued. "Maybe. We can do it tomorrow." He said. "And maybe we can tell them after we kill Gaea." Percy suggested.

Jason looked at him, trying to look at his face.

"Percy." He stated, his voice still soft.

"What if one of us doesn't make it after the defeating of Gaea?" He questioned, he heard Percy swallow. Hard.

"I-I don't know." He stammered uncomfortably.

"Can we just tell them all tomorrow? If they hate us, that's their deal. At least we won't have to hide our relationship." Jason tried to reason.

"What if Annabeth hates me? And Piper hates you? W-what if they all turn cold, and distant around us?" Percy asked, his voice wavering.

Jason sighed, "Then we'll have to deal with it." He decided, and after minutes of silence, Percy gave in. "Okay." Percy whispered, Jason thought for a moment.

What if they did hate them?

"Jase." Percy said, taking him out of his thoughts. "Yeah?" He answered.

"I love you." He replied, then got up.

Jason frowned, feeling the absence of warmth on his chest. "Don't leave me." He whined silently. Percy gave out a chuckle, kissed his cheek, and got to his feet.

"You know I need to get back in my room. Leo will literally get coach to kill me if he sees us here!" He joked. Jason gave out a small laugh.

"Wait." Jason demanded softly, Percy stopped his walk to the door. He turned his head.

"Yeah?" Percy asked. "Stay with me. Maybe we can tell Leo and coach that way." Jason told him, Percy paused.

"Are you sure we should do this?" He questioned, slowly starting to walk back to Jason's bed.

"Yeah." Jason decided, "Then I'm in. I guess." Percy mumbled, sitting in the bed.

"Come here." Jason ordered playfully. Percy yawned, "Only if you remain warm Superman."
He muttered, grabbing Jason's leg.

Jason had to resist gasping, but smiled at his tactics. "Why must you grip my legs so?" He teased, "Because they provide the warmth that didn't make it in your heart." Percy answered without skipping a beat.

Jason couldn't help but laugh. "H-how does that make any sense?!" He said between laughter.

"Don't judge me." Percy whispered, blushing ferociously. "Fine, you romantic leg lover." Jason teased again.

Percy kicked his leg.

Jason burst into giggles again.

The next morning, after the boys passed out around 4, Leo came in for wake up call.

As usual, he started with the girls, waking each of them up. . . With a blow horn.


It wasn't like he had anything better to do!

After he was done, yelled at, and flicked in the head at, he moved onto the boy's rooms.

"Frank! Wake up Zhang." He shouted, knocking on the door loudly. He heard some muffled groans.

Leo smirked, he then opened the door, and let the air horns 'beautiful' sounds carry into Frank's eardrums.

"Valdez!" He whined in annoyance. Leo chuckled. "Morning Sleeping Beauty!" He called in, then quickly walked to Percy's room.

He then pounded on of his firsts on the door, knocking on the wood harshly.

Hm. No reply.

Leo, confused, opened the door and set off the air horn for a few seconds.

No response.

"That is weird? Is Percy dead? Oh my gods! I think Frank's boringness and Jason's lovesick puppy act over him killed him! What am I gonna do?! Where will I hide his body?! . . . The ocean works. I'll just need to skin Percy and put his skin in a robot so the crew won't grow suspicious. Yeah. That'll work. Right?" Leo talked to himself, then ran into the room.

With his eyes closed tightly, he felt around for the light switch. He turned it on, and slowly unclenched his eyelids.

No Percy.

Bed empty. Yet, everything left in place.

"He better not have been kidnapped again. He can't stop getting kidnapped from gods and goddesses can he? Like seriously man." Leo muttered to himself, glancing at the ceiling for a split second.

"Well. . . I guess I'll wake Jason so we can find him? Sounds legit." Leo decided, and exited Percy's room.

He quickly jogged to Jason's door.

"Yo Jase! Wake up, I think Percy got kidnapped again!" Leo shouted, knocking on the door harshly once again.

He heard a groan, and then a moan. Wait. There were two people in there!

But didn't Piper and Jason break up? He couldn't be with Hazel, she had Frank— no matter what Leo could do about it. And it wouldn't be Annabeth, she wouldn't even glance at Jason, let alone sleep in the same room/share a bed with him!

"I'm coming in!" He said loudly, trying to sound threatening. A half-drowned kitten probably sounded more scary than Leo.

He stopped, the door flying open, hitting the door with a thud.

He heard two moans, and then stared at what he had found— eyes wider than the Grand Canyon.

"What are you guys doing?!" He exclaimed, slightly shocked.

Percy lifted his head from Jason's chest, not removing his arms from his waist, or untangling their legs. "I'm cuddling." He answered, Jason nodded.

"B-but you're both–" Leo was cut off. "Dudes? Yeah. That's because boyfriends cuddle with each other." Jason explained.

Leo opened his mouth, then closed it.

"Wait." He said, beginning to process what was happening. "So you two?" Leo asked, pointing to them with separate hands.

"Are together?" He continued, dragging his hands together.

"Pretty much." Percy said. "Does everyone else know? Or was I the first one to know?" Leo then questioned, Jason nodded at him. "You, Leo, are the first to know of me and my boyfriend." He told him.



"Should we do this?" Percy asked, for what seemed, for the twelfth time. "Yes Perce. It'll be okay." Jason reassured him once again. "Are you sure?" Percy questioned.

Jason gave a short sigh, then looked at him. "I love you." Jason told him, giving him a long kiss.

The door opened quietly.

"Sorry. I'll be out. Um, congrats Seaweed Brain. If you hurt him Jason, let's just say I know a few people who can hide bodies pretty well." Annabeth warned, walking in.

Percy pulled away.

"Annabeth–" He began, but was interrupted.

"It's cool." Annabeth insisted, turning herself and walking out.

"That was easier than intended." Jason commented after a few minutes. Percy chuckled, kissed his cheek, and smiled.

"Thanks for the kiss." He whispered, Jason smiled. "There's more where that came from." Jason replied.

Frazel (Frank x Hazel)

"How should we tell Hazel?" Percy asked, getting slightly comfortable with the idea of coming out to the Argo crew.

"I'm not sure." Jason mused, "She can't walk in on us kissing. That'd be awkward." Percy decided, "True." Jason agreed.

"Hm. Maybe we could tell her with Frank? Lesson the blow?" Jason suggested.

"Okay. Might as well kill two birds with one stone." Percy decided. "Hopefully Frank is in human form." Jason joked, Percy rolled his eyes.

"Okay. Shall we?" Jason said, Percy nodded, the two boys hands gently intertwined.

"Hazel, Frank, can you guys come in here?" Percy yelled, opening the door to Jason's room.

"Yeah." Frank hollered back. "Sure." Hazel replied gleefully, then slipped over.

A few minutes later, Frank came in, but in Cheetah form. "Frank. Human form please." Jason demanded gently, Frank quickly transformed.

"We have a question." Percy began, looking slightly nervous now.

"How do you guys feel about same sex relationships?" Jason continued, Hazel looked at them confused, and Frank shortly asked later. "You mean like, boys dating boys, and girls dating girls?"

"Yep." Percy told him. Frank shrugged.

"Whatever. You guys do you. I have no reason on why I should tell you not to. Be happy or whatever." He responded, looking at them.

Percy smirked, "Thanks Frank." Jason said gratefully, intertwining his fingers with Percy's.

Hazel, still confused, decided to ask a question. "Is that considered normal?" Her golden eyes looking at the boy's hands, and her lips in a small frown.

"To some people." Jason answered, Percy held his breath. Hazel glanced at Frank, he gave her a soft smile and nodded.

Hazel's frown quickly turned into a joyful smile. She shrugged her shoulders. "Okay! Bye guys." She decided, then left the room.

Frank followed after a few minutes. "Yes." Percy breathed, letting out a sigh of relief. Jason nodded.

Out of all the seven demigods on the ship, Piper was the last to know about their relationship.

Coach Hedge had learned from Hazel, who was still curious about this type of love. He later congratulated them, and moved on.

Meanwhile Hazel's questions were answered by Leo— who they learned was bisexual! (Yayy!! Bi!Leo!!!!) So nearly everything was okay.

Minus the fact they had yet to tell Piper. . .

You see, Jason was a bit hesitant to tell his ex-girlfriend that he had moved on. It just seemed awkward to him, and he was really nervous!

"It'll be okay." Percy reassured him (again), it was like a repeat of himself when they came out to Annabeth.

"I don't think I can do this." Jason admitted, Percy rolled his eyes. "Yes you can." He encouraged.

"Maybe later?" He asked, voice squeaky. Percy sighed, "I guess. Let's just go to breakfast." Percy replied.

Jason let out a breath silently, unaware he was holding it until then.

Together, they walked to breakfast in silence.

Soon being greeted by multiple smells of foods, the clatter of dishes, and the laughter/chatter of the crew.

"Hey guys." Percy said, sitting down.

"Morning." Piper told him.

Jason sat down quietly.

"Hey pipes?" Percy asked, Piper looked up from her pancakes. "Yeah?"

"Guess what?" He challenged.

What is that idiot (who I somehow love) doing?!

Jason thought worriedly.

"I've fallen in love with someone." He told her after a few minutes of silence form the Daughter of Aphrodite.

Piper raised her eyebrow. "Oh really?" She smirked. "Yeah. Sorry, it's your ex." He mentioned casually, taking a sip of orange (blue) juice.

Piper opened her mouth, nothing came out.

Jason bite his lip, she glanced at him. "Is this true?" She asked him. "Yep." Jason said with a new found confidence.

Kissing Percy's lips quickly, Jason returned to his eggs.

"Not at the table guys!" Leo joked, Annabeth rolled her eyes playfully, and Piper remained silent.

The next night, there was a knock on Jason's door. "You want to get if?" He asked Percy, Percy shook his head. Not bothered to move, the teens body being sprawled out across the floor.

Jason just nodded, then got up to open the door.

"H-hey Piper." He said, surprised to see her at his door. "Jason. I'm sorry." She whispered, "Why?" He questioned.

"I support both of you. Love is love. No matter how different." She said, then left.

"Who was it?" Percy asked, face to the floor.

"Piper." Jason answered, "She said love was love, no matter how different."

"Cool." Percy muttered. "Love you." "Love you too."

Hey guys!! 20.9K!!!! YAYYYY!!! Sorry I haven't updates recently, I'm suffering writers block.


-Bridget Di Angelo 🌈

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