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Jercy - Oneshot #2

"So. . . What's up with Percy?" Jason asked, sitting at the Argo II's breakfast table. AnnaBeth remain quiet, as if she had never heard him. Piper looked at Jason, as if thinking he was a complete idiot. Frank and Hazel where talking privately in hushed tones. And Leo wasn't smiling, "Jason. We think it's because of her." Piper said, saying her like venom off her tongue. Leo had pointed directly at AnnaBeth, who was looking at the ocean. As if trying to block every me out. "AnnaBeth. What's wrong with your boyfriend?" Jason asked, almost pained by the words. Boyfriend it nearly hurt Jason to think of it. Just knowing that he would never be happy, and always being alone. Seeing Piper had understood and accepted him being gay- but he fully knew that half of the people here, at the table, probably wouldn't. "Percy. AnnaBeth, what is wrong. With. Percy?!" He said, he was getting pretty angry now. Just thinking about how Percy may be crying his eyes out, thinking no one cares, and he may even be cutting- it killed Jason not to know what he did behind that closed door. "I-I may have b-broken up with him. A-and said I had hated him. A-after he told me something." AnnaBeth replied sheepishly. "After all you've been through!" Jason whispered, his voice high pitched and almost nonexistent. Piper tried to grab his arm but before she could do it Jason had gotten up. "Bye AnnaBeth I am going to Percy. You know- your ex-boyfriend!" He spat, glaring at her with hatred. Percy was an amazing guy. And she had hurt him! Percy loved her! And she just broke up with him because of a thing he had told her! He had probably had that weighing on his chest for years! Months? Maybe as little as a few days, but it angered Jason. Percy had gone into Tartarus for her for Pluto's sake! He groaned in frustration, and stormed once again to Percy's room. After noticing he had stopped in the middle of the hallway. Finally he had reached the son of Poseidon's door. He knocked softly, hearing sniffles and choked sobs through the thin door. "Percy. Percy it's Jason." He said, loud enough for him to hear. "G-go away!" He said, his sobs clear as day. "Percy. Come on! If you don't open this door I will kick it down." He said, trying to keep his voice serious, and failing to not make it sound sad. Jason turned the door nob. What surprised Jason was that the door was actually unlocked. As if he had wanted someone to come and comfort him- that did not help Jason's guilt what so ever. "Perce?" He whispered, looking in the room. The lamp was off, making it almost pitch black,  Jason's fingers ran across the wall. He stumbled, and found the light switch was in the other side. 'Geez. That was really stupid!' He thought to himself. He took a deep breath before turning on the lights. There, on the floor, in a cocoon of blankets, was the son of Poseidon. "Percy. What's wrong? You can tell me." Jason had said, trying to comfort the crying hero. Percy's eyes where blood-shot from crying, and he looked dehydrated. It was almost funny how he had a look of dehydration on his face. Being the son of the sea god and all. Jason quickly snapped himself to reality, where the blankets moved slightly. "I-i." Percy started to sob again, he shook and his face was tear stained. Jason didn't blame him, after all he may have just cried now. After everything- this quest and many others- he had to cut him some slack. Some people can just be pushed to far. "Percy. You can tell me. Remember the night on the deck. I trust you, and you trust me. And I promise I will love you either way!" Jason said truthfully. Which only made the son of Poseidon cry harder and lung at him. Jason was tackled to the floor, a bear hug was currently in place. Jason slowly sat up, sitting on his feet. He put one of his hands on Percy's back, rubbing it comfortingly. And he put the other on his hair, stroking it gently. "Shhh. Shhh. It's okay, we're okay." He whispered in the son of Poseidon's ear. Percy tightened his grip around Jason's chest. A wet spot from his tears formed, and a little redness was forming from his grip. Jason didn't mind though, he was at least touching him right? 'That sounded wrong.' He thought to himself, and continued to stroke Percy's silky, raven black, hair. Eventually, after 20 minutes of this, Percy had calmed down. He had cried an awful lot, and he had no tears left. So Jason took this as an opportunity to get some information. "So, if you don't mind me asking. Percy- what happened?" Jason said, Percy looked at him. His eyes where sad, but happy? There was a storm of emotions in both boys eyes. (Hurricane- storm. Son of Jupiter- God of sky- storm. Get it? No? Yes? Not the time? I'll stop now.) "W-well I told AnnaBeth something. And S-she freaked." He said, looking pained beyond anything Jason had ever seen. "Well. Can you tell me what you told her?" He asked calmly. Percy looked at Jason with fear. His black hair was messy, and his face was tear stained, but all you got from those blood-shot eyes where fear. He even radiated fear for a split second it seemed. This concerned Jason. "It's okay if you don't! But if you do, I- I will tell you one of my secrets." He bribed, why not? Percy seemed like the perfect guy to tell first-right? Percy nodded hesitantly, thinking the same thing as Jason. "O-okay. I told AnnaBeth that I'm. G-gay Jason. I'm gay." He repeated, Jason felt his lips curl into a smile. Percy looked at him in curiosity for a minute. Jason laughed, Percy was hurt. "It's not a joke Jason!" He said, Jason slowly stopped laughing. "I-I know. It's just. Hahaha, I'm gay to!" He said, Percy smiled slightly. Which to Jason was like a little ray of sunshine. (OH MY GODS I NEED TO STOP!! If you don't get it then please have someone else explain. . .) The boys where both smiling like idiots. "This-" Percy said pointing to the heap of blankets in the middle of the room. "- Is the nest of gays!" He said, Jason laughed. Normal people might think this was weird, but it was pretty funny making fun of yourself? (I've done that before) The boys quickly got the the heap of blankets. They where just talking casually, as if Percy had not been crying his eyes out a few hours ago. Then, someone knocked on the door. The heap of blankets where still there, like a nest around the boys. "I'll get it." Jason said, but gracefully fell in the floor. "Oh no Jason!" Percy said, mocking a worried mother as Jason smiled at him. His beautiful eyes where sparkling, and his smile was all Jason needed at the moment. Percy grabbed Jason's hand, both realizing they where holding hands, they had stopped immediately. Resulting in Jason falling to the floor again. This time with an even bigger 'thump!' "Oh gods!" Percy said, regretting his actions. "I'm okay!" Jason reassured him. "Sorry." Both boys said in sync, noticing that they had been almost on top of each other. The knocking got harder, Percy looked at the door. "Okay I'm coming!" He shouted, opening the door. AnnaBeth stood there. She had guilt written all across her face. "Listen Percy I'm so-" Percy closed the door slowly in her face. Jason resisted to burst out laughing. Percy's expression was serious, you could tell by his poker face- and the way his right eyebrow twitches twice.

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