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Jercy - Oneshot #18

AnnaBeth, Piper, Leo, Nico, Reyna, Jason, and Percy all sat in a circle on the floor of the Poseidon cabin. "Okay, how about, Percy! Truth or Dare?" Reyna asked, looking at the son of Poseidon.

"Dare." Percy said confidently, Jason almost gulped. He wondered what would happen, Percy and him had been in a secret relationship for months now. It would break his heart if she dared him to kiss AnnaBeth. Especially after the nightmares both had suffered the last week. Jason longed to feel the boy's arms around his waist again, and his warm breath against his nose.

"I dare you to. . ." Reyna paused, Pipers face lit up. Piper crawled over and whispered something in Reyna's ear. Reyna shrugged but nodded. She took a deep breath. Smiled wickedly, and looked at her victim. "I dare you. To kiss. Jason!" She said, Piper was smiling like crazy, and AnnaBeth laughed silently. Both boys almost laughed out loud. They had no clue. . .

Still, Jason blushed, he had nothing against this dare. But really Piper? Right here? Jason glanced at Percy. Percy shrugged, and nodded. "Your not going to even put up a fight?" Nico asked, his eyebrows raised. "I mean. . . Nooooo! I don't want to kiss Jason! AnnaBeth would be me one and only choice!" Percy said, he was always a terrible liar.

Percy saw Nico roll his eyes, and Leo smirked. "What are you waiting for lover boy? Kiss him." He told Percy, Leo snaked his arm around Nico's waist. For once, Nico didn't protest. Percy smiled, and looked at Jason.

"Okay." He stated before Jason felt Percy's lips crash into his. Jason instantly kissed back, and heard Leo chuckle. The kiss broke, sadly, and Jason's once warm lips felt cold. "Clearly we knew you were dating. Who else?" Nico asked, Leo was now holding his hand.

No one else raises their hand, we had done pretty good at hiding it. "Seriously?! You didn't think about how they went to each other's cabin every night? Literally climbed to the others bunk? Or even clung to the others chest? You guys seriously didn't notice how they pecked each other's cheeks?!" Nico said, flabbergasted.

"They did most of those things before. We just thought it was one of those 'bro things.' I didn't see much difference personally." AnnaBeth told Nico, Nico sighed. "You guys are all idi-" AnnaBeth cut him off with her glare. "You guys are. . . Creatively Minded people." Nico responded, nervously.

Percy placed his head in Jason's lap, he was siting cris cross Apple-sauce, Indian style, etc. "Are we going to continue?" Jason asked the group, his hand finding its way to Percy's forehead. Jason rubbed Percy's forehead with his thumb, his palm in Percy's nest of black waves.

"It's your turn genius." Leo reminded Percy. "Oh no my hearts been wounded by your sarcasm. Anywhoooo. . . Leo. Truth or. Dun. DUn. DUN! Dare?" Percy asked, Jason smiled softly. "I pick. . . Truth." Nico added a fake dramatic gasp.

"If. And I mean if. Nico, somehow just. . . Walked away. And you couldn't find him- yet everyone kept implying they had seen him no more than an hour or a few minutes earlier. What would you do?" Percy asked him, "Be honest." Piper charmspoke. "I'd be confused. And hurt." He answered, the group thought he was done.

He wasn't done. "I'd think he left me. After everything. After those nights, those few hours might have been newly considered the worse. Worse than the flames that I made that killed my mom, worse than any abusive foster parent, even worse than when I was on the run. I would have tears sting my eyes, desperately trying to escape. But I would pinch myself, control my emotions. And wait. If it passed more than a few days. I'd crack.

My body would break down. No more happy guy fascade. I'd let down the mask I've kept for so long. And cry, I'd do anything really. I'd have no control. And that night at the dock with him would repeat. Except, he wouldn't be there to save me. I'd drown in emotional pain, to excruciating to even speak. Within a month I'd die at my own will. Right after asking his dad if he's seen him. If he's alive, it wouldn't matter. He left- and I was beyond broken. I'd do things no one would think I'd do. An explosion, anything that would make my death look accidental. As long as if get to see Nico again."

Leo had tears in his eyes, looking off in the distance. Nico had a few tears running down his face for his boyfriend. And Piper had a look of pure terror. AnnaBeth was mad to say the least- Percy only knew why. A sister of hers committed suicide- it made her heartbroken for months! She didn't want to loose someone again. On the other hand, Percy and Jason, they were angry and sad. Sad that they'd even get that type of answer. And angry that they had brought that side out of him.

Leo slowly got out of the charmspeak. "I'm sorry." He whispered, Nico kissed his cheek. Whispering something, no one understood what he had said. But it seemed to help Leo.

"Let's stop for now. We can pick up tomorrow when the others are here." Piper told the group. They all exited Poseidon cabin. Reyna grumbling how she never got to give someone a dare. Not that anyone minded- she was the scariest person to ever get called on and called by.

Only Percy and Jason remained in his cabin. Just lying there, not moving, and not really knowing what to respond to. Leo's reply, their 'coming out kiss.' Or Cassidy. They both were still trying to move on.

Finally, Jason spoke. "I'm sorry. About what I made us all hear." Jason whispered to Percy. Percy looked into his electric blue eyes. "It's okay. A-at least we know that Leico will last." Percy said, trying to lighten the situation. Failing if he has any say in it.

"Let's. . . Move on." Jason whispered, "From what?" Percy asked him. "Cassie." He had told him. Percy's fingers twitched, his eyes darkening. "I will never move on Jason. I can pretend I'm over it completely. Just like with those wars, and that. . . Place. But I can't ever move on Jason. Not fully." Percy whispered, tears nearly leaking out of his eyes.

Jason noticed this, deciding to drop the topic within the next minute. He apologized and then decided to just say it. "I love you." He blurted, Percy's face burned. A blush quickly forming. He didn't know how to respond. Well, he could? But he is only his boyfriend of 4 months. Percy took a deep breath and just decided to say it.

"I love you to."


Okay, serious time. Hey guys!! How was it? Nah? Yay? Anywayyyys. . . I have decided to take suggestions/requests. PM me- or even comment. I will mention you, and make sure people now that you gave me the request. Please know that I may not update as often. Seeing school started up again. But I am trying to update! Now, time for my to be myself : OMG MORE THAN 500 VIEWS!!!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!!!😘💙😍😘💙😍😘💙😍😘💙😍😘💙😍


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