Dreams (Part 1!)

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Jercy - Oneshot #33

"Night Bro. Night Leo, Frank, Nico, Will, and Robin." Percy said, pulling his blanket tighter around him. It wrapped around him like a tortilla, and Percy was warm. His hair was wet, but he was to tired to dry it.

"Night my bro!" Jason told Percy, he was sleeping in the bunk under him. "Night." Leo and Frank had told him. "I still don't want to be here. You guys are weird." Robin said in annoyance, rolling over and ignoring the boys. "Night. I agree with Robin guys." Nico commented. Will laughed sleepily. Robin had started to doze off. "That hurt sis! And Nico I thought you were liking this!" Percy joked, yawning. "Get 'ver it!" She muttered sleepily before finally sleeping.

"I'm not a weirdo Angel." Will had stated sleepily, how words slurred slightly. It was almost as if he was drunk. Well, that might be what happens when you keep a son of Apollo up past 10. (The guys weren't even sure how Will survived until 12!)

"Your to sleepy to function William!" Nico said jokingly. "But you lurve meh!" Will said, his sleep diverted self started to slip in his old, country, accent.

"Yeah yeah!" "Admit it Darlin!" He said, right before passing out on Nico's shoulder. Nico sighed, and slowly fell asleep to Will's warmth. Then, it went by quickly. Leo and frank had fallen asleep within minutes of each other, after enthusiastically talking about Diet Soda. Long story.

Only Jason and Percy were still awake. They were both in Percy's bed. Seeing Jason and he could talk better. Jason's usually neat blonde hair was a mess, and Percy found this highly attractive. Don't get him wrong, AnnaBeth was still pretty to Percy. But, they were exes, and he was over her. Yeah, apparently Loyalty isn't always for life— luckily it was AnnaBeth who suggested it. So the pair wasn't awkward with each other.

"So. Biggest dream?" Jason asked, placing his head in Percy's lap. Percy chuckled softly. "Don't laugh okay. It's kind of girly." He warned Jason. Jason smiled and nodded. Moonlight shined through the windows, making Jason's eyes sparkle in the moonlight. Percy really wanted to kiss him, but he resisted.

"My biggest dream. It to get married. With my crush, even though they probably don't even like me back." Percy explained, trying not to give out many clues. Jason held back a small laugh.

"It's not that girly. Mines is probably worse." Jason admitted, Percy raised his eyebrow. "Oh really?" He asked, Jason blushed. "Yeah, like for example. My biggest dream. . . It's to kiss someone." Jason admitted.

"You've kissed Piper." Percy pointed out, Jason looked at him. "That's not what I meant." He replied honestly. "What do you mean than?" Percy asked him, "I want to just grab my crush's face and kiss it." Jason said, sleepily closing his eyes. Percy noticed this.

"You can sleep if you want to." Percy told him, "Nah. I'm not that tired. I just want to grab Percy's face and kiss him." Jason said, he was to sleepy to even notice what he had said. Just like Will, Percy blushed.

"Really?" He whispered, "Yeah." Jason said, yawning and gently cupping Percy's face. Jason sat up, and pulled Percy's lips to his own.

Jason pressed his lips onto Percy's lips softly. Percy was hesitant, but eventually kissed him back.


Will woke up, the sun was up technically. And his dad made all his kids wake up when it came up past the horizon. It sucked. It was 6 am. Yep.

Will opened his eyes, and silently looked over at 'Jason's' bunk. He wasn't there, Will was confused. He slowly got up, leaving Nico's cold body. Leo and Frank were on the other side of the room, so he didn't have to be a ninja to get past them.

He looked at Percy's bunk. Hearing rustling, then he saw it. The 2 boys were kissing. Usually he would have been quiet, usually. But, Will kind of lost it. He doesn't want to admit it. But he screamed like a little girl because his OTP kissed. His high pitched scream woke the whole camp.

Including Nico, Leo, Frank, Robin, and probably the gods. Percy and Jason broke apart immediately, but not before Will could take several pictures. Don't ask how he did, he's practically magical!

"Shut up!" Frank yelled, Will continued to scream. By now he was jumping, Nico sighed. He got up, and turned on the light. "The light! It burns!" Robin shouted, hurrying her body under her covers.

"Will what are you doing!?" Nico screamed, covering his ears. Will paused, "OTP!" He stated, Nico sighed. Leo looked at Percy and Jason. Frank walked up next to him. Frank rubbed his eyes, "What's going on?" He asked sleepily, Leo yawned. "His OTP kissed." Leo said casually. "Oh. That's nice." Frank commented, then, the boys realized what had happened.

"Isn't Will's OTP Jason and Percy?!" "Oh my gods your right! I need to get people. Especially the Jercy fan club!" Leo declared, Frank sighed. "You mean those group of girls that stalk them both?" Frank asked, "Yep!" Leo said happily, Nico looked at the pair. "You two are so weird. But. Wait. They kissed?!" Nico exclaimed, Percy blushed harder.

Jason— still sleep diverted said. "Yeah. And I wuv 'im!" While patting Percy's face and falling asleep on him. Percy didn't have the heart to move his head from his lap.

"Do you like him?" Nico asked, quickly placing a hand over Will's mouth. Percy bit his lip, then looked at them. He smiled shyly. "Yeah. In fact, that kiss was better than the ones I shared with AnnaBeth, multiplied by 80,000!" Percy said, careful not to wake Jason.

"Well. Night. Again!" Leo told Frank, Frank rolled his eyes and both boys went to their nest of blankets.

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