Freo Wedding! 🔗

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Jercy - - Oneshot #52

"Kids! You guys ready?" Jason shouted, dressed in a light blue dress shirt, black pants, and leather shoes. "Jase, you buttoned the buttons in your shirt wrong." Percy said, before laughing.

Jason faked a pout, "You're so mean." Jason joked sadly, Percy smirked. "Oh come 'ere." Percy told Jason, tugging on the collar of his dress shirt. "Careful!" Jason exclaimed, Percy just nodded, and started fixing Jason's buttons.

"You're wearing a tie?" Jason asked, looking over Percy's dress attire.

His husband was wearing, long, khaki pants (Which here surprisingly clean!), a lilac dress shirt, black dress shoes, and a silver tie. "You look good babe." Jason commented, his face soon meeting Percy's head. Percy gave out another laugh, "I look like a model from Victoria's Secret." He joked, it was Jason's turn to laugh. Suddenly, his face turned stonely, "Are you suggesting. . .?" Jason trailed off, eyeing the hallway and up the stairs, making sure the kids weren't there.

"Um, I mean, yeah, um, if you, uh, oh, if you want." Percy stammered, his face turning slightly red. After all, he was staring right at Jason's bare chest.

Jason felt his cheeks heat up slowly, his cheeks turning pink, then red. "After the wedding." Jason blurted out, Percy nodded, finishing his buttoning job.

"All done." He told Jason, Jason looked at him. "Your tie's crooked." Jason remarked, touching his tie and gently starting to put it in place.

"Daddy! Marea won't give me flower crown!" Amara whined loudly, running to the hall. "M-Marea! Give your sister back her flower crown!" Percy shouted up the stairs. "But papa!" Marea whined from her room. "Marea Anemone Graceson." Jason yelled back, warningly.

"Fine!" Marea screamed, sighing dramatically as she got out of her room, walked to Amara, and pushed the flower crown in Amara's hands.  "There." She huffed.

"You kids ready to go?" Jason asked, "Almost ready!" Summer announced, poking her head from out of the upstairs bathroom. Her face had slight make up on it, her black locks only halfway curled into tight, small ringlets.

"What about Cayden and Oliver?" Percy questioned, looking at his three daughters. "Um, I haven't seen them recently." Summer admitted, adding an awkward, nervous laugh.

Percy sighed, "Let's go then." Jason said, both adults started walking up the stairs. "Cayden! Oliver! It's time to leave!" Jason said, knocking on the door of the boys room.

"One minute dad! I can't find underwear!" Cayden called out, Marea's nose scrunched up, and she had a small smile. "E-Ew!" She yelled, laughing. "Cayden Victor Graceson you better not have spent the last 2 hours in that room without any underwear on!" Jason said, Cayden then opened the door. "I haven't, I've just been wearing the same underwear for the past week." He explained, Jason looked in the room.

"Is Oliver with you?" He asked his son, "No. Thought he was with Summer." Cayden replied, confused. "Crap. I thought he was with you!" Summer insisted.

"Summer, we will not use that language in front of your younger sisters!" Percy scolded, "As for your underwear problem, Cayden, please. For the love of Venus, just bring down your laundry." Percy said dramatically, opening the doors to Cayden's (And Oliver's) room further.

Percy sighed, looking at the pile of laundry in the corner. "Seriously? We just cleaned that up last week!" Percy muttered, Jason kissed his forehead, "Let's find Ollie." He whispered to him. Percy nodded, and the family started searching for Oliver.

Long story short, the found the kids. In a different time continuum, but they found them.

"Okay, time to go kids." Percy announced, loading them up in the family's car.

They had gotten to the wedding late, but it had yet to start. The halls were chaotic, and both of the soon-to-be-married couple were stressed out. "I can't do this! He'll say no!" Frank said, pacing and running his hands through his (slightly longer) hair. "Kids, go get dressed, Daddy and I have to help Uncle Frank." Percy told them, "Kay." Summer said, starting to lead her siblings to the empty rooms.

"You okay Frank?" Percy asked, looking at the pacing son of Mars. "What if he runs away?" Frank questioned, sounding panicked. "Frank, lets think about this logically." Percy started, "When do you ever start thinking logically?!" Frank exclaimed, pacing faster.

"Jason, you check Leo. I'll stay." Percy demanded calmly, ignoring Frank's. . . comment.

"Listen. Leo loves you Frank." Percy began, "I know, but what if he runs? Doesn't show up? What if he reconsiders?!" Frank asked, Percy sighed before continuing.

"Leo proposed to you. Not the other way around, if he had second thoughts about your relationship he would have sorted them out by the time he proposed." Percy stated, grabbing Frank by his shoulders. "Percy-" "No. Leo loves you, he won't ever walk away!" Percy insisted.

Frank didn't say anything, Percy stared into his eyes. "Listen, your tux is wrinkled, smooth it out. Your hair is messy, use hair gel to smooth it out somewhat, and you look like you're going to faint. Get a hold of yourself." Percy ordered, Frank swallowed loudly, but nodded.

"Go, I gotta help my kids." Percy said, watching as Frank walked off. "Okay, kids." He muttered to himself, walking to the dressing rooms. He opened the door. "Kids, it's just me." Percy said, walking in.

"I'm done!" Marea announced, running out of her small corner of the room. She slammed the curtain out of her way, and was giving Percy a goofy grin. "I look fab!" She decided, looking in a mirror, Percy chuckled but couldn't help it as he agreed.

Marea' seed hair was straightened, making it go just below her small shoulders. She was wearing a short, knee length dress.

It's color a dark, navy blue. Contradicting with her red hair. (Which was starting to curl.)

Her tan shoulders where exposed, with no help from the dresses thin, spaghetti straps. "How do I look papa?" She asked for reassurance.

Percy smiled at his young daughter, "You look beautiful." He told her, looking over the dress again.

There was a black ribbon separating the top and bottom of the dress, the ribbon wrapped loosely around her waist.

"Is my hair done?" She asked, Percy nearly groaned— he had advice on clothes, but hair? He was that terrible stylus that no one wanted to be at by the time their shift starts.

( Girls' dresses: )

"Um, it's very pretty sweetie." Percy answered, looking at her feet.

She was, thankfully, wearing flats instead of the heels Summer stayed she 'Needed right now! Like, seriously, or I won't survive!'

A few minutes later— Percy guessed 15— his other daughters came out in the same dress.

Summer's black hair was in looser ringlets, now looking more like the super-model curls instead of the tight, baby doll curls. Summer sprayed her hair with hairspray, and quickly put on more lipgloss. "Summer, why are you putting in more lipgloss? I think that's plenty." Percy told his daughter, gently taking the tube from her.

Summer sighed but shrugged, she then pulled out a tube of blue-raspberry lip-balm. "I'm not gonna ask." He muttered, looking over his eldest daughters clothing choice.

She was wearing black heels, which looked like Piper's, and her hair was carefully pulled into an elegant pony tail.

"You look good Summer." Percy said, kissing his daughter's forehead. "Mhm!" Summer mused.

Amara walked up to him. "How I look?" She asked bluntly. Percy smiled, "Your hair looks nice." He told her, referring to the pigtails they were forced into.

Amara shot him a big smile. "Yay!" She said, before running to a dressing room door. "Amara–" Percy started, but Amara opened the door.

"Hi Cayden!" She screeched, Percy's eyes widened.

Cayden let out a high-pitched scream.

"Amara!" He yelled, in only his underwear. "Oopsies." Amara said innocently, before running behind Percy.

"Surprise!" Oliver screamed, pushing himself through the hole at the bottom of the dressing rooms. (They highly resembled a completely empty bathroom stall!)

Percy and Jason walked down the aisle as groomsmen (is that what they're called??). Shortly followed by the brid—groomswomen.

Soon, the music started, and Frank stood by the altar, nervously sweating and mouthing words.

Percy choked back a laugh, and bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself as he thought of the wedding he had with Jason. Or as Aphrodite deemed it, "The 'Jercy' Wedding!" Before squealing at the title and explaining every detail to whoever would listen.

Frank then messed slightly with his Krisp white shirts collar, looking at his wine red tie and black tux, he desperately eyes the doors.

Finally, Leo came out. His hair was a tad smokey– but he looked well. He was smiling gently, his eyes slightly misty.

Percy swore he could hear a "Oh Mars, he's so beautiful." From Frank as he watched Leo walked down the aisle in his mother's hand.

Before asking, yes Leo's mother's dead, but as a wedding/engagement gift— Nico managed to pull a few strings— which resulted in Frank and Leo's mother's coming back to the mortal world for 2 weeks.

Emily– Frank's mother– stood on the other side of Chiron. The priest, yeah, Chiron had a lot of hidden talents.

"Goodbye, mi hijo." Esperanza told Leo, giving him away to Frank. She then joined Emily.

With Leo in a smooth, black collared shirt, and a wine red tie (also)— Frank blushed. Frank looked over his soon-to-be-husband.

Leo looked amazing, from the clean, spotless white tux, to his leather shoes. Even with his hair smoking, to Frank, he looked stunning.

Chiron cleared his throat, catching the attention of everyone— even the ones in awed trances.

"Hello Demigods, Parents that fell for the gods, and godly Parents. We are gathered here today to join these two demigods in marriage!" Chiron announced, Leo saw a tear drop from Frank's eye and run down his cheek.

Leo sniffled, and he heard his mother choke down a cry.

"Leo?" Chiron asked, Leo quickly snapped out of his trance.

"The vows." Frank whispered, Leo blushed, but nodded.

"Frank." He began, taking a deep breath. "Ever since I saw you, I knew you were special. Whether it was first as friend, then a crush later on, or even a boyfriend slash fiancé. We've been through so much together, even if we were mad. We've been through fights, friend drama, and even quests that were just. . . Generally bad. But even so, I still love you. And I would be honored, so honored to become your husband." Leo paused, taking a shaky breath. "No joke." He added, giving him a shaky smile.

Frank had tears running down his cheeks slowly, "Frank." Chiron said, wiping a few tears away himself.

"Leo, I love you. I can't live without you. You helped me with my problems, and I helped you with yours. I used to dream as a kid about my future. I'd always see myself with someone I love, getting married, and having a family. Well Leo, it's the future now. I love you Leo Valdez, and- and." Frank let out a breath. "I'd love to be your husband." Frank said, Leo wiped a tear from his eye.

"Repeat after me." Chiron demanded, then Percy spaced out again.

"I pronounce you man and husband." Chiron boomed, Percy blinked, then smiled.

"You may kiss–" Before Chiron could finish, Leo smashed his smooth lips into Frank's.

Frank moaned, and slowly wrapped his left arm around Leo's waist, right hand on his hand– pulling his new husband closer.

"Continue kissing the groom." Chiron said.

The crowd cheered loudly for the couple.

Emily, Esperanza, and Cayden started crying.

"Cayden, you okay bud?" He asked his son, touching the sleeve of his suit.

(Boys suits: )

"I always get emotional at weddings." Cayden said, and started to cry again. "It's okay." Percy said awkwardly, patting his son's shoulder.

"I pronounce Mr. and Mr. . ." Chiron trailed off, looking at the couple.

"Um. My name?" Leo asked, Frank bit his lip. "I don't know." He mumbled, embarrassed. Leo sighed, but still smiled, "Hm. Maybe we could go Vang's?" He suggested.

Frank smiled, "I'd like that." He replied, "Vang." He answered to Chiron.

"I now pronounce Mr. and Mr. Vang!" Chiron bellowed.

Cayden cried harder.

"This is nice." Jason commented, looking at the pair as they kissed again.

"Remind me of our wedding." Percy mused, Jason reached over and kissed Percy's forehead.

"Let's go get cake." Jason said, "What do you think they'll do for their honey moon?" Percy asked as they gathered their kids to have cake.

"Same thing we did." Jason answered, "Pee on a cactus?" Percy asked, chuckling.

Jason turned red. "That was once!" He defended, "It was twice." Percy corrected.

"Love you goof-ball." Jason said, watching Frank and Leo cut the cake.

"Oh my gods." Percy laughed, seeing that Frank put cake on Leo's nose— which resulted in Frank getting a face full of cake.

THANKS A BUNCH!! And thanks for the request (can you call it a request??) generalorgana !!!!!!!


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